Just Breed-Stuff you should know Just Breed Patch.001 beta obsolete translations 1.What has been translated? There isn't a whole lot translated. Mostly menus, a few monsters, first three places you visit, a little here and there. NOTE: Since this is a beta patch alot of stuff could change, especially names of stuff. Just thought i would warn you. 2.Why am i releasing a beta patch? Well i want to get a little feedback from the people playing the game. Almost any suggestions are welcome. 3.How to make thye patch work? Since there isnt a dos emu that runs Just Breed yet (hopefully Rocknes will soon), you have to apply the patch directly to the rom. To do this you should download Win-Ips. I have it on my site or you can go to Zophar to get it. Once you have done that and unzipped everything. ( Just a suggestion, keep a clean copy of Just Breed in a zip file so you dont have to redownload it later, I will explain why in a minute. ) O.K. now you should have these three things in the same folder 1.Just Breed 2.Win-Ips 3Just Breed.IPS Now click on Win-Ips to get it going, a little thing will pop up on your screen that says : FILE TO PATCH : click on the little folder icon next this and select the Just Breed.nes. Below this is another little box that says : IPS PATCH to APPLY : click the little folder icon next to this and select the Just Breed.IPS. At the bottom of the Win-Ips thing is an Apply Button. Click it. It should work without any problems. If you get any tell me and i will try to fix it if I can. I hope this helps you out a little. 4.Emulators that will run Just Breed. Biones Famtasia these are the only ones at the moment but there are a few to look out for like Rew And Rocknes. They both will load the game and play it with really fuct up graphics. There are people to thank for helping me but i will put it in the next one of these things i write. But you guys ( or girls) know who you are. Especially the people who actually e-mail me. All the stuff like emu, sites and utilities I have mentioned are the property of their respective makers. Just Breed Patch.001 beta is the property of obsolete translations, freely distributed to anyone who wishes to use it as long as it is done for free. Dont ask me for roms. I will not tell you where to get them. Blah , Blah , Blah. You know the routine by now people. Enjoy the game. Hopefully Patch.002 will be alot better with more done. -----------------------------MUD I probably forgot to say a few things in here so maybe i will remember next time.