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SWEET HOME Translation guide by The Siege Version 2.0 Iruleijust@gmail.com 09/06/2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History 1.0 - 03/30/2016 - Made the FAQ 1.1 - 04/18/2016 - Added the dialogue section 1.2 - 07/13/2016 - Added Romaji to the descriptions 2.0 - 09/06/2016 - Based the FAQ around the new translation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, let me assure you, this is the definitive FAQ/Walkthrough for this game. You will learn facts here that you won't be able to find anywhere else. This game *was* hard to a lot of English speakers, but was it always justifiably so? It turns out it was not. Now there's a new and very much improved translation, will it be useful in eliminating the need for a guide just to finish the game? Hello everyone, this is The Siege, Ace Speedrunner. If you're like me, you've discovered this magnificent gem of a game. It's called Sweet Home, and it is the precursor to the Resident Evil series. If you didn't already know, Resident Evil was originally going to be a remake of this game before changes were made and it developed an identity of its own. Unfortunately do to the subject matter and depictions of gore and the strict censorship policies of Nintendo of America, this game got the "No export for you!" treatment, and English speakers would never know what it was we were missing out on. Fortunately the game received a translation eleven years after its initial release by a small group of fans known as Gaijiin Productions. It was a bit rough around the edges, but it gave English speakers a chance to see what made this game great enough to be an inspiration to the great Resident Evil series. Even though the game has been out since 1989, and the fan translation has been around since the year 2000, I have only just discovered this game. So unfortunately only now have I been able to actively do something to fix it. The reason why I started this project could be owed to GameFAQs user Pokeeiyuu. Thanks to stumbling on a few things he had to say in the message board and some of the translation fixes he brought up, it gave me the direction to look for as much as I could on the subject. Luckily, a new translation has finally been made using the old translation as a base. Thanks to JMN and myself. JMN was the programmer and he and I discussed how the new changes would be implemented. This guide will be a look into the new translation. Keep in mind that a lot of times there are limits on what can be done within this translation. For example, many names of the characters and items are limited to 6 letters. The main exception is Taguchi, as long as you don't rename him. Other words include character tiles that cheat by using more than one letter. But before we start, let's quickly discuss a few details on the game itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Story] A team of five go into a mansion in search of finding answers to the mysterious disappearance of famous painter Ichirou Mamiya. Despite all of the warnings given to them that supernatural events have been rumored to occur at the estate. Akiko Hayakawa, Ryo Taguchi, Kazuo Hoshino, Emi Hoshino, and Asuka I would like to take a moment to point out that in the movie, Lady Mamiya never spoke. All of her dialogue was done through Asuka, whom she would possess throughout the film. ***Spoiler*** Throughout the game you will find notes scattered around the mansion giving the player details about a group that entered the mansion at an unknown time previous to your group. - Takashi: The leader of the group and a bullheaded warrior. It's very likely that the skeleton in the basement by the mine cart tracks belong to him. Strong signs point to him being the one responsible for digging up the baby and unleashing Mamiya's rage. - Shogo: Takashi's disciple. It's likely His fate is to become a corpse in front of one of the slides. It should be noted that there's a tonic two feet away from his corpse. - Kenji: A tactician of the group. He is likely to be the corpse you see in the lava room with the photo and blue candle. - Etsuko: Kenji's wife. She is likely a corpse you see in the same room with Kenji. There's also a tonic in the same room as these two as well. Really makes you wonder how they died... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Translating] For this guide, in every instance, the first part is the object or character's name as properly translated. Example: Hammer The second word is what it is called in the game. With an explanation to the translation if applicable in parenthesis. Example: Mallet (dialogue space limit) The third word is the actual original word written in romaji Example: Hanma (hanmaa) Afterward will be a description. So all of it added together will look like this: Hammer - Mallet (dialogue space limit) - hanma (Hanmaa) here's another example: Half of a Man - Torso (character limit) - hanshin otoko Words that are represented by an icon will be in parentheses. Example: Long(Sword) Right off the bat, anything pertaining to "Prayer" or using your heart actually translates to "Power/Force of the heart/Mind/Will". The movie fan translation that I watched referred to it as the power of the mind. Seeing as what was demonstrated in the movie was actually of supernatural nature and the abbreviation for Mind Points is MP, keeping it in tune with other RPGs of this nature, I would go with "Mind". Mamiya is always referred to as Mrs. Mamiya or Wife of Mamiya in the Japanese script. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Heroes] Kazuo Hoshino - Kazuo - kazuo The producer and leader of the group. Has his trusty lighter even though he doesn't smoke. Akiko Hayakawa - Akiko - akiko The director and Kazuo's love interest. Carries around a medical bag even though she does smoke. Ryo Taguchi - Taguchi - taguchi Originally mistranslated as Taro in the original. Trusty cameraman and the token pervert of the group. Asuka - Asuka - asuka The main reporter and narrator, bullheaded but easily manipulated. Skilled at cleaning and preserving paintings with her vacuum. Emi Hoshino - Emi - emi Kazuo's teenage daughter. Comes along in an attempt at getting Kazuo and Akiko closer to each other. She is in charge of the key to the estate. [Supporting cast] Mamiya is referred to as Lady Mamiya in the original, however due to the 6 character limit, it was shortened to just Mamiya. Kenichi Yamamura - Yamamura - yamamura Translates to "Mountain Man" in Japanese. Ichirou Mamiya - Ichiro Mamiya - ichirou mamiya The famous painter and owner of the house. Is said to have disappeared. Lady Mamiya (Mamiya Fujin) - Mamiya - mamiyafujin I would have personally gone with "Fujin" to help conceal her identity to the player. [Commands] Obviously, everyone hates that darned "Move" command. Replace it with "Take". The new translation doesn't touch any of these. They remain as they were in the original translation. Change Member - Party - koutai I would have gone with "Change" or possibly "Player" or "Member" Tools - Item - dougu Use - Use - tsukau Exchange - Move - koukan In the original translation from Gaijin, the items were named inconsistently. They would be called items in the overhead menu, but then called tools in the battle menu. For "Exchange", I would have used "Take". Speak to - Talk - hanasu Group - Team - nakama Investigate - Look - shiraberu I personally prefer "Search" here. Save - Save - sabe Give Up - Quit - gibu appu Load the Game - Restart - akiramenai Abandon the Game (Start over) - Quit - akirameru Maybe people get confused as to how to start a completely new game from scratch thanks to the poor translation. Changing "Restart" to "Load", and "Quit" to "Reset" would surely help a lot in my opinion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Equipment] [Personal Items] Lighter - Lighter - raita Burns rope. Deals 17+ damage to Maggots and Skull Snake. Very useful in the early game. Key - Key - kagi Opens many locked doors in the mansion. It's never explained in the game (maybe in the manual?), but in the movie they explain the reason Emi has a key to the mansion is because they picked it up from the city. Medicine Case - Remedy (character limit) - kasuribako Removes status ailments from party members. I've seen people playing the old translation not realizing that Akiko's "+kit" heals every status ailment in the game. If they would have gone with the tried and true "Remedy" or even "Esuna", taking a cue from the Final Fantasy series, this problem could have been easily solved. I would personally go with "Remedy" as it is a medical bag, not a magic spell. Vacuum Cleaner - Vacuum - zojiki (soujiki) Removes dust from dirty frescoes. Cleans glass tiles. There are glass pieces blocking the path quite often in the game, so this item is practically required up until you find the broom at least. Camera - Camera - kamera Reveals hidden clues from frescoes. Deals 20+ damage to Bats, Grim Reaper, and Skull Ghost. Not necessary to completing the game if you know how to solve the puzzles or can figure them out on your own. Only useful if you get caught by the bats very early. [Replacement Items] Matches - Match (character limit) - matchi Burns rope. Deals 35+ damage to Maggots and Skull Snake. Not really necessary to pick up as the club is found in the room after the room with this item. Polaroid Camera - Camera - poraroido Reveals hidden clues from frescoes. Deals 80+ damage to Bats, Grim Reaper, and Skull Ghost. This is one of those opportunities where extra tiles could be used to form the word "Polaroid", but that's just me being picky. Cookie - Pills - kukki (kukkii) Removes status ailments from party members. Yes you're reading this right, the replacement for a first aid kit is a single cookie. This is one of the rare cases where the original translators went above the call of duty for a very logical reason. Broom - Broom - houki Removes dust from dirty frescoes. Cleans glass tiles. People think it's strange that one would use a broom to clean a painting. I am among those people. I would have called it a "Duster" Wire - Wire - harigane Opens many locked doors in the mansion. If it weren't for the fact that the key is clearly seen hanging around Emi's neck, I would have lobbied for her to start with a wire, and you find the key. [Items] Medicine Bottle - Tonic (character limit and dialogue space limit) - kasuri bin Restore Party HP and MP to full. Seeing as this is a precursor to Resident Evil, I wouldn't mind seeing this translated as Herb instead, but that would require a lot of changes that aren't really necessary. Worn Out Board - Wood (character limit) - boroboro no ita Allows 5 uses of walking a team member across a gap. Deals 10+ damage against Cursed doll, Earth Man, Decomposed Body. I'm perfectly fine with this staying as "Wood". Very useful in the beginning of the game as it not only is required to get across gaps, but one shots the Cursed dolls. Sturdy Board - Board (character limit) - jobuna ita (jiyoubuna