Tao "The Way" walkthrough and translation 2011 c. snark This game is post-industrial apocalyptic fantasy about a red clad hero who develops an alter-ego named Tao who searches for the mysteries of existence while trying to prevent an Apocalypse. Some of the names of town and events are based loosely on the quatrains of Nostradamus, ie the Grand Cross, Angolmis the King of Terror, and also based on Shingon Buddhism and other esoteric sects. Explore a futuristic and anachronistic world that has dinosaur and pterodactyls for transportation. Murder mystery, sci-fi, and occult overtones. Assemble 8 pieces of the trigram, and ather 7 chakra statues and 7 charms of the Star Lords of Ursa Major. Controls A, B and direction arrows. Select Screen Lips -Speak Eye -See Case - Food or regular items Hand - take object Sword - Choose weapon Arrows - Go back to overworld Shoes - Flee battle Clashed Swords - Battle Tai Chi Coin - Status Scroll - Sutra passwords Statue - Chakra figure Charms - Equip charms. Status Counter tracks Skill Power Psychic power Stamina Coin Loans Life Trigram Password function can be entered by pressing select from the beginning. 1st town: Angolmois Agolmois from the king of terror by nostradamus. The unnamed hero begins in his home town of Angolomois. A Huge crater has slammed into the forest, and the townspeople are concerned about the bad weather. The heliport is closed due to wind gusts, and the train station is closed from an earthquake. Talk to everyone in town. The museum fee is 15 coins, and the Kadal Kajma shrine is 10 coins. (If you run out of money, your mother will give you 30 coins more after getting on to you.) See the professor his assistant, and look at the strange fragment with 3 figures. the woman in the hut has an altar to Mara, and asks you to pray to him every day. Below town is a forested area, where you can speak to more townspeople at the Wild Beast Crossing, and at the Master's House. He will tell you the riddle of future's way paved today, and to seek the Ancient One. Visit the master, and then enter the Temple Grounds, which is sacred to Mara. Speak to all the monks, and make sure to enter the waterfall of ascetics. The treasure house has a door of 5 gates that will open later. See the Head Priest and the mummified remains of Mara. The man near the waterfall speaks of reincarnation and 9 lives as an animal to become human. The other monks speak of Satori enlightenment and Buddha. Speak to the man inside the temple stupa twice until he tells you about the treasured Maha Mara Scroll. Leave and return towards the Master's house below town. Carry the old woman from the Wild Beast Crossing. (She will not take no for an answer.) Go back to the temple entrance and pay the 10 coin fee, and you will gain merit for your good deed. A strange demon appears and threatens to loot treasure. go to the Temple Stupa to chase the demon. He enlarges and threatens to take your scroll. Talk to the monk in the building near the waterfall about the fate of animals. Visit the ascetic as he is finally able to achieve Satori and morphs into a fish. Visit the head priest, who says that the scroll was robbed from the house of 5 gates. He speaks to you of the trigram and the 8 elements that comprise it.Five are Wood Earth Fire Metal and Water. he gives you the first element, which is wood. He initiates you and begs you to retrieve the Maha Mara Sutra scroll. Speak to the other monks, and got to the treasure house of 5 gates. The monk speaks of Suzaku the guradian angel of the South who keeps the Scroll safe. The train station is now open. Ride the dinosaur to Moskva. 