~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wai Wai World 2 - SOS!! Paseri Jou Wai Wai World 2 - SOS from Parsley Castle English Translation Patch Version 1.01 Created by Vice Translations http://vice.parodius.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *NOTE* Please do not distribute the patch file without this documentation, since it contains important information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Version History 2 - Project History 3 - How To Patch 4 - Controller Functions 4.1 - Side Scrolling Mode 4.2 - Twinbee [Bells and Whistles] Mode 4.3 - Racing Mode 4.4 - Gradius/Parodius Mode 5 - So who are these guys anyway? 6 - What tools did you use on this project? 7 - So... what emulators can run this? 8 - Okay, what did you leave untouched? 9 - Hey! Where the heck is the manual you mentioned before? 10 - Anything else you want to tell us, Kitsune? 11 - And who were the culprits that ruined this game for us? 12 - To whom do you owe respect? 13 - And who can go to hell? 14 - Standard Disclaimer Text 15 - And finally, do give credit where it is due, please. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - Version History: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.01 [10628 bytes] [October 11, 2003] There was -one- untranslated graphic in the game, during the Puzzle World bonus stage. When Konami Girl's balloon popped, the sound was represented by Katakana symbols. It's now changed to read "Pop!". Version 1.00 [10560 bytes] *All done 'cept, er, nothing!* The damned title screen is NO MORE~! *Dances* Version .99 [7855 bytes] *All done 'cept the title* As the title says, everything's done except the damned title screen. Version .90 [6982 bytes] *The not so quite fully complete version* - All the text is done!!!!!!! All that's left is: -The Title Screen -The little scroll in the game map -The Kanji in the Car Races -The "Puzzle World" Logo Version .23 [3514 bytes] *The version I finished before going to sleep* - Unreleased Whew... all of the song names are in, and half of the sound names are there too. I'm off to bed... [9-13-2000] Version .15 [2150 bytes] *The version that started maiming Akujin's translation* - Unreleased I had to move stuff around, and I added some more letters and scrunched names. Oh, the intro dialogue is in! [9-13-2000] Version .05 Beta [1930 bytes] *The Version that stole Toma's font and got away with it* I've just inserted the font, there is nothing translated yet, but the game will be hacked partially soon! ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 - Project History: ------------------------------------------------------------------ April 21-22, 2001 Finally figured out the problems I was having with the title screen. It turns out that the Konami programmers used certain codes that I could not touch under any circumstances, else the title would go to hell. So I used only the parts that were not protected. The result? Well, go and play it for yourself, you'll see. *grin* Also, I nearly used all of the tiles in the block for that title screen. Makes me wonder how do they do those titles anyway, it's hard o.o' That title screen is an adaptation of Prez's original concept, which was way cooler. It had a swirly circle behind the title. Anyway, that title proved to be impossible to implement, in part because of the control codes in the game, and in part due to Prez needing more tiles that the game had available. Anyway, Prez couldn't do the title screen because of personal conflicts, but I still appreciate him designing the title for me. If it wasn't for him, this would never have been completed fully! ^_^ April 11-12, 2001 Edited the remaining parts. Except the title screen. But it's done... finally done! September 29 & 30, 2000 It's done! If only someone would come and vanquish those parts I'm missing... September 15, 2000 Got the Minibosses CD! ^_^ Yah, I know... can't a guy brag? ;D September 14, 2000 Gah! I started all over again so I could use some tiles I had ignored, and now I have 20 more tiles to use! ^^;;;;;;;; Thanks to Translhextion, I quickly transferred the dialogue from one version to the other, with just a simple script dump! September 13, 2000 Moved stuff around, and accidentally deleted the new graphic for the map =P August 30, 2000 Partial script dumps have been made [the introduction, the song names and the sound names]. Unfortunately, the rest of the script is spread out within the rom at random. So the remaining parts will have to be translated using screenshots [Ack! O_o] August 24, 2000 I've just started... anyone wanna help out translating? ^_^; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 - How To Patch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, get yourself an IPS patching program. Follow the instructions that came with the program. Ta-Da! I reccomend that you go to Zophar's Domain [http://www.zophar.net/] and look there. Do not bother me with questions on how to patch! (You will be ignored if you do.) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 - Controller Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4.1 - Side Scrolling Mode: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Directional Pad Right - Makes your character move right. Left - Makes your character move left. Up - Unused. Down - Unused. Select Button Unused. Start Button Pauses the game. A Button Makes your character jump. B Button Makes your character attack Special Commands Hold the B Button until your character is flashing, and release: This makes your character use the Hyper Battery and execute an Ultimate Attack. Press the A Button + Up on the Directional Pad Makes Rickle use the Konami Transformation Chip and change into... *Cue Sentai-style music* one of the five Konami Heroes! *POSE* Transforming into a Konami Hero First, Rickle must collect a Call Battery [A ball with a C in the middle] As you see, the bar on the status screen will start to flash. When the icon representing the character that you want to change to is flashing, press A + Up at the same time to change into that character. You have sixty seconds of transformation time. After it ends, you will return to Rickle mode. You can, however, recover 20 seconds of transformation time by picking up a First Aid box. But you can't have more than sixty seconds of transformation time at once. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4.2 - Twinbee [Bells and Whistles] Mode: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Directional Pad Right - Makes Twinbee fly towards the right side of the screen. Left - Makes Twinbee fly towards the left side of the screen. Up - Makes Twinbee fly upwards. Down - Makes Twinbee fly downwards. Select Button Unused. Start Button Pauses the game. A Button Makes Twinbee drop a bomb at a ground-based enemy. B Button Makes Twinbee shoot. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4.3 - Racing Mode: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Directional Pad Right - Makes you drive towards the right side of the screen. Left - Makes you drive towards the left side of the screen. Up - Makes you drive upwards. Down - Makes you drive downwards. Select Button Unused. Start Button Pauses the game. A Button Makes you jump. B Button Makes you shoot missiles [if equipped]. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4.4 - Gradius Mode: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Directional Pad Right - Makes Vic Viper/Metalion fly towards the right side of the screen. Left - Makes Vic Viper/Metalion fly towards the left side of the screen. Up - Makes Vic Viper/Metalion fly upwards. Down - Makes Vic Viper/Metalion fly downwards. Select Button Unused. Start Button Pauses the game. A Button Activates the powerups. B Button Makes Vic Viper/Metalion shoot. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 - So who are these guys anyway? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Super Robot Rickle [Rikkuru]: Special Ability - Double Jump From: Wai Wai World 2 He has the ability to jump twice as high as the other characters, by pressing A just as he starts to fall from a regular jump. His attack is a straight shot, that doesn't travel very far away from him. He's the only one who can die by losing all his hearts. Ishikawa Goemon [The guy with the black hair] Special Ability - Pipe Boomerang Attack From: Legend Of The Mystical Ninja / Mr.Goemon / Ganbare Goemon He attacks by throwing his pipe. However, when he throws it, it flies back towards him! It can hit anyone or anything even when it is flying back at you! ^^ Pretty useful! It flies very far too! Upa [The Baby] Special Ability - Cloud Maker From: Bio Miracle Boku tte Upa! When he [she? :|] hits an enemy, he [she?] turns him into a cloud, which he [she?] can use to climb to higher places. Oh, and his [her?] size allows him [her?] to fit in small places [I think]. Oh, he [she?] must attack very closely to the enemy. Upa is also the only one that can swim. Simon Belmont [The guy in the upper right corner] Special Ability - The Vampire Killer [the whip] From: Akumajou Densetsu / Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Uh... I've got no clue as to what can he do. Actually, he has very good attacking distance, but like the old Castlevania games, he can only use the Vampire Killer [the whip] towards his front. Bill Riser [The blond guy] Special Ability - 4-way Machine Gun [^^] From: Contra / Gryzor Ha! Now this guy really rocks! It's player one from Contra, in SD form! He can shoot in four directions [up, right, down, and left] when he's jumping. Sorry folks, no diagonals in this game [>_<]. His bullets reach all the way to the end of the screen. Good attack power, as well. Fuuma [The guy with the red hair] Special Ability - The Hadouken blade From: Getsu-Fuuma Den The best attack power in the entire game! His attack covers his entire front and part of his head. But you have to be really close to the enemy to hit it. The good thing is, that most regular enemies die with just one slash. So he has a distinct advantage over the rest of the characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 - What tools did you use on this project? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Translhextion 1.5 & 1.6 [http://januschan.romhacking.com/] - Script dumper, editor, re-inserter and optimizer Tile Layer .50b Tile Layer Pro 1.0 [http://snowbro.romhacking.com/] - Graphic editing Microsoft Notepad - Table maker Macromedia Fireworks 1[Full] & 3[Demo] - Gif images and basic image editing Famtasia Ver5.1 - Game testing platform Rocknes 1.2 [http://rocknes.emuviews.com] - Game testing platform NESten 0.6 Beta Final [http://tnse.zophar.net/] - Game testing platform JWPce [http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~grosenth/jwpce.html] - Japanese dictionary, japanese table maker and script dump editing NJStar Communicator [http://www.njstar.com/] - Kanji/kana table insertion Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia [1996 Edition] - Has one hell of a thesaurus... ^_^ Caffeine - ENERGY!!!!!! *walks like a Zombie* ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 - So... what emulators can run this? ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Unofficial Nester (by TAKEDA, Toshiya) - Rocknes (By Fx3 - Discontinued). - Famtasia Ver 5.10. I apologize to Mac OS/Linux/BeOS/ or other Os users, I only have Windows 98 and DOS. Just be sure that your emulator supports mapper #21. Please consult your favorite emulation sites for information on these programs. Emails concerning this will be ignored. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 - Okay, what did you leave untouched? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing~! ------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 - Hey! Where the heck is the manual you mentioned before? ------------------------------------------------------------------ I screwed it up =D Unfortunately, I will not create it in HTML format; there is no way that I can assure that everyone can view it in the way I intended it to be seen. So, I'll try to whip up an FAQ! Hopefully, 2 to 3 weeks after this file is posted, I'll write one up with my findings ;D ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 - Anything else you want to tell us, Kitsune? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Well... be sure to play the games that spawned the characters that appear in the game! All of them are great, especially Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa! Who would have thought that playing as a baby could be so gratifying? /*Begin Plug*/ Ganbare Goemon, Getsu-Fuuma Den, Akumajou Densetsu, Contra/Gryzor and Twinbee 3 have english translation patches created by other, more experienced groups; you can get them all at The Whirlpool [http://donut.parodius.com/], RPGd [http://rpgd.emulationworld.com/], or SGC [http://sgc.emu2k.com/index.phtml]. I would give out the addresses to each group's site, but some are either discontinued, vanished, or just changed their site address. Please refer to these sites for more info on the games, the patches, and the groups themselves. /*End Plug*/ If you like my patch, feel free to send praises, rolls of quarters, ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 - And who were the culprits that ruined this game for us? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Kitsune Sniper -Me ^_^ Game hacking, script editing, project leader. Email: kitsune@terra.com Akujin -Great Talent! Almost complete Script Translation Email: akujin_@hotmail.com Prez [http://prez.lfx.org] Original title screen design (which I later maimed :P) Special Thanks to: Pelrun He did a spot translation that saved the project 'cause I forgot to send 6 frickin' pics to Akujin [... >_<] ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 - To whom do you owe respect? ------------------------------------------------------------------ IRC: #romh**** #mugen People: Gideon Zhi, satsu, Arina, |pkiss, Avicalendriya, and too many other folks that I can mention in such limited space - For bearing with my whining and being cool even though I'm mexican. Heh, I'm -the- mexican in d4 sk33n ^-^ Demi - He translated part one, Wai Wai World (Konami World). Also for being just plain creative. Yeah. Mizuki Takase - Patience, patience, lotsa patience. Wish I had even a little bit of yours ^^ NeoGouki - The coolest gay guy I must avoid at all costs. [I told you I'd mention you in a Readme file, sensei. I just didn't say -what- file ^_-] Adle - For being a b****, and not caring one bit about it ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 - And who can go to hell? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Guillermo Alemán. Si tElo conoces, no confú‚s en él. Hazme caso. Y si estás leyendo esto, Billydiota, que te sientes sobre un burro durante la primavera en cuanto tu madre lo desocupe! >=P [Note to all english-only readers: I basically told the guy above to screw a donkey after his mother has finished up using it(the donkey); so it's a f***-you message directed to him. Pardon the language, but he truly deserves it; his arrogance and stupidity exceeds my tolerance levels.] ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 - Standard Disclaimer Text ------------------------------------------------------------------ There is no videogame company or any other company associated with Vice Translations [be it current or former members]. In no event shall Vice Translations be liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides. In other words, you'd better own the cart for the rom that you're patching [insert hysterical laugh here], and if something goes wrong, don't blame me! Also, this patch must never be distributed with the rom. The zip file must -not- be modified in any way, including [but not limiting to] archive renaming, adding a file to the original zip [like a file that indicates where you got the zip file], and the like. If you post this file, or news pertaining to the file in your website [be it an emulation news site, or a fan site] please notify me so that I may give your site a visit! ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 - And finally, do give credit where it is due, please. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wai Wai World 2 - SOS!! Paseri Jou, Castlevania/Akumajou Densetsu, Quarth, Contra/Gryzor, Gradius, Frogger [Yes, Frogger], TwinBee [Bells and Whistles], Goemon, Getsu-Fuuma Den, and all related names, indicia and characters are trademarks of Konami. Copyright 1984-2001 Konami. All other names and programs mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. Patch not for sale. Patch © 2000-2001 Kitsune Sniper.