------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe-DvD_Translations-The_Glory_of_Heralces-Labors_of_the_Divine_Hero.txt This file should be viewed using a mono-spaced font like "Courier". Use a font size where 79 columns are visible. The file is encoded in UTF_8 to display the Japanese characters properly. Please don't distribute the ROM file in patched form. Please don't distribute the DvDGloryOfHeracles.IPS file without this file or the ROM Expander Pro.txt file. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GLORY OF HERACLES Labors of the Divine Hero for the Nintendo Famicom Copyright 1987 by Data East Corp. English Translation Copyright 2014 and 2011 by DvD Translations Patch Version: Rev B Release Date: October 15, 2014 Patch Version: Rev A Release Date: December 23, 2011 DvD Translations dvdtranslations.eludevisibility.org GAME Script Translation: aishsha Item, Monster, & Menu Translation: aishsha, DvD, harmony7, KlD Script Editing: DvD, KlD Code Editing: DvD Graphics Editing: DvD Alpha Testing by: aishsha, DvD Beta Testing by: KlD, Red Soul Final Testing by: KlD ReadMe by: DvD Font & Title Image: toma GoH 2 & 3 Comparison: DvD GoH 3 Files Provided By: DaMarsMan GoH 5 Comparison: KlD MANUAL Manual provided by: DvD Scanning: harmony7 Translation: aishsha Text Replacement: Red Soul Text Editing: DvD, Red Soul, Pennywise Graphic Editing: DvD ----------------------------------- CONTENTS ---------------------------------- INFO (1) The Glory of Heracles Game Series (2) If You Read Anything, Read This USING THE PATCH (3) Expanding & Patching the ROM File (4) Playing the Game on a Flash Cart or Emulator TRANSLATION DETAILS (5) Why DvD Chose to Translate THIS Game (6) Why YOU Should Bother Playing THIS Game (7) Translation Comparisons (A) Items listed in the manual (or not in GoH1) (B) Weapons and armor listed in the manual (C) SPOILER ALERT - Characters, some not listed in the manual: (D) SPOILER ALERT - Items NOT listed in the manual (E) SPOILER ALERT - Weapons and armor NOT listed in the manual (F) SPOILER ALERT - Monsters, most not in the manual (G) SPOILER ALERT - Places, most not in the manual (8) DvD's Hacking & Translating Comments (9) aishsha's Translating Comments (10) KlD's Testing Comments (11) Red Soul's Testing and Manual Manipulation Comments (12) Project Timeline (13) Software Used In This Translation ------------------------------------- INFO ------------------------------------ (1)------------------- The Glory of Heracles Game Series ---------------------- This game was the start of one of the DECO's two largest game series, the other being the puzzler series Magical Drop. The Glory of Heracles series consists of the following 6 games. The first five games were made by Data East Corporation, aka DECO. The latest was developed by Paon Corporation, supposedly made up of former Data East employees, and published by Nintendo, as DECO had long been defunct. Only the latest game was officially released in North America. None have been released in Europe. Both Super Famicom games were re-released for the Wii virtual console in Japan. Japanese Releases: 1) Heracles no Eikou: Toujin Makyouden - Famicom - Jun 12, 1987 2) Heracles no Eikou II: Titan no Metsubou - Famicom - Dec 23, 1989 3) Heracles no Eikou III: Kamigami no Chinmoku - Super Famicom - Apr 24, 1992 4) Heracles no Eikou: Ugokidashita Kamigami - Game Boy - Dec 27, 1992 5) Heracles no Eikou IV: Kamigami Kara no Okurimono - Super Famicom - Oct 21, 1994 6) Heracles no Eikou: Tamashii no Shoumei - DS - May 23, 2008 English Releases: 1) The Glory of Heracles: Labors of the Divine Hero - DvD Translations - Rev A - Dec 23, 2011 Rev B - Oct 15, 2014 2) The Glory of Heracles II: Titan's Downfall - The Spoony Bard - 1.31 - May 2, 2005 3) The Glory of Heracles III: Silence of the Gods - DQ Translations - 1.0 - Dec 31, 2009 4) The Glory of Heracles: Snap Story - HTI - 1.01 - Feb 5, 2012 The Glory of Heracles: Commotion in the Heavens - The Snap Story - aishsha & Stardust Crusaders - In alpha test 5) Glory of Heracles IV: Gift from the Gods - Translation Corporation - Possibly by the end of 2014 6) Glory of Heracles - Nintendo - Jan 18, 2010 They are all turn based RPGs with first person battles taking place in or near ancient Greece. A feature common to all of them is that that characters shout different words at the monsters when they attack them from round to round. (2)-------------------- If You Read Anything, Read This ----------------------- For this game, DvD Translations has fully