====================Bionic Commando==================== ====================Return of Hitler=================== ========================V 1.04========================= Genre: Action Source language: Japanese Platform: Famicom Patch language: English Author: Pennywise E-mail: yojimbogarrett@gmail.com http://yojimbo.eludevisibility.org/ ====================================================== About Bionic Commando ====================================================== Background: Bionic Commando is one of those classic NES games and it also happens to be one of the classic examples of old-school censorship back in the day by Nintendo et al. All references to the Nazis and Hitler were removed from the game for its English release. Not that I'm obsessed with all that Nazi crap, but I feel it's one of the things that makes the game memorable. From what I've been told, Bionic Commando Rearmed was basically a retranslation of the original game, but it still features the same, dated names from the translation. Master D etc. I find it silly that it still doesn't come out say the obvious like what the original Japanese game did. Maybe it was a stylistic choice, maybe not, I have no idea. So what you have with this translation is that it's immediately known that you are fighting against a neo-nazi empire and that Hitler is resurrected and consequently killed by Rad. What could be more empowering than that? None of that stupid Master D crap. There were liberties taken with the translation. Mostly some embellishments for the villains in the game. Also, the Germans talk like Germans to you with accents etc. This does not apply to their radio communications. To each his own, but this definitely isn't a literal translation. Please accept that when playing the translation or play the US version or just the Japanese version. On the technical side, there really wasn't a whole lot to do. Part of the text was relocated to another bank and fits comfortably in the ROM despite being over twice the size of the original. Also the game originally was setup so that you couldn't have multiple screens of text without filling the screen first. I added a control code so I can stop the text whenever I want, clear the screen and start over. Also there was a limitation in the amount of characters a text string could be. A single string could only be $FF bytes, which equates to 255 characters, which gets eaten up pretty fast in the game. In fact, the first time you actually meet Super Joe, his portrait resets for no reason. Well, that's because they ran into that limitation and had to start a new string instead. Needless to say I removed that limitation. In an effort for full disclosure, I should mention that there was actually a patch to uncensor the American release of the game by Chris Covell, but the game needed a bit more than that for a good translation. The original translation was not very good and it felt like a very literal and dry translation, possibly translated by the Japanese devs due to the amount of engrish in it. Mind you, it wasn't the worst translation ever, but it's not acceptable for today's standards. So I took it upon myself to translate the Japanese version of the game from scratch. We've spent quite a bit of time on it and I believe this translation is the definite version of the game. Do enjoy. ====================================================== Version History ====================================================== 1.0 - Initial release 1.01 - Update to fix a few technical issues and minor script changes 1.02 - Fixed the torture gameplay, updated title screen and minor script changes 1.03 - Botched the translations for a few dev messages, which have been fixed. 1.04 - Fixed a few translations and fixed the broken prisoner torture. ====================================================== Game Tips ====================================================== *In area 15 there is a weapon that destroys the barrier, allowing you to access the rest of the area. However, you can also get past the barrier with your bionic arm. *In area 7 there is a hidden communication room where a few of the devs give you some hints. *In area 17 there is a prisoner you can torture for information. After a few hits, he tells you about the secret tunnels, but if you continue to hit him he will eventually give you all the weapons in the game if you don't already have them. ====================================================== Patching Instructions ====================================================== There are two patches, one in the standard IPS format and one in the BPS format, you will need to download beat to patch the later or use the program Floating IPS instead. It can be found here: http://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=11474 Apply either patch to the Japanese version of the game: Hitler no Fukkatsu - Top Secret (J).nes We would be highly grateful, if you find some time to contact us with proposals or corrections. Information on found bugs or corrections would be highly appreciated. P.S. Support the game industry by buying used games! Even if the money doesn't go to the developers directly, as the games become rare and harder to find, the price goes up, and people become more inclined to buy new releases "while they can!" ====================================================== Credits go to: Pennywise - hacking, testing, editing catfoodmoney - translation Ryusui - misc spot translations Esperknight - script extraction M-Tee - title screen design and misc hacking FlashPV - previous title screen design Gideon Zhi - special thanks Carnivol - testing All those who contributed into this process. ====================================================== Compiled by Pennywise. July 2017.