ita) Allows 100 uses of walking a team member across a gap. Deals 40+ damage against Cursed doll, Earth Man, Decomposed Body. In the original translation bad wood was red and good wood was blue. The new translation also aimed to give it a better appearance. Also in the original translation, both woods shared the same name, making it impossible to discern the two once they were in your inventory. Obviously, this wasn't an issue in the original Japanese version. Hammer - Mallet (dialogue space limit) - hanma (hanmaa) Smashes Mirrors Deals 62+ Damage against Mirror, Wall Face, Mad Dog, Skeleton, and Wolf. Very useful item. You'll still be using it to kill Skeletons, even though Skeletons are a late game enemy. Unchanged from the original translation. Blue light - F-Light - aoi raito Obliterate red shadows. Deals 120+ damage to Grim Reaper, Skull Ghost, Zombie, and Upside Down Zombie. There's also a dummied out red flashlight in the game. Maybe it was going to be used to destroy blue shadows? It bugs me that the original translation called this an F-Lite, even though it had tiles that allowed words like "Lighter" to be possible. Log - Log - maruta Allows you to walk across gaps in the lake area. Deals 23+ damage to Earth Man, Half Body Man, and Decomposed Body. Very necessary to help take out Half Body Man in the dining area. Rope - Rope - ropu (roopu) Use to get the team across large gaps. Deals 100+ damage against Copper and Silver Armor. Fantastic item. Two of these guarantee your victory against a Copper Armor. Fire Extinguisher - Fire-X (character limit) - shokaki Puts out fires caused by traps. Deals 130+ damage to Ghost and Living Spirit. If there were a lot of character tiles that weren't being used, it wouldn't be difficult to spell out extinguisher if you made the letters small enough to fit two letters to a tile, but then extinguisher would be a very unique and special case. Safety Shoes - Boots (character limit) - anzenkutsu Safely walk across sticky floors. How does this even work anyway? Broadaxe - Axe (character limit) - masakari Cut down trees that obscure your path in the lake area. Deals 110+ damage to Man, and Turned Around Man. Useful for exactly one area of the game, it just happens to be the same area you're likely to pick it up. Gun Bow - Bow (unchanged from original translation) - bougan Allows you to get across the long gaps. Deals 150+ damage to Mad Dog, Wolf. I'm not really sure why this only does damage to canine type enemies. Of all the items to get you across a gap... Rod of Iron - Pipe - tetus no bou Deals 105+ damage to Earth Man, Half Body Man, and Decomposed Body. Like the Axe, is also only useful for the Lake section before being hastily dropped for inventory space. Pick/Ice Ax - Pick - pikkeru Use to safely walk on water and ice. Fairly necessary item, although I believe it is possible to finish the game without it. Cotton work gloves - Gloves (character limit) - gunte Used to safely pass through thorn bushes. Unnecessary item. Candlestick - Wax(candle) (character limit) - rousoku Creates light in a small radius around the caster. Deals 30+ damage to Maggots. Memento Dress - Dress (character limit) - katami no fuku Used for infinite MP recovery. I'm very certain this is the same dress from the movie that belonged to Emi's deceased mother. Wheelchair - Pulley (unchanged from original translation) - kassha Use to gain faster movement. How many of you would have guessed that a "Pulley" makes you go faster when you saw it? What I find strange is that it actually is called a Pulley in the Japanese version. I don't understand how this is, but I am absolutely certain that I am not wrong on this. I would have definitely called this something else, like "Sprint" or "Skates". Blue Candle - Blue(candle) (character limit) - aoi rousoku Allows you to get past the three statues. Deals 200+ damage to Zombie and Upside Down Zombie. It's really nice when upside down zombies attack you in the Inner Sanctuary, they give the most experience. Crystal ball - Gem (character limit) - suishou-dama Used to extinguish the blue flame. Deals 170+ damage to ANYONE. Potential game breaker. [Key Items] *Spoilers* Gasoline Cannister - Gas (character limit) - gasorin Use to turn on the power to the mansion and gain access to the north part of the house. No memorials were defiled in the operating of this generator. Rope Ladder - Ladder (character limit) - nawabashigo Gain access to the lower floor. Deals 140+ damage to Copper Armor. Makes short work of Copper Armor. It's impossible to have this in your inventory without hacking by the time you come across Silver Armors, but it's possible it might work on them too. Bucket - Pail (dialogue space limit) - baketsu Pour blood onto the bronze statue to melt it. Deals 100+ damage to Death Candle and Living Spirit. Necessary to complete the game, but will only be in your inventory for that one time it's needed and then immediately discarded. Scoop Shovel - Shovel - sukoppu Used to dig up the baby...ahem... Cellar Key. Given to the Archaeologist. Something about the lake area really requires you to clutter and then empty your inventory. Clay Figurine - Amulet (character limit) - doguu Used to reveal the stairs to the basement. Deals 120+ damage to ANYONE. Due to a mistranslation of dougu and doguu, the Clay Figurine was incorrectly known as a "Tool". This was one of the very first problems to be fixed in the new translation. The movie refers to it as an amulet, which, luckily has 6 letters. Use it to get Mamiya Fujin to shut up. End game item number 1. Family Photograph - Photo - shashin Use it to prove to Lady Mamiya that she is no longer alive. End game item number 2. Ichirou's Diary - Diary - nikki Read to Lady Mamiya to show her she is not wanted. End game item number 3. Children's Coffin - Coffin (character limit) - kodomo no hitsu Give to Lady Mamiya to end her rage. End game item number 4. Spear of the Armor - Knight(spear) (New translation, space limitations) - yoroi no yari Gain access to the east courtyard This was changed to the Knight spear to reflect the translated name of the enemy. It was originally called an Armor(spear). Key to the Diary - Diary(key) - nikki no kagi - Used to gain access to the Diary. Ring of Jade - Jade(ring) - Hisu i no yubiwa Shown to the servant to allow passage. Ring of Ruby - Ruby(ring) - rubi no yubiwa Shown to the servant to allow passage. Projector Slide - Slide - suraido Used to make the Family Portrait appear in the projector. 3 in total. [Keys] Key to the Basement - Low(key) (unchanged from original translation) - chikashitsu no kagi Unlocks many doors in the basement. I would like to propose calling it the Cellar Key. It probably wouldn't take though given how often this key is mentioned in regular dialogue. Two of the Keys - Twin(key) (character limit and to avoid confusion) - 2-ko no kagi Unlocks many doors in the mansion. I can't help but wonder how many people may have thought this key only unlocked two doors on your first playthrough? Try not to think of it as a snack. Key of Gold - Gold(Key) - kin no kagi Unlocks 4 doors. No longer needed after solving the slide puzzle. Key of Iron - Iron(Key) - tetsu no kagi Opens the two grates in the dungeon, and one door in the main hall on your way to the room with the photo. No longer needed after opening the two grates. [Weapons] The first number is attack against biological beings. The second number is attack against spiritual beings. Fruit Knife - Fruit(knife) - kudamono naifu 03/00 Note that it is kudamono, meaning knife of fruit. This is not a "Knife of Kudamo", kudamo actually doesn't mean anything in Japanese. Knife of Silver - Rune(knife) (character limit) - gin no naifu 00/04 Switchblade - Switch(knife) - tobidashi naifu 20/08 Originally translated as a shiv... That is all that I am going to comment on that. Holy Knife - Shiny(knife) (to avoid supernatural undertones) - hikaru naifu 77/32 Spear - Oak(spear) (unchanged from original translation) - yari 06/02 Spear of Exorcism - Rune(spear) (character limit) - mayoke no yari 05/03 Holy Spear - Shiny(spear) - hikaru yari 92/30 Axe of Exorcism - Rune(axe) - mayoke no ono - 05/05 Silver Axe - Silver(axe) - gin no ono 07/24 Heavy Axe - Heavy(axe) - omoi ono 38/14 Holy Axe - Shiny(Axe) (to avoid supernatural undertones) - hikaru ono 112/45 I can only imagine this was called a "Cut Axe" in the original translation to add individuality to all of the weapon categories. Sword - Worn(Sword) - ken 15/05 Can ignite his dragon punch with flames, oh wait... Known as the "Old Sword" in the original translation, the reason for the change was that a person would more like identify a sword by its physical state rather than by its age. Silver Sword - Silver(Sword) (to make a correction) - seinaru ken 15/36 Originally called a "Holy Sword" in the Japanese version, and soul sword in the original translation. This sword has the property of having more than double damage to spiritual enemies, so the correction was made. Longsword - Long(Sword) - nagai ken 55/25 Holy Sword - Shiny(Sword) (to avoid supernatural undertones and make a correction) - gin no ken - "Holy(Sword)" 132/65 Originally the "Silver Sword" in the Japanese version and original translation. Wooden Sword - Club - bokuto (bokutou) - 30/01 AKA the "Disc One Nuke". Once you get your hands on this weapon, the game gets significantly easier. Objects this is not shaped like: A sword. Cudgel - Mace (unchanged from original translation) - konbou 62/05 The decision was made to keep this as a mace to save space for more important matters in the game, and I absolutely respect that. Skiing Pole (?) - Silver(Trident) (based on how the silver property is used for weapons) - suki 25/65 This one is going to baffle me for a long time. What supports the theory that this really is supposed to be a skiing pole is that there are so many other impractical weapons and items in the game. That and it was written in Katakana, which is normally used for words that are foreign to Japan, instead of traditional Hiragana Japanese. Perhaps ski means something in a different language that I am not aware of, or perhaps there is a pun that I am missing. Trident of Heaven - Pearl(Trident) (avoiding supernatural undertones) - mitsumata no hoko 179/120 Originally called the Pitct Fork, a horrible handling of the best weapon in the game. Pearl is easily an improvement. You'll notice I didn't mark this one as a victim of character limit, because Pearl was ultimately decided on to avoid giving the weapons supernatural properties. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Enemies] Note that the Gem (170) and Amulet (120) can be used on any monster and have it do substantial damage. Anything spiritual is weak against the Power of the Mind (MP Attacks) Disembodied Soul - Ghost (Ghost is fine) - hitodama HP:8 STR:6 END:3 EXP:2 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: 67% Damage 33% Curse Weak against: Bucket (100), Extinguisher (130) There are so many different ways this could have been translated. My personal favorite is Supernatural Fiery Death Ball. Cursed Doll - Evil Doll (character limit) - noroi no ningyo HP:5 STR:3 END:2 EXP:1 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage 50% Froze Weak against: Board (10), Bridge (40) "il" and "ll" are both double letter tiles that are used to make "Evil Doll" possible as an enemy name. Bats - Bats - komori HP:34 STR:10 END:12 EXP:4 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage, 50% Poison Weak against: Camera (20), Polaroid (80) Try really hard not to get caught by one of these in the Dining Room area. These enemies are harder than anything you can encounter in a random battle there. Maggots - Maggots - ujimushi HP:25 STR:8 END:5 EXP:6 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage 50% Poison Weak against: Lighter (17), Taper (30), Match (35) Horribly translated as "Worms" originally. Skull Snake - Snake (character limit) - dokuro hebi HP:40 STR:12 END:10 EXP:10 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage 50% Poison - Weak against: Lighter (17), Match (35) This is a tough one, the snake only appears in animations and the skull isn't actually the monster you're fighting. However, "Skull Snake" has too many letters to fit. Earth Man - Risen (character limit) - tsuchi otoko HP:80 STR:20 END:19 EXP:13 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 33% Damage, 33% Poison, 33% Grab Weak against: Board (10), Log (23), Bridge (40), Pipe (105) I simply can't fathom why this enemy was originally called "Grave" Half of a Man - Torso (character limit) - hanshin otoko HP:60 STR:18 END:12 EXP:17 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage, 50% Grab Weak against: Log (23), Pipe (105) Originally mistranslated as "Zombie" Mirror - Mirror - kagami HP:130 STR:58 END:51 EXP:24 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: 50% Damage, 50% Scared Weak against: Hammer (62) I'm starting with the man in the mirror. Wall Face - Wall Face - kabe-gao HP:120 STR:35 END:35 EXP:27 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: 100% Scared Weak against: Hammer (62) Originally just called "Wall". Mad Dog - Mad Dog - kyoken (kiyouken) HP:105 STR:31 END:24 EXP:30 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 67% Damage, 33% Toxic Weak against: Hammer (62), Bowgun (150) Originally translated as "Hound". I'm not quite sure what the reason was, unless it has to do with freeing up memory in the game. Man - Man - hito HP:130 STR:40 END:28 EXP:35 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 67% Damage, 33% Grab Weak against: Ax (110) I'm curious why the other man enemy in this game is called a "Turned around man" when this enemy starts the battle turned around as well. (Living) Copper Armor - Armor (character limit and inability to make symbols) - do no yoroi HP:180 STR:50 END:28 EXP:42 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 100% Damage Weak against: Rope (100), Ladder (140) By the time you meet him, it's possible to have two ropes in your inventory to make quick work out of them. Seeing as the other Armor enemy in the game is called a "Knight" perhaps this one could have been better named a "Squire"? Wraith - Wraith - ikiryo (ikiriyou) HP:150 STR:33 END:36 EXP:40 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: 75% Damage, 25% Dodge Weak against: Bucket (100), Extinguisher (130) Originally called "Bane" Decomposed Body - Corpse (character limit) - furan shitai HP:145 STR:64 END:57 EXP:70 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 33% Damage, 33% Toxic, 33% Curse Weak against: Board (10), Log (23), Bridge (40), Pipe (105) One of the very few monster names that Gaijin did correctly. Hachet Man - Maniac (character limit) - nata otoko HP:220 STR:70 END:50 EXP:50 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage, 50% Curse I've seen this monster of a man called a "Machete Man" as well... Zombie - Zombie - zonbi HP:340 STR:60 END:52 EXP:62 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 60% Damage, 20% Curse, 20% Grab Weak against: light (120), Candle (200) Originally mistranslated as "Ghoul" even though the clue for the game tried to give you a 'hint' on how to defeat them with the meme worthy explanation of "F-Lite Jinbi" Grim Reaper - Reaper - shinigami HP:335 STR:65 END:70 EXP:70 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: 33% Damage, 67% Exile Weak against: Camera (20), Polaroid (80), light (120) Oh Reaper... how many times have you made me reset my progress? Originally known as "Wraith", this guy is certainly worthy of the Grim Reaper moniker. If he sends your character to another area, you will be spending a lot of time back tracking... or loading your game. Upside Down Zombie - Zombie (character limit) - sakasazonbi HP:550 STR:80 END:92 EXP:105 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 60% Damage, 20% Toxic, 20%Curse Weak against: light (120), Candle (200) Originally mistranslated as "Ghoul(2)". I can't even... Skeleton - Skeleton - sukeruton HP:320 STR:70 END:87 EXP:90 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage, 25% Froze, 25% Exile Weak against: Hammer (62) Skeleton is normally written in Katakana, so the probably of this word being mistranslated is very low. Turned Around Man - Psycho (character limit) - furimuki otoko - HP:300 STR:62 END:73 EXP:60 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage, 50% Scared Weak against: Ax (110) Originally translated as "Madman", changed to psycho, but I would have kept it as what it was, a rare occasion for this new translation. Skull Ghost - Lich (character limit and because it's badass) - dokurogosuto HP:520 STR:105 END:117 EXP:135 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: 33% Damage, 33% Exile, 16% Grab, 16% Dodge Weak against: Camera (20), Polaroid (80), light (120) Originally translated as "Ghost" Wolf - Wolf - okami HP:500 STR:90 END:90 EXP:78 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 75% Damage, 25% Toxic Weak against: Hammer (62), Bowgun (150) "Okami" would have been good too ;). Thank you Capcom. (Living) Silver Armor - Knight (character limit and inability to make symbols) - gin no yoroi HP:500 STR:85 END:85 EXP:82 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 40% Damage, 40% Froze, 20% Scared Weak against: Rope (100) These guys are useful for late game grinding, there are 3 of them in the east section of the Inner Sanctuary and you can reload them as many times as you please. Madman - Giant (unchanged from original translation) - kyojin HP:530 STR:110 END:107 EXP:107 Creature Type: Biological Type of Attacks: 50% Damage, 25% Curse, 25% Exile Even though this enemy's name is supposed to be "Madman", I feel that name is better suited for the turned around man. So if that isn't the case here, why not name this one "Psycho"? *************SPOILERS***************** [Guardians] I should note that even the guardian enemies are listed incorrectly. They're not actually doppelgangers, they're spirits. In the Japanese game the word "spirit" is behind them. I realize that this is due to the character limit, but I don't recall the translation making any mention that they're actually spirits. An English player will only find this out by accident when attacking with the MP command, and that's only if they know or have figured out that spirits are weak to it. Spirit of Kazou - (evil)Kazou (character limit) - kazuo no rei HP:420 STR:130 END:200 EXP:150 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: Damage, Froze Spirit of Taguchi - (evil)Taguchi (character limit) - taguchi no rei HP:420 STR:130 END:220 EXP:170 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: Damage, Scared Spirit of Akiko - (evil)Akiko (character limit) - akiko no rei HP:420 STR:130 END:210 EXP:160 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: Damage, Toxic Spirit of Asuka - (evil)Asuka (character limit) - asuka no rei HP:420 STR:130 END:230 EXP:180 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: Damage, Toxic Spirit of Emi - (evil)Emi (character limit) - emi no rei HP:420 STR:130 END:240 EXP:190 Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: Damage, Curse Mamiya Fujin - Monster Mamiya (Chosen over Mamiya Fujin - Author's preference) - mamiyafujin HP:500* STR:100 END:220 EXP:N/A Creature Type: Spiritual Type of Attacks: Unavoidable Damage Strangely enough, in the original code the name had duplicated text, so she was called Mamiya Mamiya. [Enemy Attacks] "Gleamed was originally "Flashed" in the old translation, if you can think of something better, please contact me. Flashed "Gleamed" Blow Wind "Exiles" Shoot Fire "Casts Fire" Spit Poison "Poisons" Oozes Pus Attacks Hit Bite Glare Slice [Ailments] I don't know if these were changed in the new translation, I'll have to do some testing. Curse - (lose MP when walking) Death - Player is no longer usable Froze - The player can't move until healed Poison - Every step uses up 1 HP Scared - Fear - After 10 steps, player leaves the party and can't move, also loses HP. XPnX - Deadly Poison - Scared immediately "Toxic" Stun - Other players in the party attack you until you cast MP "Grabbed" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Hints] While there isn't exactly a limit to how long most dialogue in the game can be, there is a limit on how much text can be in the game altogether that is tied to what can be referred to as a 256 byte limitation. For this section, the first line represents how I've translated the text. I am confident in the accuracy of this translation and will make a note when something deviates from the true translation. The second line is what the line was in the original translation by Gaijin. Lastly, the third line is what it has been changed to in the new translation by JMN and myself. I provided him with the translation and he did all of the work getting it into the game. It should be noted that not all of my notes were used in the new text. The last line is my thought on the particular clue. [Fresco clues] 1st Floor - 1-6 There are three frescoes for each area, they provide clues. - My 3 frescos will solve a puzzle. - There are 3 frescos per area, they provide clues. There are obviously more than 3 frescoes in the mansion. 1st Floor - 1-15 Boulders block your path, but can be smashed using a hammer - One needs a mallet to remove a boulder. - A mallet can break mirrors and boulders. I don't believe there is a single clue in the Gaijin game that tells you about using the hammer on mirrors. 