################################### # # # Konami World English # # VRC beta compliment Translation # # By Demi for Y0SHi # # 12/16/97 # # demi@frognet.net # # # ################################### "The translation is essentially the product of 2 days of boredom and a smattering of wewetata pmk." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW IN THIS VERSION: VRC - I'm told a new version of nesticle is coming out soon, and it may support the original VRC mapper konami world was meant for. so, i copied the CHR and text banks to the NEZ file and here it is. there are no improvements from version 3. lelelele 3.00 - changed character 'ciman' to 'spice' (it fits better with cinnamon) extended getsufuu-maden to its full name fixed spice's reincarnation text added a line or two of spice's reincarnation dialogue added the 'bad' card text in the card game drew in the 'later!' text graphic translated kong's 'hey!' cage message 2.00 - fixed the dice game dialogue. in 1.00, i had really no idea what they were trying to say (the game is a complete nigger to translate) so i just threw in some confusing nonsense. 1.00 - initial release. about 80% complete, although i will need sardu to fix a few bugs in the mapper emulation to be able to see all of the game, so it's not all done yet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This documentation will probably never be passed around with the intended ROM after one or two couriers through the emu 'scene', so i'll try to make it as pointless as possible for your spontaneous arousal. i started work on the evening of the 19th, and by the evening of the 20th (right now) i'm about 80% thru. i'll release it when it's all good and done. the translation was done 100% by me, Mr. 1 year of college Japanese, so don't bother sending me bug reports about how it isn't entirely accurate. it's pretty late right now, and i've been working on it all day. Hey! i got a good idea. if anyone can guess what font i stole to build this one's, i'll mail you a circuis peanut, or something.. depends what i find.. no promises.. this morning, i had set out to make it as fluent as possible, but as the hours wore on, my inevitable freakish sense of humor found its way into the translation, and so you people now have a slightly messed up translation where people curse at you, and generally give you an uninspiring message in whole towards your goal (not to mention the subtle use of a few shmooze points here and there). oh! i almost forgot. don't even think of trying to use the password function. the password uses the japanese alphabet, which has more symbols in it than english does. so, you'll get some normal looking letters in your password, and some really fucked looking ones. but, chances are you're using a capable enough emulator that allows real-time saves, so it shouldn't be a problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION: to apply the patch, you need to have a trained NES format rom which is 262160 bytes long. if your japanese konami world rom isn't 262160 bytes, then you've got problems. just run the 'apply' batch program with the contents of this archive and the japanese rom both in the same directory and it'll patch it lickety split. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS: there are a few points you should know that aren't entirely obvious when you play the game. jumping and punching are the normal A and B, but then you have these few: DOWN ... press to go into 1 of the 3 doors in the beginning (not up like you'd expect, eh) UP ... press up to go into the little doors within the levels that lead to betting games. DOWN + B ... press when on a teleporter to warp back to the base. also, press down + B to open a cage door and release an ally when you have a key. UP + A ... press to switch characters while in a level. DOWN + A ... press to switch from normal attack to item attack (if your current character has an item to utilize) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORY: the story's pretty cool, actually. as with games like parodius, konami felt it needed to parody itself a bit to keep its audiences entertained. So, they created this game which contains characters from multiple other previously released konami games, excluding the central characters konami man (who did a camio in goonies 2) and konami girl. Dr. Cinnamon cries for help, as the enemy forces from planet Gradius are trying to take over Konami World! not only have they succeeded in making him hysterically mad (he swears at you a lot :) but they have immobilized the only 6 forces capable enough to defeat them! quickly, Konami man jumps into the action. Along with the android, Konami Girl, that Cinnamon provides, they set off to rescue the 6 allies and reclaim their Konami World! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY: the gameplay is pretty much like a konami megaman. for every level that you 'complete', you find one character, and are able to use his abilities till the end of the game. the last level is a shooter level, where you can choose to be twinbee or vic viper. along with the characters you can find, there exist harder to reach items that make the game a little bit more interesting to play, and often times make the character a little more valuable. they are: Konami Man Relation: (None) Item: Beam Gun your normal gun-type thing. no surprises. Abilities: Flying Cape Konami Girl Relation: (None) Item: Heat Gun same kind of thing as Konami Man's, basically.. Abilities: None (use konami man and girl only as last resorts or if you have noone else, as they have no real distinguishing features and their musics suck!) Goemon Relation: Goemon, Doraemon (I think eh) Item: No Fucking Clue Abilities: He can open the flashing treasure boxes. Simon Belmont Relation: The Castlevania Series Item: Holy Cross Like a boomerang type thing. One of the best projectiles, but it takes away 5 bullets every time you use it. Abilities: Effective against vampires and undead. Gestu Fuu-Maden Game: Getsu Fuu-Maden (unreleased in USA) Item: No Fucking Clue Abilities: A Special Hadouken mastery enables him to have a higher number of enemy items stolen. (#@$!@) Mikey Game: The Goonies 1, 2 Item: Slingshot a fast travelling projectile. Abilities: His small body allows him to travel in places others can't. Kong Game: I thought it would be Donkey Kong, but that's not by Konami.. Item: Bananas Abilities: Strength and jumping surpass all others. (hey guess what. strength has 8 letters but only 1 syllable. cool eh) Maoi Game: The Gradius/Nemesis Series, Salamander, Parodius Item: A Flying Disc Abilities: No Fucking Clue (fucking has 2) Vic Viper (Shooter #1) Game: The Gradius/Nemesis Series, Salamander, Parodius Item: Option (I think) Abilities: A variety of gun formations. TwinBee (Shooter #2) Game: The TwinBee Series, Parodius Item: Power punch if you've ever used TwinBee in Parodius, you'd know what I mean. it's kind of hard to describe. Abilities: Agility P.S. that penguin guy that helps activate the teleporter came from the games penguin adventure and antarctic adventure. he fucking rules; they should have given him a better part. get the MSX version of penguin adventure, it has ruley music. when you die, it says 'god bless you'. i'm thinking that's some fucked up shit right there.. fuck yeah =] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESPECT: Konami, for making this distinguished oldskool and slightly fucky game. Y0SHi, for getting me interested in the game, and minor translation help. BloodLust Software, For Nesticle, of course! mapper #6 needs improvement though. =] Nobuaki Andou, for PasoFami. call me oldskool, but it's still the choice debugger i use. BreakPoint Software, for their wonderful HexEditor, HexWorkshop. (plug plug plug) The_Brain, for Xlate 1.00. he dicked us all over on 2.00, but nothing can rival 1.00 still in terms of speed. hear that, BW? =] _FanWen_, for being a NES drag queen god diety type person in general. Zophar, for supplying me with the muthafuckin rom in the first place! Stumble, and all the rom couriers/suppliers out there, for keeping the shit moving. Berzerker, for always being there for my emotionally distraught life. =] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO RESPECT: Far Front East, for having a fuckin STUPIDASS rom layout scheme. ptuey! Marat Fayzullin, for holding out for months to release iNES .7. i could have had this thing done months ago! SoM2Freak, for dicking me over on the credit i deserve on a lot of things. The Japan Foundation, for their lameass japanese-english dictionary that had like 1% of the words i needed to look up for this project! bah! Shadow, for stealing my romhack.doc and not being a man about a lot of things. And lastly, all of the 1000 new rom hacking 'groups' that think they're all that. i translated this game all by muh big bad self in 2 days. booyah! oh! yayatotolala emulationator translinination pmk (C) 1997 by Demi all yaya reserved.