NADIA: Secret of the Blue Water version 1.3 J2e translations ****VERY IMPORTANT**** please take the time to read the section on running nadia. it contains information on the compatibility of the nadia rom on the current emulators that are out there! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- the Nadia translation team is: Anus P. -Graphics -Rom Hacker -Translator (sorta) Rydia -Translator Una Farmer -Translator Blasted2 -Rom Hacker *Special thanks goes out to Toma XIII for helping Anus P. with a few translations and to necrosaro for starting the Nadia project and devolping great tools to work with. How much of this game is translated?? Well, as far we know, the whole game's been translated! Now there may be a few spots that may sound strange, but that's only because we translated the game from dumped scripts and we'll try to correct all mis-translated things as soon as possible! How can you help: (1) If there is any untranslated text in the game, please tell us and send us screenshots and a savestate/savegame, whatever! (2) We're not to sure how the credits at the end of the game will turn out, so if anybody has any savegames we could use to check this out, it woulds be greatly appreaciated! (3) If there is any instince where its obvious that the wrong text gets displayed, please tell us what line gets displayed and what it should possibly say. This is a common error when using pointer table modifications for translating games. *Nadia was hacked using the following tools: Thingy Hex Workshop Nesticle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nadia Updates and releases: version 1.3 -Added in the menu that said "NO ITEM" when viewing the stats of a character who is not holding an Item -made "NEO ATLANTIS" display when "NEO ATLANTIS WON!" was displayed in the close up battles -Fixed up when you win a close up battle so that the "Kt" after your armys name doesn't show up -Fixed the menu that lets you select letters for entering your name -changed the item "ELECTRC" into "POWER" to sound better -changed "BABELTOE" into "BABEL" It should really be Tower of Babel. Babel-Toe was a mistranslation but we're keeping it as just "BABEL" because Tower wont fit in the maximum space there is for it -changed some other texts that appear on the battle field to make more sense version 1.2 -As far as we know, everything in this release is translated! but we could be wrong.. and we intend to fix a couple things up here and there.... version 1.0 -Initial release -Not much translated... just the main menus and character and Item names and stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying the IPS patch to the rom: We recommend you use SNESTOOL to do this for you. It's by far the easiest IPS patcher to use! just load it up, select "USE IPS" and follow the instructions! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running nadia: When running Nadia *DO NOT* use nesticle! There are times in it where the game tends to lock up! As of right now, the only 2 emulators which we find are able to run nadia without it crashing or locking up are fwNES, and BioNES! If speed is a problem for you use fwNES, because its the fastest. But if speed isn't a problem for you, then stick with BioNES. Although it may be slower, the graphics are displayed correctly! But this doesn't mean that the graphics don't turn out bad on fwNES, there's just a few glitches and layering problems.. nothing serious. If anyone knows any other emulators which wont lock up nadia, please tell us so we can give people more selection to choose from! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to play Nadia: well, first of all you gotta use the main menus to start a new game. First you gotta register a new log before you can actually start playing! the menu systems fairly straight forward and easy to figure out. but playing the game is a different story! It first starts off as your turn to tell your army what to do. You can select which guy you want to something and menu will show up. This menu will give you the option to a) Move b)Use a skill c)use an Item d)Veiw the character's stats. although you might think that moving your characters is pointless, you'll soon find out that it is almost nessessary to move your characters on the battle field so that you can get into more strategic positions and also to get your army onto the offensive rather than defensive! if you move one of your characters beside one of the enemies characters an RPG-style battle will break out! When this happens you will have the option to a)Fight b)use a Skill c)use an Item d)RUN!! fairly straigh forward to figure out I would think. Oh, and choosing skill will allow you to use a special technique or choosing Item will allow you to use an Item! experiment to see which does which! That's pretty much the whole game right there! oh, I nearly forgot, to win a battle, all you have to do is kill the enemies Emperor, but beware, you will loose as soon as Nadia is killed, so choose your fights wisely! One last thing you could do if you want to help is submit a better guide for playing the game. If anybody wants to do that, it would be great! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copywright notice: Thanks for downloading our translation patch, and we hope you enjoy it! after all, we're doing this for free! If you wish to distribute this patch you may, but you MUST include this text file here with the patch that you distribute!