Dragonball Z: Evil Freeza English Patch Version 1.02 Current Release: Feb. 19, 2019 Intial Release: Feb. 1, 2019 by Gyroballer copyright 2019 ------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Patch History 3. Known Bugs 4. Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------- DBZ II for the Famicom is a card-based RPG and the sequel to DBZ: Assault of the Saiyans. The game improves upon its predecessor by starting you off with 5 Z-Fighters and it's a lot less of a grindfest. Besides the powerup Guru gives to the warriors on Namek, you can train on Goku's gravity ship during the final showdown with Freeza. Additionally, you can input the 7 passwords from the first game to start with stronger fighters and some free items. This is my first ever rom translation project. As of v1.02, my patch is nearly completely distinct from Saiya Translations'. In v1.01, I cleaned the script up and replaced inaccurate translations. In v1.02, I looked at every single line and pointer doing my best to accomodate my script with the space available. I also did some really fun graphical changes, like with the title screen and some card icons, to name a few. These were largely done for the sake of consistency with source material, like changing Freeza's scouter to red. I have a complete script prepared for any interested hackers that can take advantage of handakuten line space with ASM. There are very few truncated portions of the script due to lack of ASM hacking knowledge, etc., but it's much better than v1.00 or v1.01. I'm considering putting in the extra work for the QoL ASM hacks that will give my script its ideal form, but I don't think this is a bad way to play the game. Barring ASM hacks, etc., I consider this a polished and complete translation. If you find any graphical glitches, text that is truncated or doesn't make sense, or anything like that, send a screenshot and savestate to maruku115@gmail.com. "Use your favorite IPS patching program and apply this to a CLEAN copy of the Japanese rom." - Quoting RedComet here ------------------------------------------------- 2. Patch History ------------------------------------------------- -Version 1.02 - Oh boy, I'm really proud of this release. As far as I know, maybe barring an inspired line or two, there are no traces of Saiya Translations' work in this patch. - There's a new font based on M-Tee's Elnark Short. Thanks, Romhacking.net and www.MTEEGFX.com All I added was shadows and a bunch of extra ligatures based on this font's style. I feel this font better uses the width of the 8 pixels so letters in words feel less disjointed. - There's a new title screen that restores the "DO-RA-GO-N-BO-(-)-RU" on the DBs, changes Freeza's scouter color to the proper red, and a new title created by me based on Space Age font. It now looks cool, in my opninion, and has a closer meaning to the Japanese source with "TYRANT FREEZA". - Speaking of Freeza's scouter color, it's been changed everywhere else in the game, too, as far as I'm aware. I also opted to color-correct Bulma, ChiChi, Roshi, Senzu, Scouter, and a few others in their item icons. Gohan's gi in the stat page was pink, so I corrected it to its dark navy color. In a few of the cutscenes, I corrected some things, like Gohan's wristbands in the first plot being red instead of green. - Interestingly, there were some strange glitches with Piccolo's hands when damaged and Goku's elbow and knee when charging Kaioken-based moves. There may have been others, but this was another reason to become independent of Saiya Translations' former translation. The original doesn't have this issue and my v1.02 doesn't have it because it's based off the original now. - Changed bottom Dragon Balls from stars to roman numerals to be consistent with RedComet's works and because text references stars or numerals, not ATK or DEF. - The prior version was completely combed through with my original script to check for extra errors or places where things could make more sense. This took quite a lot of hours, but I'm mostly happy with the results. - I made some difficult choices with the tiles that allowed me to make something like 30 ligatures (two characters per tile). These include il, li, ll, of course, but also many others that would normally go into a DTE routine. The reason I did it visually is because there's not much screen space, regardless of rom space I could free up. - Fixed a minor glitch with Piccolo sparring where his name would look like: Picc1lo Picc2lo They now both say Piccolo because expanding the original 4-tile name to 6 or 7 is beyond the current scope of this project. - Corrected "slow text" Senzu Bean. The [EB] tag usually used to signify that a choice selection is coming up also happens to speed up the text and is used in every item, but was removed probably for rom space in the Saiya Translations hack. ------------------------------------------------- -Version 1.01 - Nearly completely rewrote the script. The prior version mostly translated the missing Japanese/Cavespeak sections, but this version has double-checked the original translation by Saiya Translations. In the prior version, I'd left their work largely alone, though I did change a few areas. In this version, however, I went line by line with their work compared to the original Japanese and changed quite a few paragraphs as a result. For example, the dialogue when landing on Namek was basically just fan guesses. Bulma isn't calling Krillin an idiot about bringing the radar, but rather she's upset that they stepped out into a planet with unknown atmosphere. Krillin and Gohan note that it