GUN-NAC Hacked by Zynk Oxhyde 2017 -------------- Date Released: -------------- v1.0 February 15, 2017 ------------ Description: ------------ This is an English translation of "Gun-Nac" for the NES. The difference between the US version from the JP version is that the former removed some portion of the intro and ending scenes featuring the heroine/mage/pilot. And the boss that look like a human fetus was replaced with some other alien thing. --------------- Game Mechanics: --------------- The game basically plays like any vertical shooter game on the NES. * Controls: A = Shoot B = Bomb D-pad = Move Start = Pause Select = Change speed movement -------- Weapons: -------- 1 - Default weapon. Upgraded, the ship shoots bullets in front of it in 3 different directions. - When Wing is equipped, the ship can shoot in 4 different directions upfront and 1 front behind, totalling of 5 directions. 2 - Energy ball. A large ball of energy that also discharges horizontal bullets from its side. - When Wing is equipped, the ball becomes larger and powerful. 3 - Homing boomerangs. Upgraded, the ship shoots bullets in front of it in 3 different directions. - When Wing is equipped, the ship can shoot in 6 different directions. 4 - Flame thrower. Even when not pressing the fire button, the fire on the ship's nozzle can still damage enemies. Shooting will stretch the flame. Upgraded, the flame becomes longer. - When Wing is equipped, the ship gets 2 gun assists from both sides, totalling of 3 flame throwers. 5 - Laser beams. the ship shoots 2 beams upfront. Upgraded, the ship shoots 3 beams shot upfront. - When Wing is equipped, the ship shoots out additional 4 beams, totalling of 6 beams shot with considerable distance from each other. ------ Bombs: ------ * The player can have 4 bombs in the start of a stage. * The player can have up to 20 bombs. * When shot down and has less than 4 bombs, the player will start with 4 bombs. * When the player picks up a bomb with the same bomb that is in use, the bomb will have have a wider area of attack, but will consume 2 bomb count. * The bombs can also destroy enemy projectiles. * When bombs are deployed, the ship reverts to default bullets until the bomb expires. * There are 4 types of bombs: F - "FIRE". A ring of fire orbs spin on a spot where it is deployed. B - "BLIZZARD". A vertical line that moves from left to right. T - "THUNDER". A wild lightning bolt that bounces off the screen. W - "WATER". A downpour of water drops from above like rain. ------------ Other Items: ------------ P - This item increases the weapon level. Round Guys - shoot them to get either a weapons, bombs, or money. They just escape when touched. Money bag - seems to have random sum of money used in shops. Glowing Bomb - destroy all enemies on screen. -------- Changes: -------- v1.0 (02/15/2017) - initial release Aside from translating the game into English, there are other things that are edited: * the ending graphics text translated (the g'old lady and the girl trio) * stage titles * flipped over money bag to show $ sign v1.1 (02/16/2017) * Edited the mage's "Huh?" bubble (missed that one :P) --------- ZIP file: --------- 1. This readme 2. GUNNAC(EN).ips ---------------- ROM Information: ---------------- File: Gun-Nac (J).nes Length: 262160 Bytes (2 Mbit) CRC32: F39B41A4 MD5: 029DAA68 8D2C51A2 96EB4E7F ED953D0D SHA1: 48CE296D 9DDB59AB F13CECCD E777A3E4 3C27FF61 -------- Credits: -------- Zynk Oxhyde - Hacking & Translation Jonny2x4 - Translation from The Video Game Museum ---------- Utilities: ---------- WindHex hex editor by Bongo` YY-CHR ROM graphics editor by YY FCEUX 2.2.2 NES emulator debuggers --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- - for hosting the patch The Video Game Museum ( - for the endings and translations -------- Contact: -------- Email: ----------- Disclaimer: ----------- Zynk Oxhyde is not related/affiliated with Nintendo, Tonkin House & Compile in any way. Tonkin House & Compile owns this game & characters all rights reserved. This patch is not for profit! This patch is free! Don't distribute this in pre-patched ROMs! Don't ask Zynk Oxhyde for ROMs. Get your ROMs from anyhow you like. Selling of reproduction cartridges with the patch applied is illegal! Zynk Oxhyde is against piracy!