Sweet Home [English Translation v1.00] 6-14-00 --------------------------------------------------- from Gaijin Productions (Musashi) & Suicidal Translations (Ataru) Thanks ------ -The MadHacker: Offered his expertise in figuring out the naming screen and default name setup early on. -Ataru: Provided a fantastic script translation. -InVerse: For finding me fantastic translation support (Ataru). -Celes, necrosaro, & Varkon: Thanks for those spot translations fellas! -Spinner 8: Alpha testing -Ballz, Jair, (wraith), Jonny Geddes, Ghideon Zhi, & Reginsei: My beta testing storm troopers, much appreciated! -CTC: For giving me a kick start. -Capcom: For the original famicom game. Version 1.00 ----------------- Progress: -100% Script translated -100% Game text romhacked -100% Enemies translated & romhacked -100% Weapons & items translated & romhacked -100% Menus translated & romhacked -100% Title screen -100% Play-tested About the Game -------------- Sweet Home is a Famicom game released by Capcom in 1989. The game is an RPG that incorporates "survival horror" elements. The game stars five members of an investigation team, equipped with... well, your standard investigation equipment (Cigarette Lighter, Medicine Box, Camera, Vacuum, and a Key). The team enters the abandoned Mamiya Mansion to investigate and document the painter Mamiya Ichirou's famous frescoes. However, as soon as they enter they find themselves trapped within the manor and terrorized at every turn. You must guide the five characters through various puzzles and battles to escape the mansion. The original Japanese names romanized into English are as follows: Kazuo Akiko Taguchi Asuka Emi However the game only allows a maximum of six letters for each name. "Taguchi" obviously exceeds the length limitation by one. In addition, the game only allows the default names to be five letters long. "Taguchi" has been replaced with the name "Taro". Also to clarify Kazuo and Taguchi are male while the other three are female. So be mindful if you choose to rename them. This game fits in well with the rest of the Resident Evil series. While the game is not an official prequel, it is often cited as the inspiration for the Resident Evil/Biohazard series that began on the PSX. Sweet Home can safely be classified as a puzzle-RPG with "Survival Horror" elements. For a Famicom game it is extraordinarily graphic at times. About the Project ----------------- I began this project back in 1999 (I'm fairly sure). A script was dumped and light translation and romhacking work was done by myself. By May 23rd of 1999 I received exciting news from The MadHacker. He had done what I had failed to do, he had figured out the naming screen. Apparently, two characters are hard coded on the said screen. Then Demi/strength contacted me with a title screen design for Sweet Home. Preliminary attempts at inserting the screen were difficult (mostly, as I discovered, because I can't cut and paste my way out of a cardboard box) and as a result that aspect was left for last. Then, InVerse of Suicidal Translations offered the assistance of Ataru, a translator at ST who just finished the Monster Maker script. Gladly accepting the offer, the script was returned completely translated a short while later. Things were moving positively and rapidly. Then I gave it up... I was busy with other things so the project just sat there until May of 2000. On the twenty-third of May I finally figured out the pointers for the monsters (not really pointers) after many, many ours of searching. It's not as difficult to figure if you're looking for the right thing (it was not your traditional pointer setup). Then began the manual romhacking of text, which concluded quickly on June 1st. All romhacking done by hand. Yup, handmade, no insertors. I can't program. It's slow as hell but that's how I do things, but this should serve as an example that you don't have to be tech head to do this. The only thing that bugs me is that the game displays a six letter name every time one is mentioned in the text. So you will see extra spaces after a name if your characters have names of five letters or less. This cannot be resolved at this time and I doubt it will be in the future. Visit Gaijin Productions at: http://gaijin.romhacking.com/ Visit Suicidal Translations at: http://www.pigtails.net/st/ Also visit the Confederated Translation Company, of which Gaijin Productions is a member: http://CTC.weyland-yutani.net/