Mini Putt English Translation v1.00 (26 July 2000) -------------------- Members -------------------- - Klarth ( -------------------- I. The Game II. Project History III. Completed IV. Incomplete V. Thanks VI. Tools Used VII. Legal Crap -------------------- -------------------- I. The Game -------------------- - It's a cracked out, difficult, and yet strangely addicting game of mini golf, and it has good music. -------------------- II. Project History -------------------- - I wanted to find an extremely difficult, time consuming, and challenging game to translate. Mini Golf seemed like the perfect candidate.. b/c most of the game was already in english. So, after playing for several hours trying to beat par (and I did... on a hole or two), I came to the realization that I'd never beat the game, so I'd never get to see if there was any ending text or credits or other stuff in Japanese. So I went through the game with a couple of programs and saw no japanese whatsoever besides the title screen. So I translated the title screen (gee, really hard.. it's the title of the game!), editted the tiles to make an extremely poor title graphic, and made the patch. End of story. -------------------- III. Completed -------------------- - To the best of my knowledge, everything. -------------------- IV. Incomplete -------------------- - Nothing, hopefully. May make the title screen prettier sometime, though. -------------------- V. Thanks -------------------- - Ballz, Shih Tzu, Gideon Zhi, Mr. Saturnine, Naflign, and (wraith), for replying to my thread on the Whirlpool's message board.. Without the help, I wouldn't have known whether this was a translation or a hack, what to do with softcore porn in translations, or the fact that Umihara Kawase rocks. - The Whirlpool (, RPGd (, and all the other cool translation/emulation sites I regularly visit. - final exams for summer school, for giving me the drive to do something creative other than studying. - my computer, for not completely dying yet. - all other people out there who helped or encouraged me, or who are just cool people. -------------------- VI. Tools Used -------------------- - Tile Layer v0.50b by Snow Bro - JNES v0.30a by Jabo ( - Snes-Tool 1.2 by the M.C.A and Elite -------------------- VII. Legal Crap -------------------- - You may not redistribute this patch without this readme file included. You may not sell this patch for profit of any kind. Mini Putt is property of Accolade, copyright 1991. Blah blah. If you can beat par on this game, give yourself a cookie.