Ganbare Goemon 1 README.TXT Ganbare Goemon 1 v1.02 Copyright(c) 1998-2003 Dragoon-X Translations Public Release: 9.27.03 Check for the latest on this patch, and other projects by Dragoon-X Translations Please send bug reports to I. Patch Information A. Introduction 1.) Kueller's Comments B. Game History 1.) The Illustrious Goemon 2.) Prior Translation Attempts 3.) Patch History C. Ganbare Goemon Translation Staff D. Thank You's E. Copyright Information A.) Introduction 1.) Kueller's Comments This release marks Dragoon-X's first translation release of the new year, hopefully one of many to come in remainder of the year. This translation was sort of an unexpected project, given to me by Spinner 8 right before his quitting the scene. I questioned his motive for wanting to work on Ganbare Goemon, because as you all know, another patch exists for this very game, by none other than Neo Demiforce. He explained that there were several reasons as to why he chose this particular game. As you may or may not know, Ganbare Goemon 1 is a Konami game, which usually means a weird mapper and low compatibility with current NES emulators. Along with their localization patch, Neo Demiforce also included another hack which allowed the game to be somewhat playable in NESticle. From what Spinner has told me, this hack only works up to a point in NESticle, and once that point is reached, graphics become distorted and the game crashes. Another reason this game was re-translated was because of the Neo Demiforce patch was, as far as I have been told, incomplete. My role in this translation was not a big one, but Spinner wanted me to finish it and release it under DX, and so I did. B.) Game History 1.) The Illustrious Goemon The "Goemon" series in Japan is quite popular, with games spanning over every major Nintendo console. Despite it's popularity in Japan, no attempt was made to bring Goemon to America. However, recent interest in the Goemon series has led to a strong movement to translate these interesting games. 2.) Prior Translation Attempts The only other translation attempt that I am aware of for this game is the Neo Demiforce translation. The current patch covers approximately 70% of the game's text, however, I am assuming the game freezes and crashes earlier than that in NESticle. 3.) Patch History v1.02 - I haven't thought about rom hacking in about 3 years. Spinner IM's me and says that one part of the game isn't translated, that being the ending. Spinner fixes, and asks me to make a quick addition to the readme. And here you have it. Ending sequence translated, courtesy of everyone's faaaaavorite donut man. V1.01 - Minor bug fixed with mislalignment of text in gambling scenario. V1.00b - Public beta release. V0.99b - Private beta release. C.) Ganbare Goemon Translation Staff Production: Kueller Spinner 8 Translation: Xeur Lead ROM Hacking: Kueller Spinner 8 Beta Tester: Neil_ D.) Thank You's Dragoon-X Translations would like to thank the following people: Neil_ - Thanks for beta testing on such short notice! Confederated Translation Company - For having the spot translations done. Fek'ihr - Providing Dragoon-X with webspace. Thanks! #romhack - Always good for a laugh. Spirit in the Contraption - Anxiously awaiting the relaunch... Spinner 8 - ph33v1r15h m4d bugr3p0rt3r ArnoldRimmer83 - Thanks for the savestate! E.) Copyright Information Ganbare Goemon 1 is copyright (c) 1986 to Konami. Dragoon-X Translations is in no way affiliated with Konami, and hence, this patch should _NOT_ be distributed with the ROM, either in a zip, or "prepatched". This translation is copyright (c) 1998 - 2003 by Dragoon-X Translations, and is intended for private use. I swear to God, someone will die if I find this on eBay, or in Electronics Botique. All rights reserved.