The Glory of Heracles 2: Titans' Downfall by toma and friends !-*Completed patch version 1.31*-! What this time?! You couldn't warp to Loran, and now you can. Nothing big, but it was an inconvenience for sure. I noticed this playing through the game again in PocketNES and figured it was worth fixing. I also fixed a couple of translation goofs here and there, nothing big. Enjoy! Game Info: The game rocks. That's all there is to it. That's why I started my first attempt, and that's why the second attempt worked. Yeah. The game is very DQish, and it's sort of a cross between DQ2 and 3, so all you DQ fans can either jizz your pants or dis DECO for ripping off the DQ game system for a game. But hey, it's done. It's the first "big" project (RPG) I've ever actually finished translating, so I'm really proud of myself. I've been working on it for over two years, so all I can say is that you had all better like it! So here's the kind of instruction manual-esque stuff. I didn't try to get all the descriptions and stuff, because to tell the truth, I don't even know what everything in this game does. Maybe if I had a japanese manual I could translate it too, but I don't. The game is fully playable and beatable and stuff, so that should be good enough for anyone, just think of it as an old game you picked up at a yard sale and you'll be fine... ^_^ Walkthrough: This isn't realy a walkthrough, it'll just get ya started on the right track and help you through the first town, which people seem to have a problem with. First off, you can't name your main character (or any other character for that matter) "Herac". This is because your main character IS NOT Heracles, and the name is reserved for later on. Now, on getting through that town. First thing of all, after you talk to the blue haired girl, you have to talk to the guy walking around way off to the left of her in order to give her a name. Then go to the house in the south-east corner of town and look under the bed upstairs. It's pretty much self-explanatory after that, and even that isn't all too hard to figure out on your own. So anyway, spoilers are bad, so play the game and have fun! Items: Medical Herb (MedHerb): Recovers HP. Antidote Herb (AntHerb): Cures Poison. Carrot: Cures Numbness. Torrent: Cures Stone. Mast Ball: Unleashes an attack on an enemy. Life Pip: This seed can heal almost anything. Night Curtain (NtCurtn): When you're in a town during the day, use this item to make it night. Letter: You'll need this to get into the castle of Nana. Pallos's Flute (PallosFl): This flute will be important later on in your quest. Cutting Tool (CutTool): Useful for removing statues from the ground. Ares's Bone (AresBon): This item has some connection to flight. Rusty Sword and Shield: These are ancient weapons passed down from your grandfather. Tunic: A basic piece of clothing. Spells: Pow: Restores HP. Powra: Restores more HP. Powtes (Powte): Restores even more HP. Kunomisu (KMisu): Cures Poison. Kunopara (KPara): Cures Numbness. Kunostone (KSton): Cures Stone. Dakep: Teleports you out of a dungeon. Noarun (Noarn): Teleports you from town to town. Exis: Destroys the undead. Trello: Causes Confusion. Ailments: Dead (Skull): You're dead, you can't do anything. Sleep (Z's): You can't move during the battle until you wake up. Stone (Stone): You can't do anything in or out of a battle. Numb (Lightning Bolts): You can't do anything in or out of a battle. Confused (Question Marks): You may or may not attack your allies/yourself. Poison (Bottle): You lose 2 HP for every step you walk. Credits: Program Editor toma Translators Maht Zackman toma Ryuukishi Chess Piece Face Robyn Special Thanks prez AWJ blah InVerse UnaFarmer Sheex Disclaimer: Heracles no Eikou 2: Titan no Metsubou is a trademark of Data East Corp. It was not created by The Spoony Bard, CTC, or any other unofficial translation group for that matter. The above groups are not responsible for any misuse of the patch or translation of the game, and will not be held liable for any damages.