translated the original manual and inserted the text back into scans of the original manual. If you didn't get the patch from our site, you can find a link to it above. There you can get a copy of the manual. Read it before playing the game. Along with a full translation of the manual's original text, the last page of the manual shows a list of in game icons we used for weapons, armor, shields, and a few items. This game has a password save, not a battery save. This means two things. One, you can have an infinite number of saves, so you never need to overwrite your old save. Two, the game does not save EVERYTHING. The game designers designed the game with this in mind. So, you will notice that after you start the game with a password, everything resets. You will need to use this to your advantage to pass the game with such a limited inventory. This game is VERY old school. It's not for the wimpy linear RPG players of today whom GoH 5 was made for. That being said, we've done a ton of work to make sure every hint you need (that DvD didn't have when he played through it the first time) is in the game. The original Japanese game was notorious for not giving you some of the most important hints you needed. Anything that was hard for our beta testers to figure out, we improved the in-game hint on. Just remember to make sure your inventory is never full or people you talk to may not give you the hints/items you need and you will not know what to do. But, do NOT play this game if you are not planning on taking notes. It is essential from the very first minute of the game that you write down EVERY piece of text that mentions a person, place, or thing, even if it doesn't seem important at the time. Don't just plan to go back and check, because people might not give you the clue you need after you get items that prevent them from saying what you need to know. Plus, the random battle rate in this game is so high, it takes forever to walk back to places, at least at the beginning. Many times the clue only becomes clear when you combine 2 or more pieces of information given by completely different people. When you do know exactly what a clue means and you have dealt with it, cross/check it off your list. KlD, who doesn't like hard RPGs, took good notes, followed these rules, always used the password to save her game, and actually enjoyed the game more than anyone else who's played it so far. ------------------------------- USING THE PATCH ------------------------------- (3)------------------- Expanding & Patching the ROM File ---------------------- Rev B's changes deal exclusively with this aspect of the translation. There are two different versions of the ROM out there. They differ by 5 bytes. They represent two physical different mappers as there are two different mapper chips used in cartridges released in 1987 and 1988. DECO never changed the copyright date so you can't tell by looking at any of the game screens. The patch was developed completely with one ROM, but it should work fine with either of them. We don't know which is the '87 and which is the '88 version. (See the next section for more details.) For this translation, before patching the ROM file, you'll need to expand the ROM file first using a ROM expander. How to expand and patch the ROM file: You need: 1) A ROM file. The file may or may not include the standard 16 byte iNES header followed by the program ROM. With header, the ROM file is 131088 Bytes in size. I'm not telling you how to get the ROM file, but once you do, call it "Herakles no Eikou.nes". 2) "ROM Expander Pro.txt" which is included with this patch. 2) For PC users, use ROM Expander Pro.exe, which you can get from the DvD Translations website. It's pretty self-explanatory. Just make sure your ROM file, called "Herakles no Eikou.nes" "ROM Expander Pro.txt", and "ROM Expander Pro.exe" are all in the same directory and then run ROM Expander Pro. Regardless of whether your ROM has a header or not, always choose "Expand and Add/Replace Header". If ROM Expander Pro gives you an Error window telling you that you have the wrong MD5, but the MD5 it lists in it's window is: FA48899CE0514B63E810A56FEA676324 you have the other valid version of the ROM (Map A). ROM Expander Pro will not modify your original ROM file. It will instead make a copy of the file and modify it calling it "The Glory of Heracles - Labors of the Divine Hero.nes". Keep your original file for backup purposes. If you don't own a PC, hopefully someone soon will port ROM Expander Pro. In