Deep Dungeon IV: The Black Sorceror v1.0 November 4, 2011 KingMike Translations ( *********** INTROUCTION *********** This is a dungeon crawler RPG, and the last of the series. The first two were on the Famicom Disk System. You were a hero who explored a large dungeon to find and defeat the evil villian inside. The third game added multiple party members (including player-created members) and multiple dungeons to explore. This last game keeps the open world (much of the game is non-linear), but it drops the custom character creation aspect. This one also drops the party size effectively from 4 to 3. (at some points in the plot, you will have one NPC member, but they won't participate in battles.) Actually, one previous group, Dragoon-X, did translate this game before. But shortly after I released the translation patch to the first game, the original author asked to have that patch declared dead and incomplete. I noticed that game did have serious bugs. So me and odino started work on a fresh translation. **** TEAM **** KingMike - tools, assembly, graphics, script editing odino - translation snark - script editing Paul Jensen, Darkness Savior - spot re-translations *********** WHAT'S DONE *********** Should be complete. ************ WHAT'S BUGGY ************ Not aware of any bugs. ********************* PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS ********************* Either apply the IPS version of the patch to an original Japanese ROM, or use a program such as upset (from to apply the UPS version. And I suppose you know not to apply it to a pre-patched ROM. **************** EMULATION ISSUES **************** Not aware of any. ***************** PLAY INSTRUCTIONS ***************** Controls: D-Pad Move cursor Left/Right : Turn Up : Step forward Down : Step backward Select Change message speed Start Start game, unused during the game B Button Cancel option Open/close Camp menu outside battle A Button Enter option Step forward Starting a game Continue adventure : Continue a saved game Create character : Begin a new game. Name the hero, up to 5 letters long. Erase character : Erase saved game Menu screen Press B to enter the Camp menu. You will see your Gold supply as well as a list of any requests (sub-quests) you've accepted. Character View character stats. Level - experience level. Collect enough EXP to raise it and get stat boosts. Condition Pure - normal Paralysis - can't do anything. Remains after battle. If everyone is dead or paralyzed, the game is over and you must restart from the last saved data. Poison - lose HP as you walk. In this game, you can die from poison outside of battle. So keep a couple antidotes for protection because you might not live to the Temple. Sleep - can't do anything. Wears off after a few turns or after battle. Dead - no HP left. Until Next Level - how much EXP you need to reach the next Level. HP - your health. MP - magic points, consumed by casting spells. Can't you magic when you run low. Attack power - ability to damage the enemy Defence power - ability to take damage from the enemy Strength - affects Attack power Spirit - ability to resist magic Agility - attack speed and the ability to avoid hits Resistence - ability to resist special attacks? Item Use or equip an item, or give an item to another character, or discard unwanted items. Crystal Once you obtain the crystal, use this to view an auto-map in dangerous areas. Order Change the order of your three main characters. Magic Use a spell. Return Return to the game (or just press B). Explore towns to find subquests or get hints or to buy needed supplies. Armory Buy weapons, armor or speak to the owner Tool shop Buy or sell items or speak to the owner Inn Rest to restore all HP and MP for the party. Cost depends on location and number of party members. Record your adventure to save the game. Or speak to the owner. Temple Speak to the monk or bishop. Get treatment for paralysis or poison. "Call back" to revive a dead character. Any services have a cost depending on experience level of the victim. Go to the exit of town and a menu will appear asking you to choose where to go next. As you explore the countryside you will encounter characters. When you do, a menu will appear. Move - leave the scene Speak - talk to the character Examine - Take a closer look. Most often used to open treasure chests Items - Show a character an item. Attack - Mostly used with bosses. There a few bosses you can choose to fight, but you can avoid combat if you follow the story progress. Combat When an enemy attacks, you can choose to Attack or try to Escape from combat. If you fail to escape, the enemy gets a free turn. Attack - attack the enemy with your weapon Protect - Take a defensive posture to reduce damage Escape - attempt to flee battle. If you choose this for one character, it will override other commands and all members will attempt to flee. Magic - use a spell Items - use an item Item Magic MP Effect Terk potion Terk 3 Recover some HP (member) Laterk 6 Recover some HP (full party) Terka potion Terka 7 Recover a little more HP (member) Laterka 12 Recover a little more HP (full party) Terst 20 Recover full HP (member) Wake potion Soleclarl 3 Recover from sleep and paralysis (member) Eclarl 4 Recover from sleep and paralysis (full party) Antidote Ex 4 Recover from poison Flay 4 Fire damage (enemy group) Flare 7 Stronger fire damage (enemy group) Flast 12 Even stronger fire damage (enemy group) Flanos 6 Causes damage every turn (enemy group) Ray 8 Light-based damage (one enemy) Rea 12 Stronger Light-based damage (one enemy) Vark 25 Electric-based damage (all enemies) Varx 30 Stronger electric-based damage (all enemies) Hypnosis stone Solima 4 Puts enemy to sleep (one enemy) Sleep flute Lim 4 Puts enemy to sleep (enemy group) Silence stone Seals the enemy's magic (one enemy) Silence flute Cross 8 Seals the enemy's magic (all enemies) Power potion Ento 2 Raises Attack power (member) Enta 4 Raises Attack power (party) Soltect 2 Raises Defence power (member) Tect 6 Raises Defence power (full party) Kaito 5 Raises Spirit (full party) Ende potion Ende 10 Raises Resistence (full party) Holy vase Elemental 20 Summons Efreet Dragon vase Dragorl 33 Summons Hiryuu Veil 12 Reduce encounter rate(?) Move stone Turn 20 Warp to last saved point (you can even use to bail out of battle!) Hell water Recover MP Charm Recover MP Hades potion Revive a dead character with full HP and MP Flame scroll Fire damage (one enemy) Stamina sand Raise Max HP by 1 permanently Wisdom sand Raise Map MP by 1 permanently Power sand Raise Strength by 1 permanently Spirit sand Raise Spirit by 1 permanently Agility sand Raise Agility by 1 permanently Resistence sand Raise Resistence by 1 permanently ********* COPYRIGHT ********* Original game (c)1990 by Hummingbird Soft and Asmik English translation (c)2011 by KingMike, odino and snark I am not affiliated with Hummingbird or Asmik. Do not distribute the game image ("ROM") and the patch. This patch is for non-profit recreational use. Use it if you have an original, but play on emulator or flash cart. Don't destroy donors. I do not support or condone reproductions. If you're thinking of selling a reproduction of this translation, I don't care if you die in a fire (as I long don't have to see it).