=========================================== =====Debias: Legendary Space-Time Hero===== ==============Famicom Game================= ==========V 1.00 translation patch========= =============2011 Gil-Galad================ ============2011 Steve Martin============== =======http://gilgalad.arc-nova.org/ ====== =========================================== Game Details --------------- This game's original name is Jikuu Yuuden Debias, now renamed Debias: Legendary Space-Time Hero. This game seems very similar to Cadash and other action/adventure RPGs such as the Zelda II game and with the day/night cycles of Castlevania II. Your mission is to rescue all the people of the kingdom, talk to the Crystal People, defeat all the three main bosses while wading through serveral large dungeons accessable via doorways until you reach Golgon who must be destroyed. Not to mention getting the Crystal Sword, the most powerful weapon in the game. Not to worry, you have help from the almighty Aaron and also the ability to use a Zodiac like wheel to guide you through various choices. While this wheel isn't always reliable, it's more like a fortune telling device to help guide you. There are also many weapons and items that you would use on your quest. Mini-Playing Manual ------------------- While you are in town, stand to the left or right and then press start to access the graphic menu and press talk to talk to people. You can also access tools, arms and Aaron from this menu. Be careful because you can hit the people with your weapon. While the text is displayed onscreen, press up to speed up the display of the text. Talk to everyone and defeat some monsters and then go see the king. He will have the princess give you some money so that you may buy some items. It is suggested to save up for the morning star, get the warrior's clothes and the crystal and you should be all set for your quest. After you pass Elbos Gate, you should defeat some type of watchdog to get your first key to use for setting captured people free. If you have the warrior's clothes, you won't be thrown off of the pillars on your way to the three major doors. Also, if you hold down and then jump, that is the super jump. Aaron and the Zodiac like wheel is your guide to getting through this game. There are many functions when you select Aaron from the graphic menu. The further you get into the game the more you will have. It's based on your tech level and spirit. Each time you use the Aaron function you lose one spirit point, so be sparing of it's use. When there is a choice and you don't know what to do, use the Aaron function and then either Ask Aaron or choose door (if you have that function). A certain symbol will be lit up and you then use the assessory that's on my website. There are two sections to the assesory, the base and the wheel you use to spin to the correct position. Align them up right based on the symbol Aaron shows you. The corresponding symbol equals a number that will help you decide. Although, this is not always reliable. This information should be enough to get you started. The rest you can figure out yourself. Update History ----------------- Version 1.00 - First release. Patching Details ----------------- 1.)Use Lunar IPS to patch the rom. Or your favorite patching application. 2.)Make sure the ROM name is Jikuu Yuuden - Debias (J).nes . The size of the ROM should be 192 KB after being unzipped. 3.)The ROM has been expanded and will be larger after patching. The size should be 320KB after patching. Emulation Details ------------------ This game is a mapper 4 or MMC3. Use a NES emulator that supports this mapper. Known Issues ------------------ This game is fully translated and shouldn't have any issues. If there are any issues, contact me and state the issue. A savestate and snapshot would be great. When you run out of spirit, the menu goes blank. You can hear the cursor moving and still access functions. It will sometimes say that you don't have enough spirit. It's also like this in the original Japanese version. I haven't been able to fix it myself. Tools used ------------------ FCEUX DCC6502 Table Manager Tile Layer Pro Lunar IPS WindHex32 Font Package by Toma EditPad Lite Atlas NJStar ASM6 Paint Shop Pro 9 GIF Movie Gear NFLATE Cartographer AcidPhire NES Header Checker NES Screen Tool CHR-OPT Hex Workshop Unoffical Nintendulator Credits ------------------ LEAD TRANSLATOR: Steve Martin TITLE TRANSLATION: Paul Jensen BETA-TESTING: Pennywise MAPS-MANUALS: Pennywise - manual reyvgm - maps Authors of the above stated tools and emulators. Contact Info ------------- email: gilgalad752008@gmail.com AIM: Klingo1000 Project Reflection ------------------- Years ago around 1999 or so, I was part of a translation group called Unknown Translations. This group's website was hosted by J2e and by Stovetop. Those that were in the group were Mr.Obocohc and Vonpleck. Not long after the site went down, everyone went their own way. Some years later, Vonpleck gave me the project and his blessings to work on it myself. Years later, I decided to start working on the game and asked Steve Martin to translate the game and he agreed in 2009. I did some prep work on the game and then set it aside for awhile until, 2011. I had the game finished in about a month. Most of the game was fairly easy to hack, with a few random issues that needed to be resolved. The biggest problem was the mass amount of control codes for line breaks and end text. It really made it difficult to get the space needed for insertion. Futher Notes -------------- This is a fan based game modification and is not affiliated with Nintendo, Namco, or any other company. This patch is not for sale and must be included with the readme. Nor is any reproduction cartridge authorized without prior permission. Thanks and enjoy!