}---------------------{ I Dodgy Translations I I Proudly Presents I }---------------------{ An Aushack Production Motocross Champion Translation Patch v0.50 ----------------------- Indroduction: ------------- Motocross Champion was a game released by Konami for the famicon. I suck at writing intros so thats about it for this one. I decided to translate this game because it looked like a fun game and it was fun to play. I think suicidal translations was working on translating this game also but I think they've gone into hiding. ooh well, looks like you have to use my patch then ;) Whats Done: ----------- v0.50 First Public Release 23/9/2k Most of the Menus Most of the other game text What Needs to be Done: ---------------------- The computer controlled characters names A few things here and there. (hmm, very descriptive huh, you know whats not done when you play the game) Who did what: ------------- Aussie- Hacking/Translating Pinky- Nothing, Watched me play the game Dizzy- Nothing, lazy bastard ;) Contact Info: ------------- E-Mail: CKSoftware@Hotmail.com WWW: http://dodgyaussie.webjump.com ICQ: 50530395 AIM: CKSoft64 Phone#: Like I'm really going to give you my phone# ;) -o- If you notice this notice, you'll notice this notice isn't worth noticing!!! Not try and work that one out, I've been trying for about 5yrs and I still can understand it.