Final Fantasy (NES) English -> Latin Translation by abw Version 1.0 (99%) Release Date: March 14, 2010 About the patch: Working on FF6 was becoming more and more like work than fun, so I decided to pick up a smaller project to revive my interest in translating video games, and what better than the original Final Fantasy? Progress: I'm calling it version 1.0, but this is not *quite* a complete translation. I was too lazy to bother with the fancy "FINAL FANTASY" graphics on the world map and bridge/ship game screens, or to figure out and recode the drawing of the "The End" text at the end of the game. Those few instances aside, the remainder of the game is entirely in Latin. Thanks to Lenophis' Battle DTE fixer upper patch, without which the enemy names would have had to be shortened considerably. As it is, instead of being totally incomprehensible, the Latin names merely suffer from roughly the same amount of degradation due to abbreviation as the English names did. Speaking of abbreviation, here's a handy list of the game's spells in English, Latin, and unabbreviated Latin for anybody who doesn't want to try guesing what TIGN might mean: CURE CURA HARM NOCE (NOCETE) FOG TEGE RUSE IMGN (IMAGINES) FIRE IGNS (IGNIS) SLEP DORM (DORMITE) LOCK PIGR (PIGRA) LIT FULM (FULMEN) LAMP LUX MUTE AVOX ALIT TFUL (TEGE FULMINE) INVS VANS (VANESCE) ICE GELU (GELUS) DARK NOX TMPR TMPR (TEMPERA) SLOW TARD (TARDATE) CUR2 CUR2 (CURA II) HRM2 NOC2 (NOCETE II) AFIR TIGN (TEGE IGNE) HEAL SANA (SANATE) FIR2 IGN2 (IGNIS II) HOLD TENE LIT2 FUL2 (FULMEN II) LOK2 PIG2 (PIGRATE) PURE PURA FEAR METU (METUS) AICE TGEL (TEGE GELU) AMUT VOX SLP2 DRM2 (DORMITE II) FAST CITE CONF TURB (TURBATE) ICE2 GEL2 (GELUS II) CUR3 CUR3 (CURA III) LIFE VITA HRM3 NOC3 (NOCETE III) HEL2 SAN2 (SANATE II) FIR3 IGN3 (IGNIS III) BANE PEST (PESTILENTIA) WARP REDI (REDITE) SLO2 TRD2 (TARDA MAIUS) SOFT MOLL (MOLLI) EXIT EXIT (EXITE) FOG2 TEG2 (TEGETE) INV2 VAN2 (VANSCETE) LIT3 FUL3 (FULMEN III) RUB MORS QAKE MOTU (MOTUM TERRAE) STUN STUP (STUPEFACE) CUR4 CUR4 (CURA IV) HRM4 NOC4 (NOCETE IV) ARUB TMOR (TEGE MORTE) HEL3 SAN3 (SANATE III) ICE3 GEL3 (GELUS III) BRAK STAT (STATUA) SABR TMP2 (TERMPERA II) BLND CAEC (CAECA) LIF2 VIT2 (VITA II) FADE AMOV (AMOVEMINI) WALL TOMN (TEGE OMNIBUS) XFER INER (INERMES) NUKE FLAM (FLAMMA) STOP SIST (SISTITE) ZAP! EDUC (EDUCITE) XXXX XXXX Thanks also to William A. Whitaker and his WORDS program for providing the world with a Latin spell-checker and teaching me the correct spelling of the word "quattuor" :p Contact: Fan mail, insults, comments, suggestions and the like can all be sent to I only read mail infrequently, however, so don't be upset if you don't receive a response in a timely manner :p