the meantime you'll have to expand the ROM file on your own using a hex editor. Fortunately, this particular game is easy to expand. Expanding using a Hex Editor: First, if your ROM file has a header, if your ROM has one, remove the 16 First, if your ROM file has a header, if your ROM has one, remove the 16 byte header, the first 16 bytes of the ROM file. In other words, remove bytes 00000 through 0000F. Then double all 128 kBytes of the ROM file, in other words, copy bytes 00000 through 1FFFF (hex) and then insert them ONCE either at the beginning or the end of the ROM file. Finally, insert the following 16 byte header at the beginning of the ROM file: 4E 45 53 1A 10 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3) Patch File: DvDGloryOfHeracles.IPS 4) An IPS patching program Remember to patch the file only AFTER it has been expanded. Recommended IPS patching program for IBM PC: Lunar IPS.exe by FuSoYa Recommended IPS patching program for Mac: UIPS by Lucas Newman Using Lunar IPS / UIPS: a) Double-click "Lunar IPS" / "UIPS" b) Click "Apply IPS Patch" / "Apply Patch" c) Choose "DvDGloryOfHeracles.IPS" d) Choose "The Glory of Heracles - Labors of the Divine Hero.nes" (4)------------- Playing the Game on a Flash Cart or Emulator ---------------- Original game ROM size: 8 16k program ROM banks = 128 kBytes = 131072 Bytes & 8k character RAM Games designed for the original Famicom/NES hardware have one or two 16k program banks and one 8k character bank. Later, all games made for the NES used special mapper chips to expand the size of the addressable ROM beyond these limitations. Some even included RAM for the character bank, instead of ROM, like this one. This game uses one of the simplest group of 3rd party mappers that used RAM for the character bank, mapper 2, known as the "UxROM (and compatible)". For this game they used it to switch between 7 different program ROM banks and to use VRAM instead of ROM for the background and sprite tiles. This is a very basic mapper was used my many early Konami games. There seem to be two different versions of the ROM out there and all of our development of Rev A was done with Type A. But, to actually make a working cart of the original un-modified game and starting with FCEUx 2.1.3 you must have Type B to make the original work. Both versions will work after the Rev B hack. Here are the exact differences between the two ROMs. ============================================== 5 differences between File 1: Herakles no Eikou (A).nes and File 2: Heracles no Eikou (B).nes Address A B ============================================== 1C578: 8D 99 1C579: 40 6C 1C57A: 80 C5 lbl_c565: sta $94 ; A = vbl_94 tay ; Y = A (B) C568: sta $c56c,y ; Table UNROM_c5c6[Y] = A (A) C568: sta $8040 ; UNROM_8000 = A tbl_c56c: .byte $ 0 .byte $ 1 .byte $ 2 .byte $ 3 .byte $ 4 .byte $ 5 .byte $ 6 ============================================== 2000E: 2A B9 2000F: 26 C8 (B) IRQ Vector = lbl_c8b9 rti ; Return From Interrupt (A) IRQ Vector = lbl_262A Middle of nowhere, not code! ============================================== Since Type B is the only version that plays on modern emulators, and possibly the only one that will work on an actual cart, DvD decided to make a new version. This is based on type B. The problem is that Type B requires a 15 byte table instead of a 7 byte table. Adding these bytes in was quite difficult to squish into the ROM. In my experience, all emulators and flash carts that can play the original ROM file can play the translation. Our translation expanded the ROM from 8 to 16 banks, but we didn't change the mapper. All versions of FCEUX and Nestopia should work fine. But, of course, the best way to play it is on a real NES. And the easiest way to do that is with a PowerPak, which KlD used for all of her testing. As the game uses password saving, if you want to switch from one emulator to another, you can. Also, it is possible to transfer a password between the translation and the Japanese version. You just need to see which English character represents each Japanese one. In the password, Japanese dakuten are represented in English as ' and the handakuten as ~. You CANNOT use save-states to switch between English and Japanese. This is because the font gets written to the Character RAM only once when you first start the game or first enter a password. ----------------------------- TRANSLATION DETAILS ----------------------------- (5)------------------ Why DvD Chose to Translate THIS Game -------------------- I saw toma's