------------------- Game Information ------------------- 1) Name: Nekketsu! Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes 2) Developer: Technos Japan Corp. 3) Year of publication: 1993 4) Genre: Basketball with an admixture of fighting and RPG ------------------- Patch Information ------------------- Patch-translation game Nekketsu! Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes in Russian. Author translation: gottaX The name of the original ROM : Nekketsu! Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes (J). Nes SHA-256: 0fa28f60 abb8d2cc bbeee90e 79e3fa16 0a5cf32f eb90f47e bf1a8916 8cff569b MD5: 81909a656f1156807c6c479d9c53bde4 CRC32: 550ee6d5 ------------------- Progress ------------------- Graphics -100% Text - 100% Other - 100% Everything Else - 199,9%:) I tried to translate everything, every inscription, every tile:) But if you will still be omissions / errors, be sure to contact me at gottax@inbox.ru. Thank everyone who helps. -------------------- Instead excuse -------------------- Is not accurate translation from Japanese. The basis of translation was taken 75% of the English translation. Everything else I took from the head. However, given that the game I know almost by heart, the specific differences in meaning between "right" and my translation should not be. Anyway, the walkthrough it does not affect. --------------------- Type I did not understand? .. --------------------- If you have played this game, feel free to skip this paragraph. If you have not played or played other sports game series Nekketsu! (Football, hockey), then read - do not regret it. Genre games combined: a little bit taken from the fighting, basketball, and even RPGs (in the best traditions of Technos Japan). The emphasis, of course, is precisely the "basketball" part of the game. True, call it a basketball would be wrong, because the real rules of basketball as there are none! .. You may absolutely everything! Beating the enemy the most sophisticated ways, by any means at hand (and there are too many!) Here in the order of things. Each team has the basket on each of the three panels, one above the other. The higher the basket, the more points scored when hit. Keep in mind that the Recycle Bin from the frequent hits (especially if you are a fan "to put the ball in the basket) divorced, but they can strap on back. True, the enemy never sleeps, and if you're not looking, he will carry your shopping and stick to your shield! Each shield can hang two baskets simultaneously. Usually if you just hit the top of the basket, it gets the ball and all the lower ones. Points are added for hitting in each basket. I should say a few words about the physics of the ball. Physics of the ball in this game, three-dimensional! It's just something ... The fact is that in the game all done at the highest level! Such qualitative physics you will not see in any sports game with the ball either on the NES, or even on Genesis. The developers tried to glory! Flight / rebound the ball is calculated fairly, unlike most other similar games. This includes all: distance, position player in space (running, standing, jumping), its speed, accuracy of character ... The ball springs back very plausible, but as looks cool when it spins on the rim of the basket before you get (or do not get:)) in it ... In short, to sing the praises of the individual developer can be infinite, it is better to see with my own eyes. How could they implement it on NES'e - the question of questions.: -? Graphics ... She is adorable (in the NES, of course;)) - just look at those backgrounds! Players are traced very high quality, pro ball, I do not speak (See previous paragraph) ... In comparison to other games of this series, here is undoubtedly the most beautiful and high quality graphics. At the same time, developers maximize its optimized, so the game is quite briskly (previous games were famous for their tormoznutostyu). In my opinion, on schedule (and to the rest of) the game is in the top three best quality games on the NES. A few words should be said about the RPG elements. Each character has 5 main characteristics (bring their localized names): vitality, strength, speed, bounce and accuracy. Vitality: Affects how fast you "oklemaetes" from enemy attack with relish - stay tumble until the end of the match:), or immediately on his feet. Strength: You carve the enemy at one stroke, or soak it for an hour:) (Perhaps the strength also affects the throw, but not tested). Speed: Quickly run do? Jump: We jump to the skies, or even from the earth can not tear myself away. Batman forever! Accuracy: Kosykh not take a basketball! Each of the main characteristics you can improve (you can even put them to maximum, however, is not an honest way, but it's basketball with no rules!), Getting after each game won by gifts from the losers. And then there are super-shot ... But I seem, and so many told. Enough:) Here, in general, all the basic features of the game. It should be noted that the game supports multiplayer mode, multiplayer! You can play at least four of them simultaneously on the keyboard (if there's room), though the network (assuming that the emulator supports the ability to play four and the game on the network). --------------------- Note --------------------- I want to note once again that no deyaponizatsii and there is no trace. Who believes that transfer inaccurate / incorrect, could play in the Japanese version:) The other, less fastidious, please play this wonderful toy in Russian. --------------------- Instead of conclusion --------------------- In this series of translations of my games from Technos Japan ends. I believe that more good, decent translation of games the company no. If someone does not agree, write to me at gottax@inbox.ru, discuss. And this is only the beginning! .. I just started to translate the game and ahead of me there are many other interpretations of various classroom games! Wait! ;-) "Don't think you are, realise you are!" BOBAH aka gottax (gottax@inbox.ru) (C) Vladimir Duplyakin, 2003 All rights reserved not translate, but belong to me. Distributed free of charge for private use.