This rom was kind of a tough case to crack for me. Wierd mapper too. It had quite a bit of rle encoding and it was my first encounter with tategaki (Japanese Vertical Text). I opted to get rid of it since it said multiplication was ovious you had to multiply to play the game anyway. Everyhing is done save for some graphical bug in the fourth mini games bonus screen. But it's nothing that takes from the gameplay. You are more than welcome to fix it, if it really bothers that much. Enjoy the game! ==================================================================================================== Patch Ver. 1.0 ==================================================================================================== =========================================================================== Rominfo ===================================================================================================== PRG ROM: 2 x 16KiB CHR ROM: 1 x 8KiB ROM CRC32: 0xd255c7a3 ROM MD5: 0xc1dca6bfe3704fb8f881a34218493463 Mapper #: 185 Mapper name: Mirroring: Vertical Battery-backed: No Trained: No ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== Credit: Pikachumanson = hacking and and translation =====================================================================================================