Ys 2 NES English Translation Version 1 - August 11, 2000 Created by David Mullen http://www.geocities.com/makoknight.geo/ ================== Credits and Thanks ================== Jeremy (M'Rhan) - http://www.arrowweb.com/jeremy/Translate.htm Head of Kakkoii Translations. Just as with Ys 1, he gave the scripts to his friend to translate. I owe him many thanks. ??? Jeremy's friend, who translated the scripts. This person wishes to remain anonymous. (wraith) - http://donut.parodius.com/ Beta tester. He did a fine job of blazing through the game and spotting quite a few bugs that have been ironed out. Also runs a darn good translation site along with Spinner 8. TheFreak - http://sgst.romhacking.com/ Beta tester. First one to volunteer for the testing. Also a member of an up and coming translation group. Duke Serkol - http://www.dekutree.com/bszelda/ Beta tester. A good friend that also helped test the game. Runs the BS Zelda homepage, among many other things. All the creators of hacking documents and utilities, because it was that knowledge and array of tools that made this possible. ===== Notes ===== After finishing Ys 1, I was still looking for something else to do. I thought it'd be nice to do the sequel, since the first two games' storylines tie very closely together. I knew of another group doing it, at http://members.xoom.com/ys_project/ but they hadn't updated in two years. I read about their problem, and thought I could help out. But a day or so after emailing them, it bounced back. So I just decided to take it on myself. I was fortunate that the text was encoded in the same style as Ys 1. It did take a little longer to finish than I expected, but that was no problem. I don't plan on doing any more Ys games, since the third part is already available on the SNES and Genesis consoles (I recommend the Genesis one, myself). And parts four and five are being taken care of. If you ever get the chance, be sure to play the Turbo Duo version of Ys Book I-II. Although it's quite old, it's still an excellent classic. ============ Instructions ============ The file "ys2e.ips" must be patched to the original ROM image to play this translation. Any IPS patching utility should work. Two commonly used utilities are IPS.exe and Snestool. You can find these two programs at most emulation websites. *** Always keep a backup of the original ROM image. *** To use IPS.exe, run this at a command prompt: IPS Snestool has a graphic interface that makes it easier. After starting it, select "Use IPS", then select the IPS file, then the ROM image that it should be used on. This game has been tested with the NESten and Nesticle emulators. If the game shows jerkiness or flashing, try tweaking the timing settings. ========== DISCLAIMER ========== Ys 2 is (c)1988 Nihon Falcom. This work is unofficial and is not supported by them. This patch may be freely distributed, as long as: - The patch remains unmodified - This readme file accompanies the patch - The ROM image is not distributed with this patch already applied This patch is not for sale, and is not to be exchanged for money, goods, or services of any kind. I won't be held accountable for any damage or undesirable side-effects this patch may create. Use it at your own risk.