2nd town Moskva. The inhabitants are worried about the chickens and pigs that have run away, and the lightning that struck the cathedral. The monk tells you strange things have happened, and another man tells you the staion is a pig sty. The women in town haven given donations, and some of them tell you they don't beleive in God and do not want to give anymore to the Sister's Fund. the girl in the top left house complains that the cathedral is ruined, and the Sisters debt cannot be repaid. The cathedral is locked, but a noise is inside. One man tells you to see the mountain witch, who is an Itako, a blind spirit-medium. Go right or left to see her. A spooky idol of Mochonna is nearby, which natives say has become angry due to the weather. Climb Mt Osorezan, the Mountain of fear and fight the mountain spirit. The Witch appears after the battle and rewards you with a Chakra statue carved by a monk from Bishmanda. The Ajna statue is the eye chakra and hits the brow. She lets you know that a wind blows in far off Khalibad. The prison below holds violent criminals, which is not important now. the building in the far right is a clinic that can heal you for 15 coins. Ride the dinosaur train to the desert town of Khalibad. Note: If you die the King of the underworld appears and reincarnates you, and you will return to Angolmois. 3rd town Khalibad Talk to the desert native inside the hut that reminds you to fight and train to erase clouds from your soul, and the villager who tells you about the pain of rebirth. Talk to the man who gives you an old Japanese sword, and equip it. Speak to the natives about the development of Khalibad, the waste treatment plant, an earthquake, and missing herds of animals. A man tells you to stargaze in Om Temple. Go upward to Om temple and speak to the wealthy man in the jeweled Turban who tells you about the rebirth of man and stars and shows you the constellation of Ursa Major. Go down and speak to the native girl in a hut about missing herds swept up by a tornado. Left is the massaage master who will show you finger technique training for 20 coins, which should be done later. Downwards is the waste treatment plant, which you dont have a pass for. Right is ridley tower. Go up and left back to the desert plain and talk to the villagers, who tell you about the lack of animals, cannibalism fears, and to watch birds high in the trees. Go up the ladder and talk to the odd chinaman, who tells you to go to the hunter's tent. The corner right is the hunter's tent who has no more animal skins. go outside and talk to the man about Genbu the Turtle who guards the Northern skies, and tells you to go to Turtle Rock. At Turtle rock, there is a girl who is being attacked by a three eyed lion. Beat the beast, and then she will give you a canteen in thanks and your merit will increase. Visit the hunter. Speak to him and look at his stack of cash. Try too take the cash and fight him. He tells you that professor Yabahama in Angolomois gave him the cash. Visit the odd Chinaman, who warns that bad people chase money. Return to Monkva, then Angolmois. Angolomois Go to the professor's plase by the forest crater. The teary-eyed assistant reports that Professor Yabahama retired and started a new venture in Khalibad. he turns over an excavated treasure, which is a candlestick. Return to Moskva. Moskva Visit the clinic and the Mountain witch, then return to Khalibad, and then go by rail to the new town, Crosston. 4th Town Crosston. Crosston is a strange town filled with monks and a church by a graveyard. Jonas spring in the center has a fountain where you can fill your canteen with water. The Heliport pad is closed. Speak to all the townspeople and visit the house to the far left of the spring. He is a monk from Kadalkajma that is looking for a messiah. Walk into the Salem Church and talk and look at the doorman who makes a joke about holy rollers. The inhabitants of the church crowd you and follow you around, make sure to talk and look at them all quickly. The bottom left area has a defected monk but in the corner above the closet, a floating soul speaks to you about the heart of the Cosmos and Heaven. Speak to the culty church members and walk to the organ. The organist has Groucho Marx glasses for sale at a 30 coin price. Buy them and he will ramble about Armageddon. The monk at the top tells you that he doesnt believe in rebirth because humans are born once. Look at the crucifix and speak to the man that is nearby it. Leave and go directly downward to the area pass the train rail. the three huts contain the psychic training master, a young man that speaks 7 stars and the constellation Ursa Major. The upmost hut is the herbal druggist, who will be of great use later. Listen to his diatribe about the aura. Go to the leftmost