~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula Kun Demon Castle Special - I'm Kid Dracula! English Translation Patch Version 1.04 Created by Vice Translations part of Foxhack.net http://www.foxhack.net/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREDITS ----------------- Kitsune Sniper Game hacking, font insertion and preliminary translation. Email: kitsune_sniper [at] hotmail [dot] com KingMike ASM suggestions [also my personal savior] Akujin Main Translator D-Boy, Ian Kelley, Tomato Secondary translation Scheurbert [http://www.lvl99.com/] Title and ending screen design ORIGINAL EFFORTS BY: ----------------- Kalas [kalas@bellsouth.net] //Hacker & Translator DarkMazda, Faraday //Translators Project History: ----------------- July 2, 2009 I received some information from an emulator coder who told me that the hack that removed the protection from the game caused a crashing bug in his NES emulator. This was back in 2008, I just uh, kinda sorta forgot about it until earlier this month. Note that functionally there's no real changes between 1.03 and 1.04 - the only difference between both patches is two bytes. While the original patch worked on normal NES systems (via flashcart or repro carts), there's no guarantee that the same patch would work properly on clone hardware. Better safe than sorry! I also updated Scheurbert's website info! He was the guy who designed the English title screen and game ending screen. Go visit him, he's an awesome graphic designer who works out of Australia. November 8, 2007 Fixed the missing Konami code message. Try entering it at the title screen... December 24, 2003 I really, really, REALLY suck. GOD. I forgot one damn thing in the last patch - the ending! Apparently I worked over an older version of my work, and that did not include the ending I had inserted. Sooo, Dave DiGiorgio informed me of the problem on October 31. Yes, I know it's been two months. Shut up. Go play Patlabor or something. October 11, 2003 Not all was finished in this patch. Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start. That is all. January 5, 2003 Well, I'll be damned. I'm done. Everything has been translated! Special thanks to King Mike for telling me about the ASM routine that was messing up the game when I hacked the title. I also found the hidden text, which wasn't really encrypted, it just used a -VERY- different encoding method. So, I spent all day finishing up the patch. And here's the result! There may be some bugs left; if so, please report them to the email address above. Thank you all! :D October 31st, 2002 Two years later I churn out this crappy patch for ya'll. This new version completely translates the bonus games, and all the text up to the fight with Garamos. Sadly, neither the ending nor the boss dialogue are done. Not enough time to do this. Yes, two years weren't enough. :P Seriously, it appears that the game uses... evil 6502 protection. So I can't hack the title screen nor the text used in Garamos' speeches. Eventually I'll get to that. But I decided to release this patch as thanks. Believe it or not. August 1, 2000 I found the pointer table! ^^ Time to get that translation going! July 02, 2000 Kalas, the creator of the original patch contacted me, asking why I did not use his original translation as a base for my own project. He has authorized that I use his patch as a basis to help me understand the game. So now, some more parts have been translated to english! June 27, 2000 I was wandering around The Whirlpool's "Dead NES Translations" section and I found that a person named Kalas had already made a patch for the game. I had no idea that the game had been hacked previously, so credit will be given: The original project was created by Kalas, DarkMazda and Faraday. This patch does not contain anything from that original patch, mmkay? However, I'll try to contact the original author to inform him of my decision. June 17, 2000 I got bored. Really bored. So I started to play some roms that I had obtained in one of my usual rom binges. I found this little jewel by mistake; I thought that it was Castlevania 2 Japanese! That game is being translated by Gideon Zhi, so don't ask me about it. Anyway, it's a really nice game in my opinion, so I started messing with it. Version History: ----------------- Version 1.04, July 2, 2009 Maintenance release - fixes a possible crashing bug on certain emulators (and possibly on real hardware). See notes above for more details. Version 1.03, November 8, 2007 [7947 bytes] Fixed missing text that appears after entering the Konami code at the title screen. Version 1.02 FINAL, December 24, 2003 [8513 bytes] I'm DONE, REALLY! GOD. I suck. Version 1.01, October 11, 2003 [8380 bytes] Up up down down left right left right B A noise if you're right Start. Version 1.00a, January 5, 2003 [8352 bytes] EVERYTHING'S DONE! GO PLAY! ... Also, I fixed the game over screen. Hee. ^^; Version .65, October 31, 2002 [5345 bytes] The bonus stages and the quiz level have been translated. Other than that... nothing has been touched. Not the endings nor the boss text. Sorry. Version .26, August 01, 2000 [2984 