Lost Word of Jenny: Ushinawareta Message Hacked & Translated by Zynk Oxhyde 2013 --------------- Date Completed: --------------- June 11, 2013 ------------ Description: ------------ This is an English translation of Lost Word of Jenny: Lost Message for the NES! -------- Changes: -------- Only the fonts were changed in the game, so no modified graphics this time from Zynk! --------- Controls: --------- D-pad = Move A = Jump/Pickup Items/Jet propulsion B = Kick/Shoot Down+B = Punch/Shoot Select = Switch weapons Start = Pause --------- Gameplay: --------- On the map, enter each stage by pressing Up. The stage selection is random. In every stage, you need to collect 6 keys before entering the Musical Theater. To get the keys, defeat the enemies that appear on items like coffins & jars. Jumping next to those will make them appear. Take note of the Letters & Numbers that appear when you defeat the enemies. You will need those in the Musical Theater. In Cow Head Stage, collect the J-e-N-n-Y letters by jumping at the beginning on the upper floor (around two screens), then kick the fire pot to get the dagger. Press Select to use. It is strong against Cowheads, but it has limited use. After clearing all the Cowheads, run at the bottom floor towards the right wall. Whomanchun is just a weird fortune-teller with a Chinese verbal tic. Nothing special. --------- ZIP file: --------- 1. This readme 2. Lunar ips patch ---------------- ROM Information: ---------------- File: Lost Word of Jenny - Ushinawareta Message (Japan).nes Length: 131088 Bytes (1 Mbit) CRC32: 0FDF683A MD5: 90064451 2B3A1201 4F0ECB7F 74CD5AEB SHA1: 502C6E7C CB6FC735 4A501C92 18FD6046 91EF5EC2 -------- Contact: -------- Email: zynkoxhyde@yahoo.com ----------- Disclaimer: ----------- Zynk Oxhyde is not related/affiliated with Nintendo & Takara in any way. Takara owns this game, all rights reserved. This patch is not for profit! This patch is free! Don't distribute this in pre-patched ROMs! Don't ask me for ROMs. Get your ROMs from anyhow you like.