home, and speak to the white-cloaked sister. She is upset about the cathedral, and hand you the brass key to it. go on the rails back to khalibad and moskva. Mosva. Use the brass key to open the cathedral. Inside is a child ghost who cries about monsters, and a floating soul who speaks of the torments of hell. Look at them and the Master appears, and thanks you for your compassion. Take the Sahasra Chakra figure he gives you. he says that ghosts cannot enter nirvana, and that they are deaf to prayers and the toll of the grave bells, and that the souls are torn between heaven and earth.Return to Crosston. Crosston. Return to the cottage of the white robed sister. Ganesh appears and the pink elephant wants your life! Defeat him and the sister will share bad news. The Head monk at Kadalkajma has fallen ill at the loss of the scroll. Return to Kadalkajma to find out. Kadalkajma. go to the temple entrance and speak to the monk who tells you to get a potion for the sick high priest from the druggist. Crosston Ride the dino train back to Crosston and by the herb and instructions for 100 coins. Return to Kadalkajma. Kadalkajma Show the entrance monk the herb tea, and give it to the monk for a merit. The monk is restored, but he wants to revive Mara. Go to the meditation house and give 10 coins to learn how to concentrate on 1 point focus for a gain in stamina. Go to Moskva. Moskva Heal at the clonic and visit the mountain witch. She talks to the spirits and says that the Mandarin Medallion revives Mara, and that a witness to a whirlwind was taken, and a cryptic remark about a spinning red swastika. Go to Khalibad. Khalibad Talk to the native girl that saw the tornado. She speaks to you about the animals being swept up to Tokyo to a hidden god. She is swept up to be sacrificed on Fear Mountain. The witch appears and warns of the god mochona devouring sacrifices. She presents Yin Yang Seal, another treasure. The Master in Red appears next and warns you that heavens truth is not high on a building, and to find 3 jewels. Return immediately to Moskva. Moskva. Drums beat on Mt mochona and the girl is on the Altar to the god of the Cosmos Mochona. The god appears after you defeat the natives, and he has eight arms. Fight him and he is angry that you defy him, and fight him again. Professor Yabahama appears and stops you from defeating Mochona. He says that he could hear space aliens as a boy and climbed on top of a building and became possessed by an outer space god. He vows vengeance and leaves. The girl thanks you for saving her and gives you the Vishuda statue. Go to Crosston and take the heliport pad to Kanbal. Kanbal. Enter the hut of the monk who has a swastika altar to Mara. Leave and get the flame bottle from the girl you saved from a Lion. she also tells you about a dragon lady that blows poison gas. A man warns that loans are Hell, and other people say to look for a Red Swastika, and that this land is home to the ancient one. The police station is nearby, as well as Sharky's Loan which is is not to be used unless repaid very soon. The building at the far left has a scarfaced fellow who sells you a machine gun for 500 coins. Take it! Go to the red Swastika Shrine, where the ancient one tells you that the 3 treasures are for sale. The man who sells you the gun warns that priests sell heaven. Go upward to the home of the Master. he tells you to train more and find 3 treasures, but tells you that they are formless and to beware imitations. Return to Khalibad. Khalibad In Ridley Tower, a thug invites you to see the billionaire Ridley. ridley needs you to find the 3 treasures and buy them for him, take the money for an offer you cannot refuse. With 2000 coins in hand return to Kanbal. Kanbal Return to the Ancient One's Red Swastiks shrine and buy the first treasure a monks gold stole. He tells you to place it on the altar. talk to the ancient one again, and he tells you about the 3 treasures and speaks to lost souls. Equip it and go to the monks's hut. He gives you a brass incense burner which is another treasure, and tells you the 5 gates are open at Kadalkajma. Return to Angolmois. Angolmois Enter Kadalkajma shrine and go to the Treasure House. Suzaku the white