2nd Floor - 1-23 The Hammer is hidden under the desk with the small beast. - The mallet is under the desk in the room with a small beast. - A mallet is under the desk in the room with a small beast. Considering this is the first item in the game that you can't see, how important was the word "Hidden" here? East Wing - 2-3 On our 10th anniversary, my wife birthed a son - Our 10th Anniversary and our first child is born. - Our 10th anniversary and our first son is born. In Japan, gender pronouns aren't commonly used, so further pointing out that it is indeed a son helps to explain the narrative. East Wing - 2-11 A knight waits in a room with lightning - Where there is lightning... - A knight waits in a room with lightning... The original clue was very cryptic, and not accurate to the original script to boot. East Wing - 2-28 The spear goes from one knight to another - A knight needs a spear. - The spear goes from one knight to another. Fixing another very cryptic clue that wasn't accurate to the original. Northern Region (Diary Room) - 3-8 My wife... killed our child... in the furnace... by accident... - My wife... killed... our child... by... by accident... - My wife killed... Our son in... The incinerator... By accident... Just adding that one little detail about the incinerator being involved adds a lot of detail to the story. Courtyard - 3-13 The lake is behind the bronze statue. - The statue...back to a lake... - The lake is behind the bronze statue. The original clue confused a lot of players, and originally the clue was thought to have the intention of telling the players to push the statue into the fountain to get the amulet. That was until I played the Japanese version. Hopefully now the record can be put straight. Courtyard - 3-25 Blood melts the bronze statue. - Blood will melt aged bronze. - Blood will melt aged bronze. Pretty simple and straightforward. My only complaint is that you have to be in full search mode to get the pail to work. Northern Courtyard - 4-4 My wife incinerated other children to give our son playmates!! - My wife... killed a child... for a playmate... - Push the statue into the fountain. Story clues were moved around a little. Now, just like the eighth section of frescoes, there is another game clue in place of story. Northern Courtyard - 4-14 The Amulet gets you into the basement - Melt the blue statue for a sign to the basement. - The amulet gets you into the basement. Hopefully this should curb a lot of confusion. Refer to 4-4. Northern Courtyard - 4-22 The 4 stones are the basement's entrance - Use at the site with 4 stones. - The 4 stones are the basement's entrance. Kind of a useless clue considering Yamamura takes you directly to the site that you need to go to. Basement - 5-5 After her suicide, I thought the worst was over... - I thought it was over after the suicide. - My wife... incinerated other children... to give our son playmates... Some of the story clues were moved around. This one was the most unnecessary, so it was cut entirely. Basement - 5-10 The statue can be moved with running water - The Gem is guarded by a statue. - The Gem is guarded by a statue. Basement - 5-24 With the gem in your hand, extinguish the blue flame - The blue fire... Pray with the Gem in hand. - With the Gem in your hand, extinguish the blue flame. You can't actually use the "Pray" command here, so I don't get where that line came from. Inner Sanctuary - 6-7 The child's memorial was vandalized, breaking the seal on my wife's curse. Now she terrorizes the mansion. - The tomb was broken... She's possessed the house... - When the townspeople caught her red handed, they cornered her... Obvious clue is obvious. This was changed to be more like the movie. Inner Sanctuary - 6-17 A guard recognizes his master's two prized rings - A man awaits his master's rings. - A guard awaits his master's two rings. Awaits? Inner Sanctuary - 6-25 The guard has poor eyesight, so he'll only see objects that shine. - When the two meet... FLASH! It's yours... - The guard has poor eyesight, so he will only see them when they shine. FLASH! It's mine? What's mine? In other words, I don't understand where the Gaijin text was coming from at all on this one. Inner Sanctuary - 7-7 If you confront my wife, bring the Amulet, Diary, Photo, and Coffin - I need the Tool, Diary, Photo, and Coffin. - Surrounded, she threw herself in the furnace. The story clue was removed from area 4, and area 7 was given a story clue as a result. East Wing - 7-13 The projector requires a strong mind to show you the way - The projector shows the way. - Concentrate on what the projector shows to find the way. Concentrate is used here because the "Pray" command was originally known as "Power of the mind" in the Japanese version. Basically it was implying that it was your ability to focus. 1st Floor - 7-24 You'll need 3 slides to see the memory - Three memories open the way. - You need 3 slides to see the memories. The original clue is fairly cryptic, and nonsensical. Courtyard - 8-2 There are 4 items to be used on my wife. You will need to use them throughout her changing appearances. - Use the 4 items at signs of change. - Use the 4 items at signs of change. Personally, I would have used the clue from 7-7 here. I imagine it's like this because of a text limit. Dungeon - 8-14 Three statues block the path to the outer dimension - Three stand in your way... unmoving. - Three statues block your path to her outer dimension. Sometimes being a little more specific adds a lot more detail. Dungeon/2nd Floor (Coffin Room) - 8-22 Place candles in their hands, then focus. - Blue Flames in hand... - The blue candles in hands... Sometimes being a little more specific adds a lot less frustration. [Notes] 01) 1st Floor Welcome to my home. Photographing my frescoes will provide clues for you to find your way out. -Ichirou - Welcome to my home. Photograph my fresco, for therein lies a clue to the way out! It's from Ichirou! And that must be the fresco. - Welcome to my home. Photographing my frescos will provide clues for you to find your way out. - Ichirou. That must be one of the frescos. This is the only note in the game that is addressed as a letter instead of a note. 02) 1st Floor To Kenji, the frescoes contain clues. They seem to be dated in groups of 3. - Kenji The frescos contain clues. I think they're grouped by date." - Kenji, the frescos contain clues, I think they are dated by groups of three. One small detail adds so much value to the clue. 03) 1st Floor/East Wing To Kenji, if someone is about to fall, unite with them to help them get back on their feet. - One fell down, but was pulled to safety. What does that mean? - Kenji, If your friends are about to fall, team with them to help them to get back. 04) 1st Floor To Takashi, the next fresco is across the chasm, in the room to the left. Be careful, the monsters in this mansion get stronger the further in you go. - Takashi The next fresco is across and on the left. Be careful... So, there were others like us. Frightening! - Takashi, the next fresco is across the chasm and on the left. Be careful! So, there were others like us. Frightening! Instead of getting a heads up that the monsters get stronger as you go in, you get an observation by the party of a group that entered the mansion before you. 05) 1st Floor To Takashi, there's another fresco upstairs. - Takashi The third fresco...Upstairs... - Takashi, There is another fresco upstairs... By this point it's already been said that there are definitely more than 3 frescoes in the mansion. 06) 1st Floor To Takashi, if one is grabbed in battle, use your focus. - Takashi If one is caught, pray! - Takashi, If one is caught in battle, pray! The detail of this note pertaining to battles is important, and yet that very important detail is missing from the note in the original translation, confusing a LOT of players. 07) 1st Floor To Etsuko, There are other places in the house where you can find a spare camera and key. - Etsuko You can find a spare camera and key in other rooms. Find them! - Etsuko, you can find spare tools in other rooms. Whoever wrote this note in the translated version really demands that you clutter your inventory with items you don't need. The new translation is much better. 08) 2nd Floor To Shogo, turn on the generator in the east garden to access the northern region of the mansion. - Shogo To go beyond, turn on the generator first. Oh! There must be a generator nearby! - Shogo, To go beyond the dark hall, turn on the generator first. Oh, there must be a generator outside! My suggestion was for this note to say "Shogo, activate the generator in the garden in order to proceed." It's short and direct. 09) 2nd Floor To Shogo, you'll need gas to power the generator. - Shogo The generator is east... - Shogo, The generator is east. I kinda like how this was handled. In my opinion, it's better to know the location of the generator than to know something that will become obvious the moment you come into contact with it. 10) East Wing To Etsuko, shadows are repelled by the flashlight. - Etsuko The Flashlight... Shadow... - Etsuko, Flash Light... Shadows... Who writes notes like this? 11) East Wing To Takashi, the garden is further east from the east wing. - Takashi Head north for the east garden - Takashi, Head north for the east garden. Oddly enough, if you go north from where this note is, you'll end up in the east wing and eventually find yourself in an area where statues continuously fall on your head. 12) Northern Region I've found the contents of the diary to be deeply disturbing and I can't let anyone else see it, I must hide the key in th- - Takashi I discovered something terrible! Lock the diary and hide the key i- Oh no! The most important part is torn! - Takashi, I discovered something terrible! I locked the Diary and hid the key- Oh no! The most important part is torn! This is a note that has been torn. The other part is found on a skeleton. 13) Northern Region -the courtyard-... -reached with-... -ladder, but-... -hung on two pegs. - Takashi Courtyard... Reach with... Hung on 2 pegs... - -the courtyard -reached with -ladder, but -hung on two pegs. This is a note that has been ripped in half. This is the right half of the clue. The reason it's been addressed to Takashi on the right side is because in Japan, everything is written from right to left. 14) Northern Region (Veranda) Someone hid the key to the diary, without it, you'll never know the secret to getting out of here. -Yakamura - A note with fresh ink! To those who follow -the Diary key is hidden. A clue is in the basement. You must escape this house of residing evil! This is meant for us! - A note with fresh ink! To those who follow, the Diary key is hidden. A clue is in the basement. You must escape this house of a Resident Evil! This is meant for us! As far as the translation for the notes around the house go, this one is by far the biggest offender in messing it up. Almost nothing matches up to the original dialogue and it even adds a cheesy reference to add to it being unprofessional. 15) Northern Region The hole in-... -can be-... -no ordinary-... -a rope ladder-... - The hole...Ladder...No...Rope ladder... Interesting... - The hole in- can be- no ordinary- a rope ladder- The other part to ripped note #13. 16) Northern Region To Takashi, there's no medicine in the basement, so grab as much as you can before you go down there. - Shogo Enter the basement by the courtyard...Bring medicine..." Look!! Blood trails over to that door! - Shogo, Enter the basement by the courtyard... Better bring medicine... Look!! Blood trails over to that door! I would like to point out that there isn't a blood trail. 