translation of GoH II and thought the game looked really good. It looked like something out of the Final Fantasy series. Also, I knew the GoH III was mostly done. As I always play games in the order they came out, this game had to be translated for me to do so. But, when I saw this game, I thought it looked really ugly. I did think it was interesting how the over-world and the towns were one in the same. But, I wasn't sure if I was going to ever work on it. When I saw some pictures of an early version of this game where the graphics were directly lifted from Dragon Quest, I was more interested. I had never done a straight, turn based RPG, which is one of my favorite styles of games, and the first translated games that I ever played were of this type. I wanted to see what challenges they contained. I actually started the translation before I knew of the new game and especially before I knew it was going to be released in the US. (6)---------------- Why YOU Should Bother Playing THIS Game ------------------- See how Data East's main RPG series, the Glory of Heracles series started! Having a fully translated scanned manual and playing it on a flash-cart will give you the most complete translation experience DvD Translations has ever released. (7)------------------------ Translation Comparisons---------------------------- If you have played other games in the series or you will be playing them after this, it will be useful to know which items, characters, and places are the same, just were translated differently. When given a choice, we have tried to make our translation match those that are already out there. We could not find a list of the original Japanese names in GoH5, so we had to guess. With monsters we based this guess off of the picture. Let us know if we missed any in any of the lists. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (A) Items listed in the manual (or not in GoH1): 1 Ice Bowl ひむろのうつわ 2 IceBowl " 1 FirePillarBalls ほばしらのたま 2 MastBall " 3 Mast Ball " This one is the most interesting. We translated it also as MastBall before we saw the manual, but it never made any sense. From the GoH1 manual, you can see the original kanji for this, which is: 火柱の玉 = ひばしらのたま = Pillar of Fire Ball(s) vs 帆柱の玉 = ほばしらのたま = Sail Pillar Ball(s) = Mast Ball(s) But the DECO programmers made a typo on the first hiragana character changing the "hi" to a "ha" which completely changed the meaning. Oops!! What's funny is that the in-game name stuck and DECO used it for the later games in the series. 1 Carrot にんじん 2 " " 3 " " 1 Medicine くすり 3 " かいふくやく 2 MedHerb やくそう 3 Herb " 2 AntHerb どくけしそう 3 Antidote " 1 TravelWings たびのつばさ 2 Wings " 3 Travel Wings " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (B) Weapons and armor listed in the manual: 1 Iron[sword] てつのつるぎ 3 Iron Sword " 5 Iron Sword 1 Silver[bow] ぎんのゆみ 2 " ぎんのゆみや 3 Silver Bow ぎんのゆみ 1 Leather[clothes] かわのふく 2 Hide[armor] かわのむねあて 3 Leather Clothes かわのふく 5 Leather Garb 1 Chain[mail] くさりかたびら 2 Chain[armor] " 3 Chain Mail " 1 Iron[armor] てつのよろい 2 " みかづきとう 3 Iron Armor てつのよろい 5 Iron Armor 1 Steel[armor] はがねのよろい 3 Steel Armor くろがねのよろい 1 Zeus's[armor] ゼウスのよろい 3 Zeus' Armor " 1 Wooden[shield] きのたて 3 Wooden Shield " 5 Wooden Shield 1 Iron[shield] てつのたて 2 " " 3 Iron_Shield くろがねのたて - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (C) SPOILER ALERT - Characters, some not listed in the manual: 1,2,3,5 Heracles 1,2,3,5 Pegasus 1,2,3,5 Zeus 1,2,3,5 (1&3)Hephaistos / (2&5)Hephaestus 1,2,3 (1&3)Aphrodite / (2)Venus 1, 3 Apollo / Apollon 1, 3 Artemis 1, 3 Athena / Athene 1, 3 Atlas 1, 3 Ares 1, 3 Poseidon 2,3 Cronos / Chronos 2,3,5 Daedalus 3,5 Oceanus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (D) SPOILER ALERT - Items NOT listed in the manual: 1 Night Curtain よるのとばり 2 NtCurtn " 3 NightCurtain " 1 SilkReins きぬのたずな 2 SilkRein " 1 Leila'sJade レイラのひすい 2 Jade ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (E) SPOILER ALERT - Weapons and armor NOT listed in the manual: 1 Rusty[shield] さびたたて 2 " " 3 Rusty Shield " 5 Rusty Shield 2 Rusty[sword] " 3 Rusty Sword " 5 Rusty Sword 1 Zeus's[shield] ゼウスのたて 2 " " 3 Zeus'_Shield " 1 Zeus's[sword] ゼウスのつるぎ 2 " " 3 Zeus' Sword " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (F) SPOILER ALERT - Monsters, most not in the manual: 1 2 3 5 Japanese Walking Tree Treeman Walking Tree Werewood ほこうじゅ Deadwood Bebudd Babwood Deadwood べブウッド Tree Demon TrDemon - Dryad まじゅ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pnoton - - Pnoton プノトン Hapnoton - - Hapnoton ハプノトン ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Armor Solider - Armor Solider - きこうへい Hell's Armor HellSold Hell's Armor - へルきこうへい - - Armor General - きこうジェネラル Satan's Armor - - - サタンきこうへい ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sea Snake - Sea Snake - シースネーク ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - Scorpion Scorp スコルピオン - Scorpio - - スコーピオン ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mage - - - ようじゅつつかい - Mage - - ようじゅつし Conjurer - - - まじゅつつかい - Conjrer - - まじゅつし Wizard - - - じゅじゅつつかい - Wizard - - じゅつつかい ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 2 3 5 Japanese Skeleton - - Skeleton がいこつ - Skelton - - スケルトン Red Skeleton - - Red Skeleton レッドがいこつ Grim Reaper DethGod - - しにがみ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mad Dog - - Mad Dog ラビ Hyena - - Hyena ラビタシス Jackel - - Jackel ラビソマタミス ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hades - Hades - ハデス Hades's Dog - - - ハデスドック - Cerbrus Cerberus - ケルべロス In the manual, Hedes's Dog has two heads, like a Cerberus, but in the game he only has one head. Maybe he's supposed to be a different one of Hades's dogs! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Varroc - - - ヴアロック - - Barock - バロック These are clearly supposed to be the same character, a HUGE bird boss. In GoH1 they programmers clearly wrote the name with a Va. But in 3, they write it with a letter that usually is a Ba, but can be used to mean a Va. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (G) SPOILER ALERT - Places, most not in the manual: 1,2,3,5 Athens アテネ 1,2,3,5 Underworld 1 Heavenly Realm (yeah, we're different on this one. Oh, well...) 2,3,5 Heaven 1,2 Nana ナナ 1 Selene セレネ 2 Selen " 1,2 Hebe へべ (2 mentions that Selen used to be called Hebe...) 1,2,3 Gaia ガイア (2 an ex-town / 3 a person) 1 Leaneira レアネイラ 2 Reanira " (town is only mentioned in 2) 1, 5 Miletus ミレトス (a palace in 1) 3 Knossos クノッソス 5 Cnossos 3,5 Laconia ラコニア 3,5 Sparta スパルタ 3 Driskos ドリスコス 5 Driscus 3,5 Troy トロイ 3 Bengaji べンガジ 5 Benghazi 3 Renz レンツ 5 Lenz 3,5 Trantia トランティア (8)------------------ DvD's Hacking & Translating Comments -------------------- Hacking the menus was the toughest thing in this game. Expanding it from 7 to 8 characters for the items was essential in getting items without any abbreviations like we have now. The problem was, this game draws the menus as 2x2 tiles that exist all over the map based on where you are. So, suffice to say, it took an number of tries before I got it right. Also, I had more trouble than usual with the expansion. Lots of text in this game is not used. As usual, I analyzed every piece of text and all the code which accesses the text to determine which were being used and which weren't. I've added some text back in, always replacing the text for some NPCs that used to say "Hello!". Also, an entire area of the Heavenly Realm, which contained two NPCs, was completely inaccessible in the original Japanese game. I made it possible to easily go to this area. I kept the original way in which you leave the area intact. As usual, most of the time in this game was spent making sure that the text was correct, clear, and that all of the hints you needed were there. This was done by having beta testers attempt to play the game w/o any outside hints. Table Dumper Pro's disassembly was useful, as always. I added new features to the script inserter to handle inserting raw bytes mixed with text. Also, for Pocket Zaurus I added a feature to have multiple pointers to the same block. This wasn't essential for GoH, but made inserting the items list more automatic. What I also added to TDP, which REALLY helped with keeping track of all the final edits to the game, especially while KlD played it through the final time, were improvements to the file compare function. These improvements which show (a) what the text is, using tbl files, and (b) different separators for different gaps in the differing code, were EXTREMELY useful for keeping track of the final changes to the game as KlD played through it. ROM Expander Pro was recently created to be a generic platform user customizable way of expanding this game and all my games in the future. (9)--------------------- aishsha's Translating Comments ----------------------- This was probably my first "global" cooperation with DvD who did a LOT of job studying this game all over. The game itself was quite poor on text and we spent a LOT of time together while checking the original typos and mistakes done by DECO developers whose knowledge on Ancient Greek history turned out to be so-so... Anyways, a great and a fun game - the first in the series, so it's a "must" for the series fan to try at the least. Enjoy - we were trying hard to bring it to you! (10)------------------------ KlD's Testing Comments --------------------------- This game turned out to be actually a pretty fun game. I love turn based RPG games, but I'm not the greatest at them. I tend to get a little frustrated when I don't know what to do next. Being pretty old-school, I did get stuck sometimes. Most of the time I simply had to re-read ALL of my notes and I could figure out what I needed to do. Anyplace that I got really stuck, I worked with DvD to fix up the in-game clues. The main hint I'd give has already been mentioned, but I'll repeat it: take advantage of the fact that the password does not save everything! It is the only way you can pass the game. By the way, I also played GoH 5 to get the monster/town/item names. It was way too easy and was totally linear. There was no challenge and I actually found it boring. (11)--------- Red Soul's Testing and Manual Manipulation Comments ------------- I'm no newcomer to RPGs in general, having certainly experienced my fair share of them on several platforms. Heracles, though, was an experience that set its own standard for several reasons – playing it is like looking back in history and scratching the surface, look into the heart of a genre that even today, when the market is saturated with first person shooters, captures the hearts of so many. Potential players, I won't lie to you, Heracles will most likely feel like uncharted territory to many of the newer generations and on occasion, you will feel lost and overwhelmed, but believe me when I say, like a hard day, in the end it will be worth it. Each step taken in the right direction will award a great sense of fulfillment, that's the kind of sensation genre defining classics can impart. Having not only helped test the game during the second beta sweep, I also collaborated with DvD in composing the English version of the manual and while it was arduous at times, it was also rewarding and it gave me the certainty a high quality release would result of all the effort which I was happy to be part of. As for you player, stop reading my ramblings and go play this great game! Shoo, shoo! (12)---------------------- Project Timeline Highlights ------------------------ Nov 6 2007 - Glory of Heracles project first considered Mar 3 2009 - Title screen graphics and code edited Mar 12 2009 - Initial script dumped Mar 16 2009 - Initial items dumped Sep 30 2009 - ROM Expanded Oct 2 2009 - First Items, Menus, and Menu Ptrs inserted Oct 5 2009 - Menus modified to handle 8 character items, the most complicated hack in the game Oct 7 2009 - Ready for first script Nov 16 2009 - Aishsha contacted for translating game Nov 30 2009 - First partial script inserted Apr 10 2010 - Ending translated & inserted Jun 16 2010 - Manual scanned Sep 14 2010 - Menus finalized Oct 24 2010 - DvD's alpha testing complete Dec 10 2010 - DvD's GoH 2 play through complete Feb 19 2011 - KlD's GoH 5 play through complete Mar 15 2011 - KlD's first beta test complete Aug 25 2011 - Manual graphics edited Aug 31 2011 - Manual translation inserted Sep 11 2011 - Manual title graphics edited Sep 25 2011 - KlD started final check of every line Dec 4 2011 - DvD's GoH 3 playthrough finally complete (thank you StrikeBomber) Dec 16 2011 - KlD's final checking of every line in the game complete Dec 22 2011 - ROM Expander Pro file created IPS patch file completed ReadMe completed Dec 23 2011 - Patch released Oct 15 2014 - Rev B - Patch released (13)------------- Software & Hardware Used In This Translation ---------------- * Emulator FCEUX 2.1.2 (rev A) FCEUX 2.2.2 (rev B) by zeromus, adelikat * Flashcart PowerPak by RetroZone * Disassembler, Table Dumper, Script/Items/Menus Inserter, File Comparator Table Dumper Pro (ver 11.12.15) by DvD * Hex Editors WindHex32 2005.4.20 by Genecyst East Software FCEUX 2.1.2 by zeromus, adelikat Frhed 1.7.1 by Raihan Kibria * Tile Editors Tile Layer Pro 1.0 by Kent Hansen Tilemolester 0.16 by Kent Hansen * Disassembled code manipulation, script editing, ReadMe creation, ROM Expander Pro file editing Notepad++ by Don Ho and the rest of the Notepad++ team * IPS Patch File Creator Lunar IPS by FuSoYa * ROM Expansion ROM Expander Pro by DvD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 987654321098765432109876543210987654321 123456789012345678901234567890123456789