bytes] This is just a small bugfix regarding some font editing, there's nothing new. Version .25, July 04, 2000 [2972 bytes] The 'Got X attack' messages have been translated. I also fixed the 'Continue' screen. And finally, I fixed a display bug in the status screen. Version .15, July 03, 2000 [2724 bytes] *not released* I have translated the 'Game Start/Password' screen and the Password Screen. Nothing much, it seems... However, the game is now mostly cavespeaked! Oh, and if you beat the game, wait until after the credits, and the Konami logo, to find something from myself... Version .101, June 23, 2000 [1115 bytes], released June 28, 2000 All of the original status bar editing has been replaced with a cleaner, nicer font. [Pokémon Trading Card Game's 3x7 uppercase font] Version .10, June 18, 2000 [1137 bytes] I've added all the remaining attack names, and the word 'STAGE' in the status bar. Version .005, June 17, 2000 [733 bytes] *unreleased due to cancelled interview with Spinner 8* The only things I've messed with are the "Game Over" screen and the attack names. Don't worry, the game's text is intact. Nothing has been cavespeaked. What's left ----------------- Nothing... or so it would seem. Game Notes: ----------------- This is a game starring Kid Dracula. He appeared in a Game Boy game titled Kid Dracula [What an original name, neh? =P]. The game itself got huge praises in Mexico's official Nintendo Magazine [Club Nintendo]. Hell, I even had a poster of it! But I never saw it here. I haven't even found the GB rom yet! If you've played the Parodius or Wai Wai World series, you already know what to expect. In this game, Konami makes fun of the Castlevania series, by sending at you horrible enemies, like teenage witches, aliens, ducks in bath robes, skating girls, an SD version of the Grim Reaper, and "The Little Sister of Frankenstein's Monster". The first stage takes place in Count Dracula's castle, so you may find some parts familiar. After you finish a stage, you get a new attack, and you can spend your coins in 4 mini games: A slot machine, a lottery, one involving three girls dancing Can-Can =D, and one that has something to do with a skeleton in a barrel?! Emulator notes: ----------------- FCE Ultra runs the game... but it seems to have some problems with it, it lags sometimes when you run the game [even the unhacked version]. It still plays fine, but it takes a while to get used to it. Famtasia Version 5.1 runs the game fine as well. None of the Nester variants will run the hacked game. It may crash some of them, so be careful! And no, this doesn't work in Nesticle. Jeez. Game Controls: ----------------- Left - Makes your character move to the left. Right - Makes your character move to the right. Up - Makes you aim/shoot upwards [with the B button]; Makes you climb up a ladder. Down - Makes you crouch.; Makes you go down a ladder. Select - Changes the attack. Start - Pauses the game. A Button - Makes you jump. Depending on the time held, you jump higher/farther. B Button - Makes you shoot; If held, you can shoot one of two special attacks: If you let go of it before the face grins completely, you will shoot a big fireball, if you let go of it when the face grins completely, you will get the Power Attack; it is different depending on the attack. A very special thanks to: ------------------------- Takasugi Shinji - Your tutorial got me started in learning japanese in an easier way, and those java programs that show how to write kana are excellent! Domo harigato, muchas gracias, thank you sooooo much! http://www.sf.airnet.ne.jp/~ts/japanese/index.html. Copyrights ----------------- The original Kid Dracula patch was created by Kalas, DarkMazda and Faraday. Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula Kun, and all related names and characters are trademarks of Konami. SpiderMan is a trademark that Konami broke when they included him in the game. Think I'm kidding? Wait 'till the city scene! Nintendo Entertainment System, Famicom, Pokémon and all other related names and indicia are Copyrighted to Nintendo. Usage License ----------------- You may host this patch on your website, provided that you do not charge a fee to access it. You may not distribute this patch with any other files, such as a website URL or a "Downloaded From" notification, or worse, the game ROM image itself. You may not modify the patch in any way, including using this patch as a basis for another translation patch, without my express consent. (There's nothing wrong with asking for permission!) I know I can't stop anyone from doing this, but I'd prefer it if you asked me so I can provide some data files and whatnot. My only request is that you credit the original script translators first. Game reproductions using this translation patch ARE allowed, as long as there is very little profit involved. So selling copies of this game on eBay isn't kosher, but making repros is fine. Disclaimer ----------------- There is no videogame company or any other company associated with Foxhack.net. In no event shall the patch creators be liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides.