This Patches the in game password system to english so you can read and write down your password and then enter it by selecting continue when starting the game. To see your password in the game you have to watch tv or well the spirit tv which displays your current password. Witch I could have changed the text to say Password and explian what to do to get it but that is not what is there in the japnese text. So it's left untouched from the actual translation. I used the same naming system for my patch to save on confusion. Kitaro2eng.v1.1.ips The original translation patch by Djinn / aishsha The Above must be applied to the rom before my patch or it will not work Kitaro2eng.v1.2.ips Me_Dave's password system Patch the one in this zip file Must be applied over a pretranslated rom After applying the patch found in this archive if you find any problems with the password system or other parts of the game that are not in the japanese version or the offical translation contact Me_Dave about it and not Djinn or Aishsha because they didn't make this patch I did.. Emial for Me_Dave: Enjoy..