transBRC PROUDLY PRESENTS GAME NAME : LITTLE MAGIC SYSTEM : NES GAME TYPE : ACTION/STRATEGY TYPE : TRANSLATION VERSION : .33 alpha STATUS : 33% RELEASE : APR 11 1999 HACK : BLIBBER SCRIPT : MUSASHI/GAIJIN PRODUCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Well here you go. A translation Super Team Up. Myself and Musashi have teamed up to bring out this cute little action strategy game. Almost all the mechanics are translated and the first and second level intros are done, but thats about it. Still it should still take you a couple of hours before you hit any gibberish. Note: if you can make heads or tails of the little balloons the characters are saying could you please let me know what they're saying. This translation is dedicated to KSpiff, Lugnut, and anyone else out there who donates carts for dumping. Share and Enjoy blibber - musashi - Web sites - Thank you's : Thanks to Everyone at Spirit in the Contraption, and Gaijin Productions for making this possible.