17) Basement To Takashi, the coffins either contain the key to the diary...or poison... - Takashi The Diary key is in the coffin. I'm badly wounded... Is this person still alive? Amazing! - Takashi, the Diary key is in the coffin. I'm badly wounded... Is this person still alive? Amazing! The writer of this note was injured by a mistranslation. Further needless inquiry was made based on this mistranslation. 18) Basement To Kenji, according to the butler's diary, Lady Mamiya accidentally incinerated her child, then she went crazy and killed other kids from the neighborhood to give him playmates. - Kenji I found this diary page: The child fell into the incinerator. Insane, Lady Mamiya did the same to other kids. - Kenji, I found this diary page: The child fell into the incinerator. Insane, Lady Mamiya did the same to other kids from the neighborhood. No mention of it being from the butler. 19) Basement To Shogo, Takashi is in critical condition, Lady Mamiya's room must be on the 2nd floor. - Shogo Takashi is very imjured. You must find Lady Mamiya's room. Check the 2nd floor. Just like us! We have to end this. - Shogo, Takashi is very injured. You must find Lady Mamiya's room. Check the 2nd floor. Just like us! We have to end this. Another line added in by Gaijin that didn't exist in the original. 20) Basement To Takashi, I don't know how much further I can go. Head to the Veranda, the diary will tell you how to push the statues. I wi-- - Takashi My job is done...Head to the veranda...You must get more power...to push the statues...I wish I could go with you... Unfortunately, the rest is illegible... - Takashi, My job is done... Head to the veranda... You must read the diary...To push the statues... I wish I could go with you- Unfortunately the rest is illegible... It should be noted that Gaijin's translation gave no clue whatsoever about gaining the ability to move the statues in the Veranda. [Bulletins] 01) Northern Region To Takashi, If you have the safety shoes, you can walk on the sticky floors. If someone gets stuck to the floor, "Group" with them to pull them out. - Takashi You can walk on sticky floors with boots. Pull out stuck friends. - Takashi, you can walk on sticky floors with boots. Pull out stuck friends. Something about the translated text just sounds wrong. 02) Courtyard To Takashi, the basement entrance is nearby. The key used to open doors in the basement is buried underneath the memorial tower. - The basement entrance is close. The Low(key) is under the memorial tower. - The basement entrance is close. The Low(key) is under the memorial tower. 03) Northern Courtyard To Takashi, to open the entrance to the basement, you'll need the Amulet. It should be around here somewhere... - Takashi Need the tool to go below... - Takashi, we need the amulet to go below... 04) 1st Floor (Projector Room) To Etsuko! Do not come here, I must find Takashi so we can reunite! - Etsuko! Don't come! I will follow Takashi! - Etsuko, I will go find Takashi, I will look near the garden. This is supposed to be a clue as to where one of the slides are but comes off as very cryptic and confusing, even in the original Japanese script. This was changed to give a better perspective on where to go next. 05) Dungeon The room ahead seems dangerous. If you decide to enter, have someone stand outside with this rope. - I leave you a rope. If you enter leave one out. - Always leave someone outside with this rope. The cryptic clue in the Gaijin version probably caused more people to ignore the sign's intended warnings than any other warning in the game and most likely cause a "Game Over" as a result. [Messages in blood] 01) 1st Floor Spiritual beings are weak against the power of the mind. - Power of the heart... Overcomes evil... - Spiritual beings are weak against Pray. The problem with this hint in the Gaijin version was that every instance of your MP attack in the Japanese version could be translated as "Power of the Heart/Mind." This is what happens when you change every instance of the term to "Pray" but you leave this clue as-is. In short it became a clue that made zero sense. 02) 1st Floor Enemies hide in the shadows - Avoid the shadows! - Enemies hide in the shadows! From what I understand, this is supposed to be a clue to shine light on the shadow enemies in the game. From what I've heard, there was supposed to be a blue light and a red one. The blue light would extinguish red shadows while the red light would extinguish blue shadows. It's possible the clue on this wall was related to that, but was then changed when the red light and blue shadows were dummied out of the game. But hey, that's just a theory... 03) East Wing Concentrate deeply if you wish to take an object - Can't enter... without prayer... Huh!? Prayer? - Demonstrate your Pray power if you need to take an object. I don't get where Gaijin was going with this at all... what is it I am supposed to be entering? 04) Garden You'll need Gasoline to power the generator - Gas... - The generator... Gas... I imagine this was worded this way to save space. 05) Courtyard There is a room behind a mirror leading to the ruins... the ruins lead to... I can't make out the rest. - Behind a mirror... A hidden room... - Behind a mirror... A hidden room... I think it would have been great if the hint would have been "If you're going to smash a mirror, don't use your fist". It could have possibly been two hints in one. One that you can smash mirrors to begin with, and two, that you would need some kind of blunt instrument to do so. Plus as a very awesome extra bonus, the message is written in blood. 06) Basement Takashi... Kenji... Etsuko... honor these names!! - Takashi... Kenji... Etsuko... Never give up!! - Takashi... Kenji... Etsuko... Never forget!! The original Gaijin version has Takashi telling himself to never give up right as he dies. 07) Basement One message is written clearly, while the other was written terribly. - It's illegible. - It's illegible. Probably the most useless hint in the game. 08) Dungeon Keep going and you'll reach the room with the coffins. - Coffin... Wall... - Coffin... Then through the wall... The new translation gives this clue to tell you that you can use the hammer in the room on the mirror. Otherwise this would just be a pointless clue telling you to keep doing what you were already doing. Gaijin went the opposite direction by giving you something cryptic, thus making you interrupt what you were doing while you tried to figure it out. 09) Dungeon The gold key opens four different doors - Gold Key... 4 doors... - The Gold(key) opens four different doors. This message is unique in that it is the only blood message that doesn't specifically state that it is a blood message in the translations. [Corpses] 01) East Wing Do not move in groups with large numbers if you suspect the room has a trap set up. - Tread not on the patterned floor... - Avoid sending everybody in the same room. Some have deadly traps. Even though you get this clue pretty early, it is specifically meant for some rooms that break apart completely in area 4, and a few quicksand traps in the dungeon. 02) East Wing Rune weapons are effective against spiritual enemies - Rune weapons prevent fear and curses. - Rune and silver weapons are effective against spirits. Rune weapons absolutely DO NOT prevent fear and curses. 03) Northern Region Four consecutive steps on the sticky floor will trap you - Beware! Four steps and you will be trapped... - Beware! Four consecutive steps on the sticky floor will trap you. The word "Consecutive" really needs to be added here. It isn't 4 total steps that will trap you, they have to be done in one go. 04) Northern Region If I had a pick I wouldn't have drowned. - Pick... Wouldn't have been washed away... - If I had a pick I wouldn't have drowned... Being washed away doesn't sound as bad as it actually is. 05) Courtyard The lake is west of the bedroom near the fountain. - The lake... lies to the west... Ugh... - The lake is west of the bedroom. Ugh... ugh...? 06) Courtyard They say something important is buried at the lake to the west, but I don't believe it. - South fountain... Near the lake. - The lake is south of the fountain. There's no mention of the key item needing to be dug up in either translation... 07) Inner Sanctuary Lady Mamiya's room is nearby, find the Twin key to enter her chambers. - The room is close... Must find the Two Keys. - The room is close... You must find the Twin(key)... You mean that horrible movie with Tommy Wiseau? Please! Anything but that! 08) Inner Sanctuary You no longer need the key to the basement. - Don't need... The Low Key... uh... - The Low(key) can be thrown away, but the Gem is a versatile weapon! Yes, the Gem is an amazing weapon. You know the wall in the basement with the mine tracks? The one that says "It's illegible?" I think that wall should say "The Gem has hidden powers in combat". And the clue about the gem here should be removed. [Skeletons] The East Wing skeleton actually is calling for Takashi, but I thought I would leave it out for now, I may go back and change it. The skeleton mentioning he was separated wants to know why it had been forsaken. It seems to be a reminder to stay in groups One skeleton warns that the water is rising... to be honest, I've never gone to this room. Is there a trap in there? 01) 1st Floor I couldn't dodge the chandelier in time... - The light fell... I... I was too slow... Beware... - The chandelier fell... I... I was too slow... Beware... The small change goes a long way to make this incredibly less cryptic. 02) 2nd Floor I was separated from my group... I should have united with them... - Why did you abandon me?! Uh... - Why did you abandon me?! Uhh... This is supposed to be a clue about sticking together as a group... 03) East Wing Takashi! Go quickly!! The generator is in the east garden... - Ugh... Takashi! Go quickly! The generator is... East garden... Argh... - Ugh... Takashi! Go quickly! The generator is... in the east garden... Argh... 04) Northern Region There is a note here written in blood: -n the coffin in the basement. - A skeleton with a note: "Coffin in the basement..." Is this from the diary? - A skeleton with a note: -n the coffin in the basement. Is this from the diary? No, it's not from the diary. It's from a note that was found in the same room as where the diary is being kept. 05) Courtyard Save me! The water is rising! - Help! The water!! - Help! The water is rising! You know, I'm really not even sure why I even fought for this one... I wanted the game to be as close to the Japanese original as possible, but that doesn't mean I understand what is going on here. Is it some kind of clue to something that I'm not aware of? 06) Basement A child's skeleton... - A child's skeleton... - A child's skeleton... Well, at least we know we're not playing a Bethesda game. 07) Basement The cruelty... - The cruelty... - The cruelty... The cruelty... 