crane guardian of the South, is facing North, which is puzzling. The monks tells you to speak to the Mountain witch. Go to Moskva. Moskva The mountain witch says that the odd Chinaman found something terrible in the ground of Khalibad. Go to Khalibad. Khalibad Go to Turtle Rock, and find that Genbu the guradian of the North is facing South. Hmm... mysterious. Go to where the odd chinaman was. A cop is there who complains about Poachers. Look at him and he tells you that smugglers escaped through a crossing, and dropped something. Try to take it. He thinks it is a bomb. Look at it. It has a note and postcard that says" A Grand Cross over Atra forest, a star falls." It is addressed to you! Look at it and take it. It is the Anhata figure! Return to Angolmois. Angolmois. visit the fellow who saw the meteor and red fireballs. He tells you about a new museum exhibit. Enter the museum and see a mysterious artifact that was excavated from the crater. It is the Mandarin Medallion! Take it from the curator. Fight him, and notice his fangs. He dies, and an evil spirit is transferred from his body to the mandarin medallion. The girl tells you to escape as the police are coming. The policeman has a noose for you! Fight him but there are more whee he came from. When you run out of lives, you will be sentenced and incarcerated. Jail Inside you have been charged of robbery of the medallion and murder of the curator. Meet Oomoto Hajime, also known as First Born. This criminal tells you that Ridley still needs his favor, which is to become King of the World by taking the 3 treasures. he mentions a Histar Lord of Demons who tempted Ridley. He shows you a way out, provided you beat up the jailer. Voila! you are back in Moskva, near the Mountain of Fear. Go back to Angolmois. Angolmois. Go straight to the head monk of Kadalkajma and use the medallion to revive Mara. Select the Medallion from the weapons, and revive Mara of 8 virtues. He tells a sad tale of how his dsiciples betrayed him, and the meal of poison he ate to mummify himself. He speaks of the Mara Sutra scroll, and how it was rewritten by other people's hands. For 500 years he slept in an urn, and he presents it to you as a gift. It disintigrates, and Mara tells you to fly to Tokyo via Kanbal and visit Mirokuji temple. Visit the Treasure house for a box of incense for the 5th trigram piece. With the medallion in battle you can transform into a demon and become TAO to defeat monsters. Go to Knbal and fly to Tokyo. Tokyo The enemies of Tokyo city are tough. Watch out for the scarfaced city dweller who fights you. A cop tells you that a cult bought up the area. In the middle of the city a hidden gamg member tells you that the Heaven's Treasure sect is a cult. Look at him and he said that those who says Amitaba are fools. A boy tells you that the Ancient One is delusional, and in the upper left hand corner an organic store sells vegetables, Miroku Buns and Kannon Tea. The building flanked by trees is the headquarters of the Mercury Gang. in the upper right corner is a compound for the Zen sect Heaven's treasure. The man beleives that the leader is divine. A townsperson tells you to buy charms uptown. The Red building is home to a monk that sells you the Amita disc. The strange disc promises to make your dream come true. the monk chants Amitaba. Leave and go left to the Amulet Charm house. The kimono cald lady tells you to buy a charm to receive the grace of Lord Raum. Buy a Tonrou charm for wealth, and a Komon charm for spririts. She tells you that the charms open a path back to Raum and waken the ancestor spirit. Go left and visit the man who speaks of a prophet beyond the Orient. Go to Morkuji temple, and lesson to the secret teaching of the Lord Raum who gave birth to 96 billion souls 6 billion years ago. He speaks of Raum as the origin and Mother of all souls and a great cataclylsm and 3 gems are awarded to he who diverts the apocalypse. Return to the Mercury Gang. The members speak of their leader who has gone astray and a female member bades you to find him in Crosston. Go to Crosston. Crosston. Go to the spring. A cop tells you to stand back. A monk chants 'Nam Amida and screams murderer! A Buddha's brow is gushing blood. A cop tells you that the Mercury gang leader first born is repsoible for killing the Buddha. He gets a report that the meteor expert is missing. Go to Kanbal. Kanbal A townsperson reminds you that the 3 gems are formless. Equip the Komon charm inside the altar hut in Kanbal. The Ancestor Spirit leaves the beads of Kukai for you which can be used to evade enemies. Inside Kanbal the cop wonders what the Amita Dissc is for, as it is really an animal eye encased in plastic. Go to Moskva. Moskva. See the moutain witch who tells you that the 7 star lords of Ursa Major give power, which would be in the charms. Angolmois. Go to the cabin of the boy who saw the meteor. Enemies are especially tough now, try to avoid the disembodied souls for now. Inside a forest demon tells you to hand over the Medallion as Lord Histar has descended to the Earth and fallen into the crater. The boy in the rice hat returns. Look at him, and take the Amita Disc. The boy said that he took it to make wishes come true, and he saw one at Salem Church. Go to Crosston. Crosston. Inside salem church, talk to the organist. He has transformed into a neon Octopus! Defeat him, and take his Amita Disc. He awakes from a trance and tells you that First Born saw his Mother's grave, and to visit the Psychic Master. He transforms into a blue beetle. Fight him. Then he tells you about the Amita disc that first Born gave him at his mother's grave. He speaks to you about using the disc, and how he was unskilled in the way of 1 point, and the mark of his eyebrow. He warns about the Disc. He teaches you his method and gives you the Manipura chakra figure and tells you to fly to Bishmanda from Tokyo. Visit the man who talks about constellation. He tells you about a planetray alignment on August 1999, a Grand cross of planets that conjuncts one point, which signifies disaster. Buy nectar and citron bodhi fruit from the druggist to restore your life. Fly to Tokyo. Tokyo. Get the charm of Rokuzon to heal sickness and the charm of Bunkyo to give insight. Go to Khalibad. Khalibad Go to Om Temple. Speak to the Turbaned potentate and he will show you a scroll of escaping death and rebirth.Look at it twice, and talk to him twice. It is the Mara Sutra scroll! Fight the Raja. He speaks of Karma and looks at your heavenly Bunkyo scroll. He is now Mahikale! Defeat him and take the Mara sutra scroll and read it. Go to Moskva. Moskva Speak to the mountain witch in Moskva and listen to her song "Kagome" Bird when will you fly? Dawn dusk Crane Turtle Front Back.The century ends with a true prophet. This cryptic verse is of importance later. Go to Angolomois. Angolmois Go to Kadalkajma shrine. The monks will talk about the 3 gems. Go to the monk in the house near the waterfall. He will tell you that the Mara sutra is a scrap of paper and that truth is 3 gems. Talk to Mara. he will tell you the path of 3 gems is ancient and that Confucious Lao Tzu and Christ walked that path and found 3 gems and returned to Raum the mother, and that the Sutras and Scriptures are the same. Mara wars that teachings in this age are corrupt and warped. Go to the ascetic's waterfall. The man under the waterfall saays that to find 3 gems the way must open the doors of five gates: the eye nose ears and mouth, and a 5th portal which is the way to Heaven. Fly to Tokyo via the heliport in Bishmanda, or fly via Tokyo. Bishmanda Enter the first red torii gate to the left, and see the pale woman who cannot speak. Look at her and see her thirst. She calls out for water.Enter the golden city of Bishmanda pagoda. Go to the top right ladder and enter the far right door. A sweaty monk is meditating for one week. go lefyt and talk to the monk who tells you to open the hearts eye. Go down and enter the right pagoda. A smoking girl tells you it is a girls only tower. Look and see that she is the Dragon lady the girl in Kanbal spoke of. Take something from her, and she will be ready to fight. On her defeat she hands you a liter of poison gas, and tells you to remember the world Isshikanten. The monks that walk around the pagoda tell you that 4 princes of Hell guard Histar. The man in red is the Master who tells you that the 3rd eye of man is clouded by delusions. Enter the left pagoda and take the Yaksha Demoness Vajra and equip it, he tells you that the 3rd eye's vision can be restored. Go to the top left ladder. go to the far left and speak to the native who says that the Amita disc is Evil, and that god masquerades as Satan in Heaven's Treasure Cult. Walk right to the Odd Peddler, who went down to Emma-Oh's hell and brought back a Mirror of Deeds that reflects back the vices of lost souls. Go up the ladder to the middle pagoda. The left monk tells you that Raum delivers souls, and the right monk is rather strange. He is old, with a pit in his head where a jewel should be. He tells you that wickedness leads to the Apocalypse, and that evil sprits roam freely. look at him and leave. Go out and back to the thirsty woman. give her the canteen. She tell you that the rainwater dried up. she is afraid of the Amita disc, and tells you that Histar has 3 eyes. She tells you that his magic swept up the animals, and that their 3rd eyes were harbested and placed in the Amita discs for sale. Histar placed the 3rd eye in First Born, but it did not work as planned. she goes on to say that the Amita disc flashes lightning and shows Histar's true nature. She gives you a grenade! Fly to Tokyo. Tokyo Go to the invisible gangster and talk to him and look. He smokes and gives you a lighter. Talk to him again and he tells you that "Isshikanten", the Dragon Lady's word is a spell for the way of one point. Fly to Kanbal. Kanbal Talk to the girl. She gives you green gel to freeze enemies. Talk to the cop, who tells you that First Born was killed and a animal eye encased in plastic was driven into his head. Fly back to Bishmanda. Bishmanda Go back to the sweaty monk who asks you to wash his back. Wash his back for a merit. He notices you have his Chakra statues that he carved. He gives you a treasure which is the Alpha candlestick. He tells you to listen at a Torii to hear about the Messiah. He tells you to avert the Apocalypse by finding the 3 jewels. Return to the Torii with the woman outside of Bishmanda. She tells you to find 3 treasures and open the mind's eye and that the trigram has 3 great lights. she tells you that the 3 Jewels are in paradise and a secret doctrine of Tennen Kobutsu, the Old Buddha. Fly to Tokyo. Tokyo Get the Rencho and Bukyo charm. Go to the Mercury gang headquarters and tak to Yoshiko, who is Firstborn's daughter. Go to Crosston. Crosston. Talk to the old monk that moved to Salem Church. He learns that Tennen Kobutsu is Messiah and in returns gives you the Swajista chakra figure. He lets you know that First Born's wife is in terrible health since he has been murdered. Go to Angolmois. Angolmois. in Kadlkajma shrine, talk to the monk in the Temple Stupa, who tells you that Old buddha opens the Minds eye. Talk to the monk in the top right house. He says that the Minds eye is the door and that truth was not here. Talk to the sweeping monk near the treasure house and see the apparation that tells you not to meditate for Satori enlightenment. Go to Crosston. Crosston. Talk to the Doorman at Salem Church, and listen to him speak of the esoteric kanji studies of Earth and the King of the World, and the invisible door of one point. Talk to his assistant and listen to his story of Jesus on the cross and the one point conjunction to the Heavenly Palace. Speak to the sisters about the Old Buddha being Messiah and the monk who repeats this. Speaks to the monks next to the crucifix who speaks of the doorman and the Heavenly Kingdom. fly to Tokyo. Tokyo Go to the mercury Gang hide out. Talk to First Born's widow and look at her and speak again. Yoshiko is kidnapped. The gang leader comes in and helps the old woman who faints. he tells you to give her nectar. Give the woman nectar for a merit. The gangster tells you that she was not Yoshiko's real mother, and talk to the girl in the compund who was her friend. The man is worried inside the compound because his daughter transformed into a demon. Defeat Ganesh and speak to the girl. Look at her and take her Amita disc. She tells you to find Yoshiko inside the Heaven's Treasure Temple and to use the Chakra figures. Go to the Heaven's Treasure temple and