~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ys III - Wanderers From Ys English Translation Patch Version 1.00 Created by Vice Translations http://vice.parodius.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Version History 2 - People who worked in this project 3 - Notes 4 - Standard Disclaimer Text 5 - Trademarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Version History: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.00 [Size: 23199 bytes / CRC32: 5ec689e9 MD5: 384f3661843e428e76bd7a530003ad83 / SHA1: 3c1ad1e226845e6a84557485bec50227bec97837] (January 7, 2005) -Script fixed and edited, all item, equipment and location names are translated. So the game is finally done. Version 0.80 [17691 bytes / CRC e9715017 MD5 8c96e054523a2b73df0b6e01c9587eea / SHA1 da35a47428b2fc654f48d4ee34f4865834476c57] (December 19, 2004) -Script finally fucking inserted. Took me FOUR YEARS, ONE MONTH, SEVENTEEN DAYS! But I did it. Now go betatest it, dammit! Version 0.05 [1129 bytes] (March 11, 2000) -English Font Added -Game Menus translated ~Load ~ Save ~ Status ~ Equip ~ Items -Game loading and saving screens translated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - People who worked in this project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitsune Sniper - Game hacking, font insertion and preliminary translation. Homepage: http://vice.parodius.com/ Email: kitsune.sniper[AT]Gmail[DOT]com Deuce - Main script translation. Homepage: http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/ Gideon Zhi - Credits translation. KingMike - Technical assistance and suggestions0 Haeleth - Ending translation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 - Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The patch should be fully finished by now. So there should be no issues. If you find any problems, shoot me an email and I'll fix it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 - Standard Disclaimer Text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no videogame company or any other company associated with Vice Translations [be it current or former members]. In no event shall Vice Translations be liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides. In other words, you'd better own the cart for the rom that you're patching [insert hysterical laugh here], and if something goes wrong, don't blame me! Also, this patch must never be distributed with the rom. The zip file must not be modified in any way, including [but not limiting to] archive renaming, adding a file to the original zip [like a file that indicates where you got the zip file], and the like. And for Christ's sake, DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THE FUCKING PATCHED ROM. DO YOU HEAR ME, COWERING?! If you post this file, or news pertaining to the file in your website [be it an emulation news site, or a fan site] please notify me so that I may give your site a visit! ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - Trademarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ys III: Wanderers From Ys, all related names, indicia and characters are trademarks of Nihon Falcom. Copyright 1990 Nihon Falcom. NES Adaptation Copyright 1991 Victor. All other names and programs mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. Patch © Kitsune Sniper. Patch not for sale or rental.