08) Basement I'm certain this is the person that was leaving the notes behind.. How mortifying... - A skeleton...He must've written the notes...How sad... - A skeleton...He must've written the notes...How sad... How many of you are able to figure out this is supposed to be Takashi? 09) Inner Sanctuary Do you see the trap!? The zombies will draw you in and you'll become one yourself! - A trap! Drawn to your death! - A trap! Drawn to your death! I imagine this wasn't fixed because of space limitations. Even though the wording is rather cryptic, I can see how the message it is trying to convey should be interpreted. [Victims] 01) 1st Floor Your items are weapons! Fire burns maggots and flashes hurt bats!" - Your tools... weapons... Fire... bugs... Light... bats... - Your tools... weapons... Fire... bugs... Light... bats... Are there even any bugs in this game? 02) East Wing (behind Gold Key door) My master Takashi... tell him there's a slide outside... push the statues... - Takashi... Push the bronze statue... - Takashi, outside... Push the statue... One word turns the useless clue into a glorified clue. 03) Courtyard The memorial was preventing the curse of Lady Mamiya! It has been defiled! - No body in... memorial... Must've been dug up... so foolish... - The memorial preventing the curse of Lady Mamiya has been defiled!! The first translation makes it sound like Hulk speak. 04) Courtyard (behind Two Keys door) Etsuko... Where are you my beloved? - Etsuko... - Etsuko... Something fairly important to note is that the original group mirrored your group, it was left out that Etsuko and Kenji were lovers, just like how Akiko and Kazuo are. The one asking where Etsuko is appears to be Kenji, and the other victim appears to be Etsuko. 05) Courtyard (behind Two Keys door) My husband is dying and Takashi left us behind! - Takashi went on his own... Stop him... Argh... - Takashi went on his own... Stop him before he digs it up! Argh... It is heavily implied that Takashi was the one responsible for digging up the child in this game. 06) Lake Someone disturbed the memorial! - Don't break it... - Don't break... The memorial... This is perhaps the second most confusing and pointless line of text in the original Gaijin translation. Until you find out that it was supposed to be referring to the memorial. 07) Lake Zombies are weak against the blue light tool. - F-Lite... Jinbi... - Pipe... Undeads... And then in the very same area, we have the absolute winner for most confusing text in the game, thanks to a horrible typo. I expressed my concerns about the text being changed to a clue for using a pipe against undead enemies because it only works on two of the undead enemies. 08) Inner Sanctuary You need two prized possessions to get past the guard - You need two possessions to confront Lady Mamiya. - You need two prized possessions to get past Mamiya's guard. I wonder how many people that played this game thought that you needed two more items to see Lady Mamiya even after showing the rings to the guard... 09) 2nd Floor/Dungeon (Coffin Room) I failed, Yakamura... I almost stopped her... Amulet... Photo... Diary...Coffin... I lost focus... - Yamamura... I failed... Tool... Photo... Diary... Coffin... In that order... Pray... Your timing... important... - Yamamura... I failed... Amulet... Photo... Diary... Coffin... In that order... Pray... Your timing is important... I like how in the Japanese version it's more of a vague hint, but at the same time still pretty easy to figure out by this point. [Dolls] 01) Dining Room Welcome to the Mamiya Mansion - Welcome... - Welcome... It would be nice if the dolls served a better purpose in this game. Like if it were to tell you that you were currently on the first floor, and go upstairs to reach the second. 02) East Wing I'll send everyone to their deaths!! - You will all die!! Hehe! - You will all die!! Hehe! Again, here the doll could inform you that you're in the east wing, which would make all of those other clues telling you where the generator is all much more relevant. This is the only hostile doll you can talk to in the game. 03) Basement (Incinerator Room) This is the incinerator... this is where the children were burned alive... - The incinerator... The children... Burned... - The incinerator... The children... All burned alive... If you've been following along, you would know this already. [People] There is a room in the Inner Sanctuary called the servant's quarters. Here you can talk to a few survivors. 01) Male I laid out a dress for Lady Mamiya but she didn't even notice it, is she okay? - Madame awoke after her baby was dug up. She no longer recognizes us. I'm scared. - I laid out a dress for Lady Mamiya. But she didn't notice it. She no longer recognizes us. I'm scared... This person is supposed to drop the clue about the hidden dress item, but the clue is mysteriously missing from the Gaijin game. 02) Female This is the servant's quarters. It's relatively safe, so we're hiding in here. - This is the servant's quarters. It's relatively safe... I hope. - This is the servant's quarters. It's relatively safe... I hope. 03) Female The Madame was badly burned trying to save her child. - Madame was badly burned trying to save the child. - Madame was badly burned trying to save the child. 04) Female The Two Key is in the back passage. - Two keys are in the back passage. - The Twin(key) is in the back passage. How many people were searching for more than one set of keys because of this mistranslation? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Diary] After obtaining the diary key, you can read the diary. This appears to be Ichirou's Diary 9-23 "The door is locked, she's so distant lately" 10-4 "If I'm going to stop her, I'll have to go in through the veranda. Statues block the path, but in this house as long as you focus with your mind, you can push them out of the way. She must be stopped! She's making life hell for the townspeople. She's making life hell for me! [Final Clues] - [Leader's name] The Amulet will shield you from her threats! - The photo will reveal the truth to her! Then she will be vulnerable! - The Diary will break her heart! Then make her feel your power! - Finish this! And most importantly, use the power of the mind whenever you can! -Yamamura ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Dialogue] ***Though these are massive spoilers, I heavily recommend that when the time comes, you read them, such as when you come across them while playing the game for use as further hints*** [Start] (Original script translated:) In the vast honorable mansion of Ichirou Mamiya, surrounded by a great lake and a dense forest, five crew members of a documentary team made their approach. Kazuo, the producer, pried open the gate with a key they had obtained from the town office. He opened the heavy door to the mansion. The loud creaking sound of the door echoing throughout the entire forest. Everyone hastily entered the mansion and got into location. Akiko: Okay, we made it. Taguchi, get the camera ready! Asuka: This place looks rather depressing... But somewhere around this mansion there should be a fresco. I yearn to see the masterful techniques. (The door slams shut behind them) Taguchi: Aagh!! What the hell was that!? Emi: Kyaaa! Asuka: The exit!! (Mamiyafujin appears) Mamiyafujin: You were a fool to defile my mansion! You will be trapped here for eternity to feel my wrath! (Mamiya fades out) Emi: Kyaaa! What are we going to do!!? Taguchi: How are we still alive!!? I almost jumped out of my skin!! Kazuo: Calm down everyone. We just need to search for a way out. Seeing as this way is blocked, we just have to make our way to the back of the mansion. We'll split up. That way we can cover more ground. This place is huge. The door to the room on the left is already open. I wonder what's inside. (Gaijin translation:) An investigation team searches for Mamiya Ichirou's fresco... But it lies within the haunted Mamiya manor... Akiko: Let's go! Prep the camera. Asuka: Good, we're all here. Somewhere in this mansion is Mamiya's fresco, I'm sure! The fresco used a special tech-- (The door behind them slams shut) Taro: What the- Emi: Wa! Asuka: The exit! (Mamiya appears) Mamiya: Fools! Those who defile my home shall feel my wrath!! (Mamiya fades out) Emi: What's going on!? Taro: We have to escape! Kazuo: There has to be another exit. We better search the mansion. Also remember we each have our own tools. [team member]: I don't know what's happening, but let's stick together. this place is huge! Hmm... that left room... (JMN translation:) (I hear that the "Alright... Start!" line existed in the earlier translation but wouldn't display because the text was truncated) An investigation team searches for Mamiya Ichirou's frescos... But they lie within the haunted Mamiya manor... Akiko: Let's go! Prepare the camera. Alright... Start! Asuka: Good, we're all here. Somewhere in this mansion is Mamiya's fresco, I'm sure! The frescos used a special tech-- (The door behind them slams shut) Taro: What the- Emi: Wah!! Asuka: The exit! (Mamiya appears) Mamiya: Fools! Those who defile my home shall feel my wrath!! (Mamiya fades out) Emi: Daddy, I'm scared! Taro: We have to escape! Kazuo: There has to be another exit. We better search the mansion. Also remember we each have our own tools. [team member]: I don't know what's happening, but let's stick together. this place is huge! Hmm... that left room... (My own touch up:) A film crew gains access to the haunted Mamiya Manor in search of Ichirou Mamiya and his lost frescos. Akiko: Everything is set, get the camera prepared. Asuka: Somewhere in this mansion are the lost frescoes, search everyw... ...Give me my baby... (The door slams shut behind them) Taguchi: Hey sexy, you ok? Emi: Kyaaa! Asuka: What's come over me? (Fujin appears) Fujin: How dare you trespass here? This will be your tomb! (Fujin fades out) Emi: Daddy, I'm scared! Taguchi: What was that!? Kazuo: Relax. There has to be another way out. Let's split into two groups. [Team member] Use the "Group" command to put us in teams. I wonder what's in the room to the left. [Within the party] (This is all fine. I don't think I need to touch up on any of these.) (Should we team up?) (We better split from here) (If your party is full) (When speaking to a member of the group.) (When being spoken to.) Kazuo: Alright Be careful Let's go our own ways. [Team member's name] don't worry. I will. Asuka: Sounds good to me Fine Let's go our own ways. Call if you need to use my vacuum. Thanks Taro: I think so Take care Let's go our own ways. Call if you need my camera at all Alright Emi: Yeah! Safety in numbers! Um, Okay... Let's go our own ways. Call if you need to open a door. Okay Akiko: Yes, good idea! Okay Let's go our own ways. Call if you need medical aid Okay [First meeting with Yamamura] The section in brackets is my own touch up. (Original script translated:) Mura: What happened, why do you have that key? Never mind that... Follow me, I'll show you what it's used for. We don't have any time to waste! Let's go! [Team Member] Who are you!!? Mura: My name is Yamamura, a mechanic from town, I've been trapped in this house for some time. [Team Member] What's happened here? Mura: Hold on and I'll explain Lady Mamiya was at peace, but someone disturbed the memorial that was sealing the curse. Nobody knows where the baby is, and Lady Mamiya is possessing everything in the house trying to find him. Now let's go. [Team member] How do we escape? Mura: We have to figure out a way to stop her [Team member] Dead end? Mura: Urragh! [No, thin walls can be smashed with a hammer] It sounds like we need to find the baby if we hope to stop this Come on... Has the entrance been concealed? What!? (A ghost servant attacks Yamamura) Listen.... closely.... to me.... You.. must.. hurry.... Find a way.... to the basement....ugh.... (Gaijin Translation:) Mura:What did you do?! Huh? The Low(Key)? Great! Follow me! I will show you the basement! Hurry up!! [Team member]: Who are--? Mura: Name's Yamamura... And we're all in the same fix [Team member]: What happened here? Mura: Give me a sec. (Yamamura pushes a statue out of the way) Mura: Lady Mamiya was at peace. But some clown dug up her baby. Now she's in an uproar to find her child. The baby's body is supposed to be in the basement, but nobody can find it. Now let's move it!! [Team member]: How can we escape? Mura: I'd like to know myself. [Team member]: Dead end? Mura: Hurah!! (Yamamura punches a hole in the wall) Mura: But to start, we oughta find that baby. Come on... The entrance is around here somewhere... Wah!! (A ghost servant attacks Yamamura) Forget... me... The... the basement... Ugh... (JMN Translation:) Mura:What did you do?! Why do you have the Low(Key)!? Nevermind... Follow me! I will show you the basement! Hurry up!! [Team member]: Who are- Mura: My name's Yamamura... I'm a mechanic from the town. I've been trapped in this house for some time. So we're all in the same fix. [Team member]: What happened here? Mura: Hold on and I will explain... (Yamamura pushes a statue out of the way) Mura: Lady Mamiya was at peace. But some clown dug up her baby. Now she's in an uproar to find her child. The baby's body is supposed to be in the basement, but nobody can find it. Now let's go!! [Team member]: How can we escape? Mura: I'd like to know myself. [Team member]: Dead end? Mura: No, the wall is thin. I don't even need a mallet. (Yamamura punches a hole in the wall) Mura: But to start, we need to find the baby if we hope to stop this! Come on! Has the entrance been concealed? Wah!! (A ghost servant attacks Yamamura) Listen to me... You must hurry... Find a way... to the basement... Ugh... [That one wall] This wall looks very thin... [The Cutscene] There's a cold air here, but it's not Lady Mamiya's... Guard: Who's there? None shall pass. The rings are shining [Team member]: I command you let us pass. Those rings! There's no mistaking it, you are Lord Master Mamiya. I'll do as you ask. You may pass. Who disturbs my slumber!!? We didn't disturb the memorial! Please let us leave! Mura: Come on! Her room is just over this way! Let these people go! They are innocent! Return my baby to me! Or you will all burn! A barrier!!? The light won't even react to it! Mura: Don't worry, I think I know how to handle this. I've been able to master the power of the mind while being in this house for so long. Be at peace woman! Be at peace! (Yamamura steps into the barrier!) GURRAAAAAGH!! Her powers have grown stronger... I'm sorry... It's up to you now... (Yamamura melts) (Mamiya Fujin appears) Fujin: Your so called power of the mind will not stop me! [Team member]: Where am I? What happened? I'm alive! Hey! Was the fireplace open before? 0. 12[Final Confrontation] In the original translation, Mamiya never gives the hint that she believes that she is still alive, thus giving you the reason to show her the photo. In the new translation, Mamiya tells you to give her... something... but you don't want to give her anything until she says the line "My baby". I've asked for a fix, but so far I've had no luck. (Original Script Translation:) (During this battle, the characters exchange dialogue after every attack) Lady Mamiya: Why was this Mansion disturbed!!? You will all suffer! You will all die! [Team member]: Your child is gone! Go back to your grave! No more shall suffer! (When Lady Mamiya yells this, use the amulet:) Lady Mayima: I will enjoy slaughtering you all! (When Lady Mamiya says this, use the photo:) Lady Mayima: I live here happily! Stop bothering me! (After using the photo) [Team member]: This is your photograph, you haven't even been alive for 30 years! [Team member]: Your life ended long ago! Lady Mayima: KYAAA!! (After Lady Mamiya says this, Use MP and she will transform) (When she says this, show her the diary) Lady Mayima: But.. Ichirou.. would never abandon me.. right? [Team member]: He would! You've made him suffer as well! Lady Mamiya: Nooo! (Once again use the power of the mind here) I will kill you all! (Keep attacking Mamiya until she gives this line) Mamiya: G..G...give... me... my baby... or suffer... (Give her the coffin as a response, it should be noted you are not actually hitting her with her dead baby) Mamiya: M..M...My baby! (After completing all of this, use the power of the mind to end the fight) -Staff roll- (back home) Our report is complete and we're glad to see all of you return safely! Congratulations! I just have one final thought.. *The reveal (Gaijin Translation:) (during the battle, your characters will yell this with their attacks) [Team Member]: Go to your rest! The child is dead! How many must die?! (Mamiya may yell this in return) Mamiya: My baby!! Why do you disturb me?! YOU SHALL DIE! (Mamiya yells this before you show her the tool:) I will kill you all! Die! (before using the photo:) Go away!! Begone from here!! (After using the photo your team will say this) Look! You were alive 30 years ago! Not now! Your life has long been over! (Mamiya responds like this:) Wah! (After using prayer) Lady Mamiya transformed!! (After doing more damage, Mamiya says this line:) Ich... Ichirou loves... m-me... (Use the diary on her, and your team will say this to her:) You're making Ichirou suffer as well! (Mamiya's response:) Ooh ... (You'll need to use another prayer attack) Gigi... gigi... Die!! (After using the coffin on Mamiya:) My... my... My baby!! (All that's left is to use prayer and it's all over) (JMN Translation:) (during the battle, your characters will yell this with their attacks) [Team Member]: Go to your rest! The child is dead! How many must die?! (Mamiya may yell this in return) Mamiya: My baby!! Why do you disturb me?! YOU SHALL DIE! (Mamiya yells this before you use the amulet:) I will kill you all! Die! (before using the photo:) Go away!! I live here happily! (After using the photo your team will say this) Look! You were alive 30 years ago! Not now! Your life has long been over! (Mamiya responds like this:) Wah! (After using prayer) Lady Mamiya transformed!! (After doing more damage, Mamiya says this line:) Ich... Ichirou loves... m-me... (Use the diary on her, and your team will say this to her:) You're making Ichirou suffer as well! (Mamiya's response:) Ooh ... (You'll need to use another prayer attack) Gi... Gi... Give... me... my... or DIE!! (Mamiya will say this when it's time to use the coffin) My baby!! (After using the coffin on Mamiya:) My... my... My baby!! (All that's left is to use prayer and it's all over) [Ending with all 5 players alive] (Original Script Translation:) Lady Mamiya is at peace now and has returned you here as her final act of redemption, but the mansion is collapsing. I must get you out of here!! (After witnessing Lady Mamiya ascend as an angel) Mr. Yamamura... it was just like he said... What did he say? He said that with a great use of the mind, you would stop the curse. Yamamura, he gave up his life so to save us all. Yes, Yamamura was always troubled and said he felt responsible for his wife's deeds. What!? so wouldn't that mean..!? Come! We must hurry! Man: Our report shows that everything is now back to normal. Congratulations on your work. There's just one thing left... (Gaijin translation:) You're safe! Lady Mamiya said you were here. She is at peace now and the estate is serene once more. Follow me! (After witnessing Mamiya ascend) Oh! As Yamamura said! Yamamura? Yes, he said the power from within would save us all. Unfortunately, he sacrificed himself for our sake. How sad, yet noble... He felt responsible... guilty in a way... Was he Ichi- Please hurry! -Staff roll- (back home) Man: Our report is complete and all is well! (looking at all 5 in the group) Congratulations! Comments? *The reveal (JMN translation:) You're safe! Lady Mamiya is at peace now and has returned you as her final act of redemption. But the mansion is collapsing... Follow me! (After witnessing Mamiya ascend) Oh! As Yamamura said! Yamamura? Yes, he said the power from within would stop the curse. Unfortunately, he sacrificed himself for our sake. How sad, yet noble... Yes, Yamamura was always troubled and felt responsible for his wife's deeds. Guilty in a way... What!? So was he Ichi- Come! Please hurry! -Staff roll- (back home) Man: Our report is complete and all is well! (looking at all 5 in the group) Congratulations! Comments? *The reveal ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [How to beat the game] 01) Find a taper. (Optional but very recommended to first time players) 02) Find a board or bridge to get across the first gap. 03) Find a hammer. 04) Find the light to destroy shadows. 05) Find a fire extinguisher (optional) 06) Get a spear from one knight and give it to another. 07) Turn on the power - This process can be skipped, although it is very difficult to do so. Be aware this has the consequence of living armors no longer being active, and the enemies become very dangerous. - Method #1 - Have a second party get into a battle and call someone from party #1. Time it so that the call ends as you're entering the dark room so that battle returns to Party #2 and finish the battle. If done correctly, the first party should have free reign to move in the dark room. - Method #2 - Press start at the right time upon entering the dark room. I've only heard about this method and haven't been able to test it myself. 08) Find a rope 09) Find boots (Optional) 10) Find a ladder 11) Drink from the fountain 12) Find a bucket, fill it with blood 13) Melt an old bronze statue 14) Find gloves (optional) 15) Find 3 logs 16) Find a shovel 17) Dig up a key to the basement doors. 