speak to the monk. He tells you that he is sold out of discs. Fight him, and cosmos god Mochona appears telling you that you are bad for his business. Defeat him and Yabahama tells you that luck and granting wishes is his business and he and Mochona morph and disappear. A door appears with no lock. The girl told you to use a hckra figure, and many of the monks spoke of the minds eye which is the Ajna Chakra. Use it to open the door and take the urn of incense. The path ahead is the Heaven's Treasure Crypt. Heaven's Treasure crypt. This spooky place is lined in smoky red. Go to the immediate left. The witch is there and she shows you 3 figures inside the fragment that professor Yabahama found. It looks like it has a diagram with demons springing from it. Use the medallion and defeat it for Histar's mask and fly to Bishmanda. Bishmanda Go to the middle pagoda and speak to the wizened old man. he tell you that scrolls and souls are the same, and that many thousand pray in vain. Look at him and he shows a gold object. He says that many gaze up at the way and that the Spirit and Sutra are illusory gains. The next monk says that the Mind's eye opens the gate which name is door, and that this gate is in the mind.The odd peddler says that there are 3 treasures and the Heaven's treasure cult conceals them. Return to the Heaven's Treasure Crypt in Tokyo. Tokyo Inside the Heaven's treasure Crypt. Venture further and the woman will return you by wind magic to the charm shop for all 7 charms. Get the Hagun charm to ward off evil spirits. Return and the witch will say that your father left a Demon Sword below. go ahead and the witch will give you a forgotten pass. Then she will say a crytpic remark, Tendou beetle heaven's passage and that Jesus points the way. Fly to Kanbal and then Crosston. Crosston. Go to Salem church and see the Crucifix. look at it and find the Tendou beetle or "Heaven's beetle" which is a ladybug with 7 spots. A riddle is spoken about 6 points on the beetle, with 1 point added by god. The shell cracks lady bug fly home on the way of 1 point. then speak to the mustachoi'd monk who says "Future's way paved today" and tells you to go to the old sage at Wild beast Crossing. Go to Angolmois. Angolmois Go below in the forest to the Master. He explains the riddle Road of Dawn is 3 Gems, and the Road of Dusk is Death, and to die is to go to Heaven in peace.He gives you the last figure the Muladra statue and tells you that the Old Buddha is the Buddha of Truth. go to Moskva. Moskva. Go to the top house is to the right and go inside. the Figre of Death is inside. Defeat it ans a monk tells you that sin is hatred. Go to Khalibad. Go to Khalibad. Khalibad In Om Temple the man says rebirth will happen in Paradise. Go to the Waste treatment Plant below and give the man a pass. Speak to him about toxix waste, and he will say that your items are contaminated. Give him your flask, and he morphs into the witch. The witch gives you clear stream water to rain down on Histar! Go to Kanbal and get the aromatic spray from the girl. Fly to Bishmanda and speak to the Master in red. He tells you that beyond Darkness in Paradise and light dispels darkness. He gives you a flashlight. Go to Tokyo Tokyo. Go back to the crypt. the witch says pass by, pass by, the narrow path to Heaven. Go up and a Shiba dog is given to you as a companion. Return and the man will tell you about a 108 pound gold Buddha that will not budge. If you speak to the souls, use a Histar mask or hagun amulet to evade them. Ridley awaits above. Defeat his and he turns into a red angry soul that the dog will scare away. Or you can use the Hagun charm. Above is Yoshiko who is glad you have all 7 charms. she tells you to pass by pass by the path of Terror. She also tells you she is to be sacrificed as Histar's bride. Defeat Ridley a fierce guardian of Hell. Yoshiko collapses and bods you to find Histar's central lair. Go forward into the red pit of boiling blood and lava, past the crucified skeletons and descend into the inner sanctum. Heaven's Treasure Crypt. Use the flashlight, as it has a longer range than the lighter. Go far right and up through the crypt. formidable monsters lurk in the dead end. Avoid