KingMike's Translation kingmike2001 AT hotmail DOT com Deep Dungeon III - The Journey to Become a Hero Patch v1.0 Release date: 05/24/2013 ********************************************* Original Title: Deep Dungeon III - Yuushi he no Tabi Original Language: Japanese ********************************************* Thanks to odino - Japanese to English translator DarknessSavior, BRPXQZME, LostTemplet, other RHDN members - spot rechecks ********************************************* Contents of package. dd3e10.ips : Finished English translation, IPS format dd3e10.bps : Finished English translation, BEAT format dd3e10.txt : This document. ********************************************* Emulation Status: Most emulators should play this fine. ********************************************* What's done: - All dialouge. What's left: - Any spelling, grammer, linebreak errors I missed? ********************************************* How to patch: PROPER ROM: -Japanese original. -256KB in Windows Explorer. - Download this zip file. - Download the game ROM. (I won't provide this. You find it.) To apply the IPS format patch: - Use the included patcher for DOS. It will expand the ROM and patch it. To apply manually: - Download Lunar IPS. - You will need to use a program such as nflate to expand the ROM by doubling up the PRG-ROM data. Make sure to change the byte in the header at address $0004 from 0x10 to 0x20 account for the ROM size change. - Open Lunar IPS. Click Apply patch. Pick the ROM and the patch. -If that is too difficult, open Lunar IPS, then close it. Do this to associate IPS files with Lunar IPS. -Now just double-click the IPS file, and double click the ROM. To apply the BEAT format patch: - Or use beat ( to apply the BPS version patch. I don't think ROM needs to or should be expanded first when using bps. This patch archive also includes a list of offsets. Originally the Japanese game was very biased towards the RNG and would decide enemy/player hit/miss, spell success and other things based on RNG rolls, and in less cases would decide the results based on further rolls that are influenced by stats. I've hacked that so that only the stat-influenced RNG rolls are used. I've also given HP-recovery spells 100% success in battle. It just seemed unfair to die because of a bad roll at a critical time. Even moreso because if your main character dies, you INSTANTLY game-over. I've also fixed a few bugs in the Japanese version. The "armor bug" is particularly game-breaking, and I found it I wa relieved to know that is probably why I first stopped the patch in 2008. What happens is that after every action in battle at the point when it checks if the enemy party is dead), the game will remove a potential item drop from a living enemy. That is already kind of questionable, but the armor bug comes in as a side-effect of that. The thing is that when the game tries to null the enemy's item drop, it will not recheck it is actually pointing at an enemy. After a party member uses a spell on another party member, the pointer will actually be left pointing at the caster's data. This causes the game to zero the Armor stat bonus granted by worn armor. This may not have an immediate effect as the game uses a separate battle Defence stat. However, if a stat-influencing spell is cast on the party member, this may refresh the Defence stat with the incorrect value. During battle, you may be able to correct it by equipping a weapon/armor, but that will cost a turn. After battle, you can force the game to correct the value by visiting the Status menu. You should, as the game will refresh the Defence stat when the next battle starts. Other bugs: - Resist and Armor increase Magic Resistance stat by 100 for the party, but do not include overflow protection. Enemies do have overflow protection, so I rebalanced it (sets to 255 if overflow). - The Death spell should set to a party member to very low HP, but not 0. The original left it possible to be at 0 HP but not dead. According to the manual description translated by DarknessSavior, low positive HP was the intended effect. - The Heal spell does not work on paralyzed members. I think the spell description in the manual says it should restore most HP and remove poison and paralysis effects, so I changed that. Since some might disagree on this "balancing" mod and whether translations should fix original game bugs, I've included an offset sheet to let others build their own custom balance/not versions of the translation patch. ********************************************* How to play: I've included a file "instructions.txt" that is sort of a Google-assisted translation/summary of the manual. ******************************************* Deep Dungeon III: Yuushi he no tabi (c) 1987 Hummingbird Soft (c) 1988 Square English Translation: (c) 2008-2013 KingMike, odino No distributing the patch with ROM, either pre-patched, or in one zip. That's wrong.