魂斗羅 -> gryZor -> Contra ^that basically explains it. - WHAT EXACTLY HAS BEEN HACKED? - Text. In fact, nothing BUT text has been edited besides the title screen. - HOW TO USE AN IPS FILE? - !!! Apply to the Japanese version of Contra [Contra (J)] It may be mislabeled as Gryzor (J)!!! a) use Lunar IPS b) use Nintendulator c) ask someone on a ROMHACKING NET forum or NESDEV site ...if you still can't figure out how: d) Google "IPS Patch" & go from there e) find a whole bunch of aluminum foil, wad it up, & put it in you microwave; then set it to "HIGH" for 5 minutes f) swallow a whole bunch of Altoids & chug a bottle of Coke - VERSION - 1.1: fixed a "glitch" that "ruined" the "gameplay" Thanks to: -Eddie Collazo for letting us have many of his NES games, including Contra :) -Manuel Dillinger for providing accurate translation, whether I was able to use it or not. :/ -RHDN member known as "Pennywise" for giving me competition :D -Konami Kukeiha Club for creating awesome music to listen to while testing this game through -James "QuestMaster" 11/Something/2009