Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula Kun Demon Castle Special - I'm Kid Dracula! Spanish Translation Patch Version 1.00 ------------------------------------------ Hacking and translation by Ifcaro [http://www.ifcaro.net] Version History: ----------------- Version 1.00, July 16, 2015 First release. ------------------------------------------ Based on English versions by Vice Translation & Kalas. Credits of Vice Translation ----------------- Kitsune Sniper Game hacking, font insertion and preliminary translation. Email: kitsune_sniper [at] hotmail [dot] com KingMike ASM suggestions [also my personal savior] Akujin Main Translator D-Boy, Ian Kelley, Tomato Secondary translation Scheurbert [http://www.lvl99.com/] Title and ending screen design Credits of Kalas Translation ----------------- Kalas [kalas@bellsouth.net] //Hacker & Translator DarkMazda, Faraday //Translators