______ ____ __ __ ______ _______ ______ | _____| / __ \ | \ | | | _ | |__ __| | __ | | |____ | |__| | | \ | | | |_| | | | | | | | |____ | | | | | | |\ \| | | _| | | | | | | ____| | | | | | | | \ | | |\ \ __| |__ | |__| | |______| |_| |_| |__| \___| |__| \_\ |_______| |______| CCCCC A RRRRRRR N N IIIIIII V V A L C A A R R N N N I I I V V A A L C A A R R N N N I V V A A L C AAAAAAAAA RRRRRRR N N N I V V AAAAAAAAA L C A A R R N N N I V V A A L C A A R R N N N I I I V V A A L CCCCC A A R R N N IIIIIII V A A LLLLLL _______ _______ |__ __| |__ __| | | | | | | | | __| |__ __| |__ |_______| |_______| Sanrio Carnival 2 English to Japanese Translation v. 1.00 ------------------------------- DEDICATION ------------------------------- This translation is dedicated to my ex-gf Jacqueline who bought me the laptop that I used to complete the translation after being computerless for 8 months. I don't take back any of the mean things I've said about her in the past, but I won't say them anymore. :p This patch is also dedicated to all of the translation news sites, such as RPGd and Snakeeyes Gaming Corp, that Zophar's Domain steals all their translation news from (when they bother to post any at all.) --------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------- I. Dedication II. Table of Contents III. Introduction IV. History V. Staff VI. Tools VII. Patching Instructions (**READ THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS!) VIII. Contact Information IX. Closing ------------------------------ INTRODUCTION ----------------------------- Following in the tradition of most of the other Sanrio games, Sanrio Carnival 2 takes a well known theme and improves upon it greatly. This is a puzzle game, along the lines of Tetris or Columns, and includes three different modes. The first is the standard "get enough matches so you can advance to the next level" game. After each level, you play one of those games where you slide the tiles around trying to put them back order. The second mode is battle mode where you and the computer compete to get a certain number of matches while trying to blow each other up with bombs. In the third mode, you just try to get as many matches as you can until there are no more possible matches left. There is also a 2 player mode which lets you compete against someone else in battle mode. -------------------------------- HISTORY -------------------------------- v. 1.00 - August 13, 2000 What's Complete - all text translated (I believe.) - minor graphics hacks (Title & Ending Screens) What's Incomplete - nothing that I'm aware of --------------------------------- STAFF --------------------------------- Hacking & Translating - InVerse - http://www.pigtails.net/ST This was the first project that I did entirely on my own. I don't think I even had any spot translation requests on this one, but there was a 9 month lapse between when I started the project and when I finished it, so I'll thank Musashi just in case he did any spot translations that I'm forgetting about. He deserves thanks even if he didn't. --------------------------------- TOOLS --------------------------------- The following tools were used for this translation: Hexposure: hex editing for translation and graphic maneuvering Tile Layer: graphics hacking & font insertion Nesticle: some graphic hacking SNES Tool: patch creation -------------------------- PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------ Patching a ROM is extremely simple. You need three things. A ROM, the patch and a patching program. To patch with IPS, you simply type "ips ". So if the name of the ROM was Tabo.nes you would type "ips Tabo.nes Tabo.ips" and your ROM is now in English. Make sure you have all the files in the same directory if you have a problem. To patch a ROM with SNES Tool, simply select USE IPS, choose the patch and then choose the ROM to affix the patch to. It's self explanatory. If you can't figure it out, the game is probably too hard for you anywayz. --------------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION ------------------------- The official Tabo's Tactics home page is currently located at http://www.pigtails.net/ST E-Mail addresses concerning the project can be located on the official page. --------------------------------- CLOSING ------------------------------- So there you have it. Have fun and remember. It's just a game. -InVerse