18) Push a statue into the fountain 19) Find an amulet 20) Use the amulet to gain access to the basement 21) Give a shovel to an archaeologist 22) Find a key to the diary 23) Read the diary 24) Find a bowgun 25) Find a pick 26) Find the Twin key 27) Find Lady Mamiya's rings 28) Bribe your way past the guard 29) Pick up the gold key 30) Find 3 projector slides 31) Use the projector to burn a hole in the door 32) Find the iron key 33) Find 3 blue candles 34) Place the candles in the hands of 3 statues and light them 35) Pick up the Amulet, Photo, Diary, and Coffin 36) Use them all on Lady Mamiya Fujin [Ways to make the game unwinnable] As far as I am aware, there are a few ways leave the game in a completely unwinnable state if you save your game under these conditions. - Method #1 - Have only one survivor before going into the final battle. This one is pretty self explanatory. If you can't beat the final boss, you can't win the game. It takes more than one character at the start of the battle to beat the final boss. - Method #2 - Isolate yourself without a way to get across. You can actually accomplish this as early as the starting minutes of the game. There are only 4 pieces of wood on the starting side of the house and all of them can break. Even though the sturdy board takes 100 steps to break, a player can still exhaust all of them and end up on the wrong side of the board, effectively leaving you stranded with no more boards to collect. -Method #3 - An important character dies before you get access to replacement items. This mostly applies to Kazuo, Asuka, and Emi. These 3 characters have items that are required to progress through the game. If Akiko dies, and you don't have space for or access to the pills, you have a very high chance of getting a game over if your characters get afflicted by a status ailment. -Method #4 - Have a character standing in your way during the first Yamamura cutscene. If any character is in your way when you first meet Yamamura, your characters will get stuck and you won't be able to continue. Credit to JMN for finding this one. -Method #5 - Every character is locked in a room. Probably the most famous example of this is having all of the characters go into a quicksand room, simply because there's a fresco in there, and it's been safe to play this way up to this point. Once someone reads the fresco, the trap activates and you get an instant game over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Speedrunner's Guide] In this guide I detail the steps to beating the game in around an hour. During the fight sequences, anything listed with a * indicates that you can do a step below it. The steps are Tool>MP>fight. Usually the reason to do this is because you may have found a new weapon, leveled up enough times that one method is no longer needed, or you had to put down the tool in exchange for another one to continue. The run is separated by rounds, each round you start with full HP and MP. Use your judgment, but always remember that you want the fight to end in one round or you risk retaliation with a status effect. Status effects effectively end your game as your team medic is usually to far away to save you. It's too much of a time loss if your teammate can even survive. (!) Indicates a boss fight, and you cannot run. Round 1 (0:00 0f): Evil Doll and Wisp: MP, fight, fight Worms: MP*, lighter, MP* Snake: fight, lighter, *MP Torso: fight, log, fight (!) Bats: Fight, fight, fight Team up Kazuo, Asuka, and Emi Go up Go to the door on the right Give Emi the bridge Give Emi the board Give Kazuo the board Go back to the main hall Use Kazuo's tattered board to get across the gap Go up and use sturdy bridge to get across the gap to go north Go to the dining hall using the key Give kazuo a Worn(Sword), give Asuka a hammer Do not use the tonic on the table Go into the left room using one of Emi's bridges Give Kazuo a log, give emi another board, and give Asuka a rope use another board to get across the gap Grab another board on the way back down From the main hall, go right and up into the pitch black rooms (this part might require a map as you are unable to see where you're going and you don't have inventory space for a taper) Have Emi separate from the group and go down to get a Club using the two boards (no need to retrieve them) Regroup Go up and then right. Use the key to open the door just south of the note Go right and give Asuka a Sharp(Knife) Go up, pick up the bridge and maneuver with it to give Emi the light (no need to retrieve the bridge) Go back to the room you came from (down and to the left) Go up and left, use the light on the shadows. Go right and up and grab the tonic. Then go down and to the right. Open the door with the key. Enter the room with the trap and run through the fire. Switch to Kazuo Use 10 mind power to get the spear Go right place the spear in the lightning armor's hand and use 10 mind power. Use the tonic. Round 2 (7:24 26,700f): Snake: Fight, fight, fight Risen: Fight, MP, MP Torso: Log, fight, fight Mad dog: MP, hammer, MP (!)Copper(Armor): Rope, rope, fight Go down and around to get to the shed Give Emi the hammer and Kazuo the gas Go into the generator room and start up the generator Switch Emi's light with rope, grab the tonic Go back to the dining room Switch to Asuka Use the tonic after the two armor fights Round 3 (11:53 42,780f): Copper(Armor): Rope, Rope, fight Man: MP, MP*, MP* Mad dog: Fight, hammer, fight Wall: MP, MP, MP Spirit: Extinguisher, MP*, fight (!)Mirror: MP, hammer*, MP* (optional)After using a rope, go into the first room with a diary. Give the sword to Kazuo Go left Switch the pick with Asuka's hammer Continue going south down the path replace the fire extinguisher with Asuka's pick Give Asuka a Holy(Knife), give Emi a Sharp(Ax) Smash the mirror with your hammer Use a tonic Rounnd 4 (19:33 70,380f): Hatchet man: MP, MP, MP Zombie: MP, MP, MP Corpse: MP, MP, pipe Drink from the fountain Replace Asuka's extinguisher with a bucket Fill the bucket with the fountain Grab the log with Asuka Use the bucket on the statue Grab the other log with Asuka replacing the bucket replace Emi's hammer with the pipe Grab the Axe with Kazuo Go up and around to the boats and switch to Kazuo Separate Kazuo from the party Take the boat down to the shovel Go back up and use the shovel to dig up the Cellar Key using 30 MP Use a tonic in the hallway Round 5 (23:00 82,800f): Zombie: MP, MP, MP Reaper: MP, MP, MP Give Asuka the tonic in the bedroom Push the Statue into the fountain Replace Emi's pipe with the Amulet go to the cave and give Emi the Bowgun Use the Amulet where Yamamura is attacked Go up through the fiery basement Use a tonic before grabbing the board for Asuka Round 6 (26:00 93,600f): Reaper: Gem, MP, MP Zombie: Gem, MP*, MP Skeleton: Gem, MP, MP Switch to Emi and open the door regroup with Asuka before entering Have Asuka take the Gem and Holy(Knife) Regroup with Kazuo go into the room above to the right and pick up the tonic Use the gem on the blue flame and enter the incinerator room Read the diary Exchange Emi's amulet with the Pick Go left Pick up the hammer with Asuka Use the bowgun to get across the Atrium Give Kazuo the Holy(Knife) and Emi the Holy(Sword) Enter the room, go up and use a hammer on the wall Continue going right On the statue in the upper right corner, exchange Kazuo's Cellar key with the hidden Pulley. Open the door to the left, use the pick upon entering Use the tonic to make room for the candle Round 7 (31:34 113640f): Ghoul: Gem, MP, Candle Silver(Armor): Gem, MP, MP Wolf: Gem, MP, MP (Bowgun?) Pick up the Blue Candle with Kazuo Keep on the path to the servant's quarters Replace Asuka's hammer with an tonic (Optional but recommended) Grind to level 13 here before going downstairs Use the tonic Round 8 (33:37 121,020f): Ghoul: Gem*, MP, Candle Silver(Armor): Gem*, MP*, MP Head downstairs Exchange Kazuo's Bowgun for the Twin key Pick up a tonic with Asuka have everyone get captured by spirits, regroup Pick up the Holy(Axe) with Kazuo Go right, just pass through the boulders into the armor room Unlock all of the doors in the room Go in the upper room requiring the Twin key use the pick upon entering Give Asuka the Jade Ring Give Asuka the Holy(Axe) Go back to the Armor room Go to the lower room Exchange Emi's Pick for a candle, go downstairs Exchange Asuka's gem for a ruby ring :'( unload your candles on the statues in the upper right corner Grab a tonic Use the tonic Round 9 (42:06 151560f): Wolf: MP*, MP*, MP* Maniac: MP*, MP*, MP* Ghost: MP, MP, MP anything else: Fight, fight, fight give Emi both rings and use MP to slip past the guard Switch to Kazuo continue on the path and watch the cutscene enter the room Before stepping out of the door entrance *Important* switch to Kazuo and separate him from the group Give Asuka the gold key, she should have both keys now regroup in the dining hall, go inside the fireplace and grab the slide with Emi Grind the Dungeon until level 14. Once level 14, go back to the area next to the garden grab the Slide Go back to the main hallway and go outside south of the projector room Grab the slide outside Use the slides with 72 MP Enter the hall and give Asuka a Holy(Sword) (optional) Give Kazuo a Holy(Sword) in the upper left Give Asuka the iron key Go back to the fireplace entrance to the dungeon Go down and go upstairs Use the Twin key on the door Give Emi the photo and candle Give Kazuo the tonic (Make sure Kazuo has the pulley and iron key) Replace the rope with the Asuka's Twin key Give the Godly(Trident) to Emi Separate Kazuo from the group take the remaining two members to the room with the mouse and head left. If you get into a battle on the way, use both members to call Kazuo and send Kazuo to the upper left of the dungeon into the coffin room. Otherwise, just have Kazuo run. Have Kazuo grab the hammer and smash the mirror revealing the secret entrance. The Grind: Skull Ghost: MP, MP, MP Grind in the coffin room until level 16 (Only Skull Ghosts will appear in this room) Go back to the diary room Use the tonic Round 10 (54:01 194,460f): (!) Kazuo team spirit: MP, MP, MP Everything else: Fight, fight, fight Take the diary and tool Go back to the statues with candles Place the remaining candles in their hands and use 80 MP The Battle against Mamiya Fujin: Fight until she threatens you, this could take a while Use Amulet and Photo in the same round Hit her with a weak mind power attack (doesn't matter how much) (Mamiya Fujin transforms) Fight until she claims ichirou loves her Hit her with the diary Hit her with a fair mind power attack (55 or above) Give her the coffin Hit her with a strong mind power attack (85 or above) End of game. Current best time: 1h00m38s [Special Thanks] Gaijin and Suicidal. Without them I wouldn't know of this game's existence. What they started has lead to this. JMN The great one who has accomplished getting most of my vision into the actual game. I owe this guy a great appreciation for what he has done. ToMato the man behind the great website Legend of Localization, where I was able to pick up a few pointers on the japanese language. Pokeeiyuu Without this GameFAQs contributer, this FAQ would not have nearly as much information as it does and it most likely would never have been written. Heartland Kaede The best informational website I've ever seen to this game. It's written in japanese. If you use any information from this FAQ, use the power of the mind and give credit where credit is due. (c) copyright 2016 The Siege