SUPER ROBOT WARS 2 ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.00 Copyright 2013 by Aeon Genesis ToC 1.About Super Robot Wars 2 2.Patch History 3.Patch Credits and Contributors 4.Known issues 5.Application Instructions 6.Optional Patches ------------ 1.About SRW2 ------------ SRW2 is a strategy game for the NES featuring licensed characters from several Bandai mecha properties. It's the first game in the series to have any real plot, the first game to introduce original characters, and the first game in the original SRW canon. It's a little primitive by some standards, but is nonetheless a reasonably fun entry in the series. The SRW2 translation was abandoned several years ago when it became apparent that ROM space was at a premium. As it turns out I didn't really know what I was talking about. ROM space *is* at a premium in a few places - notably where the system information such as unit, weapon, and pilot lists as well as the various interfaces are stored - but it's abundant in other places. With a little low-level hacking the script was fit back into the game with minimal fuss. That said, I did run into a really nasty issue with the Units map option; the original developers did not budget for more than 256 tiles to be printed to the screen at any given time, and I needed ~270 to render everything properly. The issue is fixed, but me-from-ten-years-ago probably would not have been able to handle it. So it all worked out in the end I guess, if for different reasons than initially stated. In any case, I picked the game back up a few years backed. Dumped the script, casually hunted around for someone to translated it. The duty was picked up by TheMajinZenki (JoJo, Royal Stone, TwinBee) in March or so, and he finished in about a month. It took a while before I was able to reinsert the system text, but once that happened, things moved forward quickly and the final patch is now in your hands. --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- December 24, 2013 - Initial V1.00 Release --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE SRW2 TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, romhacker, text editor, assembly hacking TheMajinZenki - Text translation Ryusui - Title screen optomon - "Gallant Char" music patch -------------- 4.Known Issues -------------- There are no known issues. Please report any bugs, spelling errors, and such on The Pantheon ( Screenshots are preferred, as are savestates. -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- Quick ROM Info: 512KB (4mbit NES) Simply use Lunar IPS (or an equivalent program for MacOS/linux) to apply the patch to the ROM. ------------------ 6.Optional Patches ------------------ Included with the translation are two optional patches. Each comes with an "undo" patch which will remove the patch's effects from your ROM should you decide you don't like it. Each patch is entirely standalone from the others, including the translation, so if for instance you decide you just want Music Persistence in your Japanese copy of the game, you can apply that one patch and be on your way. MUSIC PERSISTENCE Super Robot War titles are strategy games, characterized by units moving around a map and attacking one another in special animated sequences, during which music plays from the player's (or boss's/Elzam's) unit's TV show, movie, OVA, etc. It's usually a theme song from the show's opening sequence; in SRW2 it's *always* a theme song from the show's opening sequence, bosses excepting. In later SRW titles, the unit's theme music will continue to play after the animated sequence ends and the game returns you to the map. This tends to make the games feel more exciting, as the music is generally designed to get the viewer invested in the show. Older SRW titles, however, would stop the theme music as soon as the animated sequence ends, and would start the map music over from the beginning. As a direct result, you never heard much of the robot's themes OR the map music unless you deliberately stuck around and waited to listen. The Music Persistence patch changes the music behavior in SRW2 to be more like the later games in the series. Once an attack sequence begins and a theme song starts playing, the theme song will continue to play until either the turn ends or a unit from a different series takes part in a battle sequence. GALLANT CHAR SRW1 and SRW2 feature the uncomfortably awkward "Tobe! Gundam" theme music for robots from the Universal Century MS Gundam timeline. It's bright, it's peppy, it's muzak-y, and it really doesn't fit the frequently serious, militaristic tone of the shows. Starting with SRW3, Tobe! Gundam was replaced with "Gallant Char", an orchestral piece that played during combat operations in the show. Starting with SRW4, different UC conflicts received music from their respective shows - "The Winner" for 0083 Stardust Memory, "Mobile Suit Battle" for Zeta, and "Silent Voice" for ZZ - but "Gallant Char" remained the music of choice for the original Gundam series for quite some time. This patch replaces "Tobe! Gundam" with "Gallant Char" and brings SRW2's soundtrack closer in-line with the later entries in the series.