------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy II (English Translation) Original Titlescreen Patch Version 1.0 - July 31st, 2006 Created by Dragonsbrethren ================================================================================================= Information ================================================================================================= These are patches to switch the titlescreen in Neo Demiforce's Final Fantasy II translation. Final Fantasy II was the only Famicom FF title to have a titlescreen, when Demi translated it he replaced the original, bland, titlescreen with a cooler one that didn't fade properly in newer emulators. Parasyte later fixed that flaw, however, I made this patch as an alternative to his fix, this restores the original Japanese titlescreen. ================================================================================================= Archive ================================================================================================= This archive (ff2title.zip) should contain the following files: ·original.ips -The original Final Fantasy II titlescreen. ·demiforce.ips -Demiforce's titlescreen with Parasyte's bugfix. ================================================================================================= Questions ================================================================================================= Q. "Why did you make this patch?" A. I felt like it. Q. "But I like Demi's titlescreen!" A. That's not a question. If you don't want the original titlescreen you shouldn't use this. Q. "What about the prototype titlescreen?" A. I considered making it patch, it's pretty much the same as the original though. Q. "Will the patch to restore Demi's titlescreen work on the Japanese version?" A. Probably. Q. "Does Demi approve of this?" A. I doubt he'll lose sleep over it. ================================================================================================= Bugs ================================================================================================= No bugs are known at the moment If you discover one please E-mail me with a description of the bug. ================================================================================================= Contact ================================================================================================= Here is my contact information: ·Forum: http://www.finalconquest.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=15 ·E-Mail: dragonsbrethren@verizon.net ·AIM: Dragonsbrethren ================================================================================================= Disclaimer ================================================================================================= "Final Fantasy® II" is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. The creator of this patch is not affiliated with Square Enix and is not responsible for any loss or damage of material/software of the user. If you do not agree with this disclaimer, do not use this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2006 Dragonsbrethren Industries