(insert elite ascii graphic here plz) SD Splatterhouse 2.00 (7 January 2000) Official Readme File! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction II. Project IIa. Project Members IIb. Tools IIc. History III. End-User Information IV. Thx V. Legal stuff that would never hold up in court -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction SD Splatterhouse may well be the coolest side-scroller game ever. Of course you might not think that if you had to play through it over and over again to test out stuff. But hey, it's good for a quick diversion. You're a guy who came back from the dead, and you've got a hockey mask, and your girlfriend got kidnapped by some demon. As you can tell it's an amazing plot that will quickly draw you in, but basically you swing an axe around and kill various things, and you get a shotgun in some places, which packs quite the punch. And yes, it recoils. How's THAT for realism? Kids these days.. No one bitched about an Italian plumber eating mushrooms and doubling in height.. Now anything that isn't 3D sucks! Bah! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project This translation can now be officially called "complete." Before, only the ending was translated. Now, everything is 100% english, including a killer title screen by Ballz. I don't think I'll mess with this again, since there's really nothing left to do.. But don't hesitate to email me if I've missed anything. Members! -------- Spinner 8 (spinner_8@softhome.net) - text hacking, graphic replacement Xeur (xeur@ihug.com.au) - screenshot translation :) Ballz (ballzathon@cs.com) - title screen redesign/insertion Tools used! ----------- NESticle x.xx by Bloodlust Software (http://bloodlust.zophar.net) NJStar Communicator 2.1 by NJStar Software Corp. (http://www.njstar.com) Tile Layer 0.50b by Snowbro (http://home.sol.no/~kenhanse/) Thingy 0.98 by necrosaro (http://members.aol.com/sabindude/) Snes-Tool 1.2 by the M.C.A and Elite (?) Tools used by Ballz for the title screen! ----------------------------------------- Paint Shop Pro by Jasc Software (http://www.jasc.com) Graphics Inserter/Extractor by Jair (http://www.resnet.trinity.edu/gknodle/) Hex Workshop by BreakPoint Software (http://www.bpsoft.com) Tile Layer by Snowbro (http://home.sol.no/~kenhanse/) NESticle by Bloodlust Software (http://bloodlust.zophar.net) Yay! Patch history! -------------- Version 2.00 - New title screen, some stuff I missed.. completely 100% now! Version 1.00 - Everything should be done! I might fix the title screen, but other than that it's great. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- End-User Not much you need to know here... This game will run just fine on any emulator that claims to support Mapper 19. Actually, there isn't one that fully supports it, but Famtasia comes closest. Anyway enough of my bitching about Megami Tensei 2. Ahem. Patching is simple.. You can use the easy way with SNES-Tool, or you can be a man like me and use IPS.EXE. Get the unpatched rom and the ips file, and then at the DOS command prompt type: IPS SPLATTER.NES SPLATTR2.IPS In case you're a complete idiot, you should substitute SPLATTER.NES for whatever the name of your rom is. Just be aware that IPS.EXE doesn't support long filenames. Anyway, now you're all set to play. Hopefully something as easy as this needs no explanation. BioNES makes a SPLATTER.NMC file when you run it, but I'll be damned if I know what it does, since the game uses passwords. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks! Big thanks to Xeur, who took the time out of his study schedule to translate this stuff! And look, I actually finished it! Thanks to Sardius. This translation is entirely dedicated to him and his niftiness. I forgot to mention that in the last readme. Sorry. Thanks to Ballz, who made the title screen, and even inserted it himself! And hey, it even looks good! Huge huge thanks to Sardu for coding NESticle! I never would have found the text in the rom if it weren't for that lubly F2 key. Thanks to Amber, for hosting my sites!! Er, I mean site. Thanks to Snowbro for making Tile Layer, which was a real life-saver in this case. Of course, thanks to Skrybe who fixed this rom for all to enjoy. There, how's that? And thanks to everyone else I forgot. I doubt I forgot anyone though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Made-Up Stuff What are you doing with the SD Splatterhouse rom if you don't own the cart?! Shame on you! Don't you know that Nintendo of America is going to hunt you down and get a search warrant to be able to legally search your computer for copies of games that were never released outside of Japan and which can't be legally sold to anyone since the sale of used games is prohibited and Famicom games went out of production years ago? And even if you DO own the cart, and (naturally) dumped the rom yourself, don't even THINK about applying this IPS patch to it, since that's a violation of copyright. Why the hell did you download this thing anyway? I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you downtown sir. Yes, that's right! I'm actually an IDSA operative, and I've planted a beacon in this zip file! Whenever you open this zip, the beacon will send me your name, address, telephone number, PIN number, and all that pr0n you have! Oh, you do have a lot of it, don't you? Oh my god, some of that stuff is really sick! Do people actually DO that kind of stuff? I'm afraid I'll have to, um, examine this evidence a little bit longer. Just, umm, keep downloading pr0n and open this zip every so often. I'll get around to arresting you eventually.