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Musashi, the now retired founder of the group, has been helping me out from day one, starting with translating the Hello Kitty World script (my first completed project) and offering translation assistance on a large portion of the games I've translated (including this game). Dave, the new lead hacker for Gaijin, has also offered a lot of assistance and inspiration in recent months as well, including several project suggestions that I hope to see come to light in the near future. I'm honored to have played a small part in Gaijin Productions' translation of Sweet Home which I consider to be one of the greatest games of all time. I worked on this project over the course of a few years, so it's impossible to list all of the music I listened to while doing the hacking but Fiona Apple's sophmore release When The Pawn Hits The Conflict.... was instrumental in allowing me to keep my focus and finally beat track 8, thus allowing me to translate the ending of the game. I said, "Honey, I don't feel so good, don't feel justified. Come on put a little love here in my void," - he said "It's all in your head," and I said, "So's everything" - But he didn't get it - I thought he was a man But he was just a little boy. - Fiona Apple "Paper Bag" ------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------ I. Dedication & Inspiration II. Table of Contents III. Introduction IV. Version History V. Distribution Notes VI. Technical Notes VII. Staff VIII. Tools IX. Patching Instructions (** READ THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS!! **) X. Contact Information XI. Closing --------------------------------- INTRODUCTION -------------------------------- Motocross Champion could almost be viewed as a sequel to Excitebike if the two games weren't developed by separate companies. It has everything that made Excitebike such an addictive classic with the obvious improvement of tracks that actually resemble motocross race tracks instead of drag strips with ramps. I believe this was the 2nd game I ever started translating, which means that it's been around 3 years since this project began. It's not that the game was exceptionally difficult. In fact, with the exception of a few quirks in certain areas, it was a dream to hack. It's just that I couldn't keep interest going on it long enough to finish it. So there would be long gaps where I wouldn't touch it and then I'd notice it in my projects directory and make a little progress on it before quitting again. Well, I'm happy to say that it's finally done and, to the best of my knowledge, it's 100% complete. -------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY ------------------------------- v. 1.00 - September 03, 2001 What's Complete - all text translated - minor graphics hacks (Title Screen & On Track Signs) What's Incomplete - Nothing that I'm aware of... ----------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------ This Motocross Champion translation should be distributed in a file named mxcv100.zip and should contain the following files: mxcv100.ips - the translation patch motocross.txt - this readme file mc-man.txt - a manual for the game All three files are (C)opyright 2001 by Suicidal Translations. All rights reserved. You may distribute this translation in any manner you desire as long as the original archive remains intact with no modifications and the archive is distributed free of charge. Motocross Champion is (C)opyright 1989 by Konami. ------------------------------- TECHNICAL NOTES ------------------------------- Most of the translation of this game is 100% accurate to the original meaning. Of the 12 different billboards you'll see along the back of the tracks, 8 of them were originally in English, leaving 4 in Japanese. Two of these, Koshikawa Motors & Masuda Life were translated literally. Chachamaru Daikon was shortened to Chachama Daikon due to space constraints. Minayoshi's Oolong was changed to SuiTrans because I felt like showing off the group name a little bit. I also took the liberty of changing the racers' names to the names of authors who's work I've enjoyed. I don't have literal translations for the names and aren't particular interested in them. If you have a problem with my choice of names then you're entirely too anal. It's a video game, afterall. On an unrelated note, the term HEAT RESULTS is off-center by about 2 spaces. This is due to an oddity in the text display routine and I'm not really interested in doing assembly hacking simply to move one phrase 2 characters to the right. Everything else should be near-perfect but if you do find any bugs, please let me know. The lowercase font came from one of toma's (www.spoony-bard.com) many fonts though I forgot which one I used. The uppercase font was already in the game. Also, I purposely left the katakana in the naming screen because I thought it looked better than having a bunch of blank spaces. Recommended Emulator: Motocross Champion works just fine in Nesticle which is my emulator of choice due to the fact that I'm on an extremely slow computer. It will presumably work fine in just about any emulator. ------------------------------------ STAFF ------------------------------------ Hacking - InVerse - http://www.pigtails.net/ST Translating - Musashi - http://codex.virtue.nu Chojin - http://chojin.lfx.org Tomato - http://www.starmen.net/tomato ------------------------------------ TOOLS ------------------------------------ The following tools were used during this translation: Hexposure: hex editing for translation and graphic maneuvering Tile Layer Pro: graphics hacking & font insertion Nesticle: some graphic hacking & beta testing Patch Maker: IPS patch creation GiMP: title screen design Most of these tools, as well as ROM hacking tutorials can be downloaded from RHDO (http://www.romhacking.org) or Zophar's Domain (http://www.zophar.net). ----------------------------- PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------- Patching a ROM is extremely simple. You need three things. A ROM, the patch and a patching program. To patch with ips.exe, you simply type: ips So if your ROM was named motoc.nes and the patch was named mxv100.ips you would type: ips motoc.nes mxv100.ips Make sure you have the ROM, the patch and IPS in the same directory. To patch with SNES Tool, simply select USE IPS, choose the patch and then select the ROM to which you wish to apply the patch. It's self explanatory. If you can't figure it out, the game is probably too hard for you anywayz. To patch with IPSWin, you simply select the ROM you want to patch, the patch you wish to apply and then click Patch. Once again, if you can't figure it out, the game is probably too hard for you. ------------------------------ CONTACT INFORMATION ---------------------------- The official Motocross Champion home page is currently located at http://www.pigtails.net/ST E-Mail addresses concerning the project can be located on the official page. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, ask for ROMs. You will not only be denied, you will have your request for illegal files forwarded to your ISP. ------------------------------------ CLOSING ---------------------------------- So there you have it. Have fun and remember, it's just a game. -InVerse