"FF1&2e Unofficial Update" v1.1 by Grond "Oy! Wot's all this, then!?" It's my unofficial update to Neo Demiforce's translation patch for "Final Fantasy I & II". It (Demi's patch, not the ROM) can be downloaded at - http://www.romhacking.net/translations/138/ - among other places. !This patch must be applied ON TOP OF (i.e. AFTER)that one! "Why make this?" Demi's original patch has a fatal bug that makes the game freeze whenever you try to talk to anyone in FF1. That's the main reason, anyway. "Anything else?" - I redrew the title screen to make it appear (at least slightly) similar to Demi's concept of how he wanted it to look ( http://web.archive.org/web/20011214121137/http://demiforce.parodius.com/k.gif ). - B-button dashing was added to both games. - FF1 was given a default "Respond Rate" of 6 instead of 1 - FF2's intro story text can now be skipped by pressing Start. - NEW IN 1.1 : Header was updated to meet the NES 2.0 standard, and in the process I fixed the ROM to use its proper mapper, SXROM, with it's larger SRAM. What this really means is that you can actually save in both games now without one game's save being overwritten by the other's (assuming you are using an emulator that properly supports NES 2.0--most don't. Recent versions of Nestopia and Nintendulator should work; I don't know about any others).