========================God Slayer===================== ===============Sonata of the Distant Heavens=========== ==========================V1.03======================== Genre: Action RPG Source language: Japanese Platform: Famicom Patch language: English Author: Pennywise/Tom E-mail: yojimbogarrett@gmail.com http://yojimbo.eludevisibility.org/ ====================================================== About God Slayer ====================================================== Background: Years back I was curious about the script differences between God Slayer and Crystalis, so I ripped the scripts from the game with a little help from Esperknight and had a another translator look them over. He came to the conclusion that it was a good enough translation and so I left it at that. Fast forward to a few months ago and I hear Tom wants to retranslate the game, and so here we are. It turned out that my initial script dump from years back was actually a little incomplete and with abw's help, I was able to get a proper rip of the game's scripts. Hacking work then resumed as Tom continued to translate. This game was actually pretty easy to hack and I didn't have to do any super complicated hacks to remove all the limitations you usually face. Anyway it's complete and I hope everyone will enjoy the new translation. ====================================================== Version History ====================================================== 1.0 - Initial release 1.01 - Minor text update 1.02 - Fixed secret developer messages 1.03 - Fixed issue with statuses ====================================================== Game Hints ====================================================== There are several secret messages from the developers of the game that can only be accessed by doing the following: -Enable the cheat mode at start up -Beat the game -Reset the game and select Continue from the title screen -When you go to talk to someone, hold A and the messages will appear For more information you can visit this site: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru/cheatsbase.php#337 ====================================================== Tom's Comments ====================================================== I grew up with Crystalis on the NES. The game was fun, the music was awesome, and the dialogue made sense. In those days, Engrish was very common, so it was nice playing a game that seemed to get things right. However, despite seeming fine at first glance, Crystalis' script took several departures from the Japanese God Slayer script. Some of these are mild, and some are substantial, but most of them occured because of two reasons: censorship and a lack of space. (Spoiler Warning!) The intro of Crystalis was almost entirely made up to avoid saying anything taboo. Since God Slayer had a lot of words relating to religion, they cut that out to talk about a "savage war." However, the Japanese game never specifies war. It's far more likely, given the plot, that it was scientific experimentation that caused the Earth's axis to go askew and nature to run amok. Lightning strikes the land in the intro. Lightning is not a symbol of war. It's a symbol of divine retribution against the scientists who were "playing god." The lightning was changed to an atomic bomb in the American-made Gameboy Color remake, but I believe they were expanding on Crystalis' made-up script, only furthering the war misconception. Of course, the censorship was not just limited to the intro. The orks (called dwarfs in Crystalis), upon being saved, would originally worship you as their god... But in Crystalis, they just said thank you and sent you on your way. There were other changes throughout the game, as well. With this hack, there was a lot more space due to the removal of indented text. This means that the NPCs don't have anything cut out from their lines for space reasons. We've also reintroduced name tags, which were removed from the Crystalis script. I hope the Crystalis fans out there, though our numbers might be few, appreciate the chance to play an uncensored version of the game! ====================================================== Patching Instructions ====================================================== Due to limitations in the IPS format and the changes I made to the ROM, I'm only supporting BPS and xdelta formats for this game. You can download a program to patch from here: https://www.romhacking.net/patch/ Apply the patch to the original Japanese version of the ROM: God Slayer - Haruka Tenkuu no Sonata (Japan).nes We would be highly grateful, if you find some time to contact us with proposals or corrections. Information on found bugs or corrections would be highly appreciated. P.S. Support the game industry by buying used games! Even if the money doesn't go to the developers directly, as the games become rare and harder to find, the price goes up, and people become more inclined to buy new releases "while they can!" ====================================================== Credits go to: Pennywise - hacking Tom - translation abw - script extraction Esperknight - script extraction help FlashPV - title screen design harmony7 - misc spot translation cccmar - testing Xanathis - testing ====================================================== Compiled by Pennywise. December 2021.