KONAMI WAI WAI WORLD Hacked & Translated by Zynk Oxhyde 2012-2019 --------------- Date Released: --------------- v1.0 May 23, 2013 ------------ Description: ------------ This is an English translation of Konami Wai Wai World for the NES. -------- Changes: -------- (v2.2 - 04/08/2019) *Fixed YES/NO of Casino Bunny Girl (v2.1 - 12/22/2018) *Restored original graphics *New titlescreen *Fixed YES/NO and EVEN/ODD (v2.0 - 07/16/2016) *Hacking the hero name lengths on Dr. Cinnamon's computer, thanks to Proveaux! *Minor script edits (v1.0 - 05/23/2013) Aside from translation, here are some note-worthy to trivial changes: *The Title screen is hacked & translated! YAY! *The heroes' icons are edited. *HP bar looks like CV's. *The Bullet icon is replaced by a Money bag icon. *The word 'Bullet' is now referred to as '$'. *The captured heroes' now have speech balloons. *The last stage evacuation/alert message is in English. *TwinBee's weapon menu icon is edited. *KonamiMan's letter K on his head is readable. *The skies in Dracua's castle are now darker. *The hunchbacks are recolored. *The spider ghoul had a face-lift. *The group photo's color does not have blue. *The Bunny-girl in the slot-machine casino game is purdier!<3 *That annoying 1px is erased on the dice-man's collar! --------- ZIP file: --------- 1. This readme 2. KONAMIWWW(EN)v2-2.ips patch -------- Contact: -------- Email: zynkoxhyde@yahoo.com --------- Password: --------- Zynk reused O's with 0's; l's with 1's! So that's how Zynk messed up the alphabet! Anyways, this password lets you have ALL party members, sub-weapons, items, $1000, & VicViper & TwinBee power-ups! RwNeD eIvTw huCd ---------------- ROM Information: ---------------- No-Intro Name: Wai Wai World (Japan) (No-Intro version 20130731-235630) File MD5: 752353CCC6678C727926B661C7AD5E3F File SHA-1: D509F4CF534C3638A29314563E98DE5F963F8264 File CRC32: B27BCF3D ROM MD5: F1ADE0B4C5EF48E27D1E4256E8521709 ROM SHA-1: D273629B112C8C11A133FA944874B9C21295AEFE ROM CRC32: 8A96E00D -------- Credits: -------- Zynk Oxhyde - Hacking and Translation Proveaux - Hacking the hero name lengths on Dr. Cinnamon's computer --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- Romhacking.net - for hosting the patch -------- Contact: -------- Email: zynkoxhyde@yahoo.com ----------- Disclaimer: ----------- * Zynk Oxhyde is not related or affiliated with Nintendo and the publisher of the original game. * Do not sell this patch and the contents with it. * Do not sell the pre-patched ROM into reproduction cartridges. * You may distribute or host this patch provided that all files that come with it are intact.