reminds them of Earth instead of getting excited about the DBs. Bulma and Gohan have a conversation about strong ki in the area. Gupley on Kanassa wasn't sick, but looked like a bad guy. Speaking of Kanassa, I tried to remove the "reading between the lines" that the lack of space caused. It says this planet is in trouble, but the Japanese text references that the planet was sending out a distress signal. I had to call this SOS for space, but that's better than not mentioning it. These are just a few examples and that's by no means an exhaustive list of the changes. - Using the debug code and some playtesting, I couldn't find any untranslated sections. I also tested Continue Z and it works as expected. - Title Screen Main Menu is now in English. - Battle text about countering fixed. It was saying, "Gupley1 countered Gupley" because a variable declaring the defending character's number was missing. It will now correctly state something like: "Gupley2 countered Gupley1". You can see this quickly in the first few battles, the Battle Royale mode, or when Piccolo is sparring. - Graphical glitches mostly fixed (Dodoria selecting a card will still cause a trailing "!" but most of the others should be gone). This includes healing on Freeza's ship, which was somewhat hacky-looking but now looks like a proper selection menu. Even with moving pointers around, there was only room for 6 lines of 23-24 characters each, visually. Space-wise, you could insert F9 as a dictionary entry for Namek, etc., but it will still take 5 spaces and cause a glitch if it's the 24-25th character on a line. My script was still limited by these space constraints, but it's better than it was. - Consistency checks (all dialogue should be using the Japanese parentheses now instead of some using colons and no parentheses). ------------------------------------------------- -Version 1.00 90-100% of the text has been translated. Compared to the release this is based on, I'd say they were around 40% complete. I also made sure that most names were localized to fit the American dub and that they were accurate. (The final boss had "Doctor" as his name instead of "Freeza"). Again, there are a lot of space contraints that cause this patch to just be a playable one. Having said that, I'd be happy to work with RedComet or anyone else as a translator who's also interested in the code! ------------------------------------------------- 3. Known Bugs ------------------------------------------------- If a character is written in the last blank space, or if a line is written past the expected amount, there will be graphical glitches that persist until the next screen or set of text. (As of v1.02, most of these are eliminated.) This isn't the game's fault as much as it's an issue based on the space constraint (As of v1.01, I've utilized pointers better and space is only an issue in the longest paragraphs). If I could use RedComet's ASM hack to write on the dakuten/handakuten lines, I could keep my original script intact. Additionally, the Senzu Bean item's text scrolls much slower than any other item's. I'm not sure why this happens, but you can press the (A) button to speed it up. (As of v1.02 this is corrected). There is some text that seems unreachable, but I've still translated it. For instance, there's a debug menu and I've translated it, but it's likely turned off and inaccessible, though you can use most of the features with a Game Genie code and a second controller. Also, there's an early section similar to the anime filler where the mirror ship can pull you in with a tractor beam. I've tried saying No and reloading a lot of times but couldn't reach this text/event. If you can reach the debug menu or the ship event, please contact me. Additionally, if you somehow find some untranslated text or gibberish, let me know, especially with a screenshot, so that I can track it down and translate it. These sections are likely dummied out and inaccessible without lots of hex/asm hacking. Therefore, I've dummied out their pointers and used the extra text space. If you find these in v1.01 or below, Saiya Translations' 0.70, or in the Japanese original, let me know. However, there's no mention of them in any of the Japanese resources I looked through. ------------------------------------------------- 4. Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------- I definitely have people to thank: -Myself(Gyroballer): Most of the translation, localization, hex-editing, tile-editing, etc. was done by me. -Saiya Translations: The original translation team whose work allowed/inspired me to finish this translation. As of v1.02, there should be no relation to the Saiya Translations release. If you find any, let me know, and I'll take them out, if necessary. I will still credit them even now and even in the event of a v2.00 or something like that utilizing ASM hacks, etc. -Romhacking.net: Inspiration, documents, tools, publishing this translation, Elnark Short font, etc. -M-Tee/www.mteegfx.com: Elnark Short font used heavily as base for my font. Only added shadows and ligatures. -RedComet: Extreme inspiration from some of the best rom translations next to AGTP. I modeled this readme after them as well! I tried to use the ASM source code, but failed to make it work for DBZ2, but I'd be happy to provide script translation services if interested, or work more with the ASM code in the future, especially with guidance. -My fiance: For supporting my selfish work habits while I was preparing this for the public! <3 Thanks to all the fans of DBZ because without you, I made this patch for no one but me! Enjoy it!