a set of stairs after going outside (does this area of Tokyo look familiar?) Above mirokuji that are inside the next crypt that are directly above one another. One is a passage to Moskva and the one below goes out of the closet in Salem Church. Go through the crypt until you reach a tiled central blue and gold area. Take the bottom stairs. Go through the blue ice glass to the left and speak to the odd chinaman! He knew your father and he gives you a Demon Sword. He tells you that 1 point cuts evil also. Go back the way you came and go up to the first set of stairs in the tiled area.Go on the topmost set of stairs. Final Boss Fight. Fight Mochona. Fight Mahikale who says Crane Turtle all must die! Watch the evolution of the buzzdevil into wingdevil and horndevil and whipdevil. Defeat it. Defeat Ridley the gurdian of the 4 Celestial Kings of Hell. The witch appears and laughs that the 4 kingly emperors. Appear. Fight Varama, Yadana, Darama, and the Magus Devana Emperor. the last sings verse from a childrens lullaby the mountain temple bell rings, we all go home. Histar's central lair. Fight the Gold gohonzon buddha, who is Histar. it bades you to bow down and worship it so that it may grant your earthly desires. Defeat it and the head splits in two, revealing a red glowing star. Defeat it. Histar is revealed as a red disc, fed by crackling pulses of lightning energy. It says it is immortal and that it lives in perpetual bliss, and it owns the universe. Throw holy water on it, and it dissolves and shrieks and gives up the 3 gems. The amita disc reveals histars evil nature. The area is now a colorful paradise, and the Crane and Turtle Kagome song plays. The monk says that the Earth has cracked. The sage says that the 3 gems are a vessel of truth. The witch tells you that your ancestors smile and that you are in Heaven. Ganesh is glad that he has found the way. Yoshiko notes that you have the charms and gives you Raum's ray of light and bids you to return. Your mother is glad that you were speaking the truth, and the ascetic monk from the waterfall says that Satori has opened and effrt is futile. Mara tells you that you have reached salvation. Go off the screen. It is now black and the song continues. A bird in a cage appears. The pole shift occurs, which is signified by the reversal of the Crane and turtle on Judgement day. The bird flies from the cage and the song continues about Crane and Turtle. The old Buddha Tennen Kobutsu appears and grants the 3 gems and opens the one point way. The treasures appear and the end credits roll. Congratulations! :) Items: Food Miroku Bun increases skill Kannon tea increases psychic power Vegetable increases stamina. Nectar increase life. Citron increase life. Water: drink or can be given to others. Weapons: Fists Old Sword Machine gun Grenade Yasha Vajra Demon sword Medallion to change into TAO. Bottles: Yellow -Fire flames on enemies Blue -Gas choke Green Gel -freeze enemies Red Spray -melt enemies Items: Brass key Groucho Marx glasses Gold Stole Lighter Mirror Histar Mask Clear stream Water Urn Beads Pass lighter Flashlight Stole. Figures: One for each chakra: 1. Ajna -eye 2. sahasra brow 3. Vishuda throat 4. anhata heart 5. Manipura solar plex 6. Swajista sacrum 7. muladra base Charms: One for Each star of Ursa Major. 1. Tonrou - wealth use in battle for more gold the star Dhube 2. Komon - spirits. The star Merak. 3. Rokuzon - health use in battle for life gain. The star Phecda. 4. Bunkyo - Insight. The star Megrez. 5. Rencho - find friendship. The star Alioth. 6. Bukyo Warrior spirit use in battle for more skill. The star Mizar 7. Hagun Repels enemies use in battle to make them forgive you and leave. The star Al Kaid. Trigram: Find all 8 treasured pieces. Glossary: Three Treasures: Three gems of buddhism Isshikanten: Way of One point Tendou the way of Heaven. Kukai a monk of Shingon Buddhism, also known as Kobo Daishi. Lyrics from Fiery sunset. "Fiery Sunset" The day ends with a fiery sunset The mountain temple's bell rings Let everyone go home, hand in hand Lyrics from Kagome. "Kagome kagome, the bird in the cage, Will you come out? In the evening of the dawn, the crane and turtle fell Who stands before you now?