MM MM OOOOOO AAAA IIIII K K U U NN N M M M M O O A A I K K U U N N N M MM M O O A A I === K K U U N N N M M O O AAAAAA I KK U U N N N M M O O A A I K K U U N N N M M OOOOOO A A IIIII K K UUUU N NN Moai-Kun English to Japanese Translation v. 1.00 ------------------------------- DEDICATION ------------------------------- This translation is dedicated to Reijin cuz he asked first and cuz I only spent about 2 1/2 hours on the whole thing, so there's no point in taking the time to write a dedication to someone that's actually worth dedicating it too... not that Reijin isn't worth it, cuz he's pretty damn good gay cybersex0r... or so I've heard, I don't know from experience! --------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------- I. Dedication II. Table of Contents III. Introduction IV. History V. Staff VI. Tools VII. Patching Instructions (**READ THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS!) VIII. Contact Information IX. Closing ------------------------------ INTRODUCTION ----------------------------- Ok, so it's not much of a translation, but it's a damn 'leet game. You play as some mutated Q-bert wannabe and you have to run around and save all your boogers while avoiding tons of enemies and making sure to leave a path to the escape door which is inconveniently located wherever it'll be the biggest pain in the ass to reach. The ever elite Tukka Yoot & myself did a review of this game many moons ago on my old site The Arsenal. It ended up being the first & only ROM of the Randomly Determined Period of Time, so I've included that review for your reading enjoyment. Also, thanks to Toma for lending me the font without his knowledge. -------------------------------- HISTORY -------------------------------- v. 1.00 - January 11, 2000 What's Complete - all text translated (I believe.) - minor graphics hacks (Title Screen & Font) What's Incomplete - nothing that I'm aware of --------------------------------- STAFF --------------------------------- Hacking - InVerse - Font Design - Toma - I got really bored, felt the urge to do a title hack and grabbed this ROM because it's a really kewl game and I figure maybe a few ppl might play it this way that might not have even heard of it otherwise. --------------------------------- TOOLS --------------------------------- The following tools were used for this translation: Hexposure: hex editing for translation and graphic maneuvering Tile Layer: graphics hacking Nesticle: some graphic hacking SNES Tool: patch creation -------------------------- PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------ Patching a ROM is extremely simple. You need three things. A ROM, the patch and a patching program. To patch with IPS, you simply type "ips ". So if the name of the ROM was HKFS.nes you would type "ips HKFS.nes HKFS.ips" and your ROM is now in English. Make sure you have all the files in the same directory if you have a problem. To patch a ROM with SNES Tool, simply select USE IPS, choose the patch and then choose the ROM to affix the patch to. It's self explanatory. If you can't figure it out, the game is probably too hard for you anywayz. --------------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION ------------------------- The official Hello Kitty's Flower Shop home page is currently located at E-Mail addresses concerning the project can be located on the official page. --------------------------------- CLOSING ------------------------------- So there you have it. Have fun and remember. It's just a game. -InVerse