==================================================================================== 2 0 2 1 POLINYM PRESENTS A T F I R S T . T H E R E A R E Q U I R I N O, M E G A K O O P A X A N D . . . F I R E E M B L E M Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light Retranslation 2021 This is a complete translation of Fire Emblem: Shadows Dragon and the Blade of Light (a.k.a. Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light, Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi, etc.) created from scratch by Polinym. Translation-wise, this patch features original translation by Polinym, with much of the phrasing and dialogue based on the Mystery of the Emblem Book 1 translation by RPGuy96 and VincentASM. (Monshou hack: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/961/) (Script reference: https://serenesforest.net/mystery-of-the-emblem/scripts/) All of the text was checked against the original Famicom version for accuracy, and some edits were made to that end. Some portions, especially the text absent from Mystery of the Emblem, are original translations by Polinym (with the previous fan-translation by Quirino and official Switch "translation" used for reference). Regarding names and termonology, this translation aims to remain faithful to Shouzou Kaga's original Japanese creation while using official termonology where accurate and appropriate. Examples: Japanese Polinym's Translation Official Localization MARUSU Mars Marth RIFU Wryf Wrys BIRAKU Biraku Vyland RERAIBUnoTSUE Relive (Staff) Mend (Staff) ARITIA Aritia Altea DEBIRUMOUNTEN Devil Mountain The Ghoul's Teeth kurokishidan Sable Order Sable Order BOHA Boah Boah GATO Gatoh Gotoh In the name of accuracy, this translation does also not alter the bits of "Engrish" text (except fixing the names of characters). In comparison to the other fan-translations for this game, this hack features expanded text boxes to fit more text in and thus be more accurate. This hack has been tested to ensure that no bugs occur. However, it is possible that I, Polinym, may have missed a line. I reccommend that you use save states at each chapter if possible, because the game may crash if it encounters an incorrect pointer. You should be able to beat the game with no issues. Also, chapter names in the ending are shortened due to restrictions. The epilogue endings for each character got a bit mixed up, too, but should work fine. This patch is to be applied to a clean original Japanse ROM of Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Tsurugi. S O M E D A Y , S E E Y O U A G A I N! ====================================================================================