----------------------------------------------- -BlackPaladin's Bloody Warriors Addendum Patch- ----------------------------------------------- *************************************** *Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go Strikes Back* *************************************** First things first, I want to thank you for downloading and using my addendum patch. It's been a very long time since I did anything of this capacity, and I hope this patch made the game a bit more enjoyable. Second, I want to thank ded302 and snark for working on translating the game in first place. They did a good job with trying to make this game enjoyable for the English-speaking masses. However, when I played this game initially, I found some untranslated text that rubbed me the wrong way. After attempting to contact ded302 and snark about continuing work on their patch, I heard nothing. I even contacted Dodgy Translations as well, and attempts at reaching that group was fruitless. Therefore, I decided to fix this myself. After constructing working table files (one in English and one in Japanese) I went to work. I had to use DeepL, 10ten, and Google Translate (please don't hold that against me) to fill in the gaps as best as I could. This may result in a less than accurate translation, but it's the best I could do with what little resources I could gather. Patching Instructions: This addendum patch come in four flavors: Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go Strikes Back (addendum).ips --This patch requires a pre-patched ROM that already has ded302/snark's patch already applied (IPS Format) Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go Strikes Back (addendum).bps --This patch requires a pre-patched ROM that already has ded302/snark's patch already applied (BPS Format) Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go Strikes Back (full patch).ips --This patch requires a clean and unaltered ROM (IPS format) Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go Strikes Back (full patch).bps --This patch requires a clean and unaltered ROM (BPS format) I recommend using Lunar IPS for applying the IPS patches. Flips can be used to apply the IPS or BPS patches. The "full patch" patches require the ROM with the following hashes. File SHA-1: 186B86C0004E43E707F00248DCE1A9A2F9818702 File CRC32: 76823B90 ROM SHA-1: AE64B6FBCC992EF8A2B3A6B7D80AD598B168E39D ROM CRC32: 391AA1B8 The "addendum" patches require the ROM with the following hashes. File SHA-1: CBE23533C22CB38E0FDF844CDF39FAE5B1D63431 File CRC32: A17FC262 ROM SHA-1: 3AB5E1AA3A71341991780684297BA2DBEF5EC72D ROM CRC32: EEE7584A If you use either "full patch" patch to the unedited ROM or either "addendum" patch to a pre-edited (ded302/snark) ROM, you'll end up with the ROM with the following hashes. Use only one patch or the other. File SHA-1: 33A718E66BE94420CC2A69A5E0230B609862D907 File CRC32: 7C96F91C ROM SHA-1: 24CB0C1B0938E6BA6AAE58FF46D11FD3F2D0AE0A ROM CRC32: 19393FCB What changes have been done: Addendum Release v0.99.9 -Almost all untranslated text has been translated and inserted -Many grammatical errors in script fixed -added the following tiles in font table --'s --'t --il --li --ll -Menus fixed --ITem is now Item --TaLK is now Talk --FLOOR is now Srch --Stat is now Inf --EQUIP is now Eqp --DrOP is now Rig -Item names changed --Troops is now Potion --Untranslated weapon is now Presden Sword (Sword Icon + Presden) -Monster names appear in battle menus -Some monster names has been changed --Wolf (Green) is now Wulf --Bee (Orange) is now Hornet --Snake (Red) is now Viper --Toad (Green) is now Frog -Game name's subtitle translated and added to intro screen (Game's title is now "Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go Strikes Back") -"Dragon Warrior" font applied -Ending text changed Addendum Release v1.0 The letters "y" and "z" can now be used in the character naming screen "Naras" is displayed whenever the main character is not named by the player (It previously displayed mojibake) Special Thanks: ded302 (Original Hacker) snark (Original Translator) Cyneprepou4uk (Helped with Identifying Pointer System) aqualung (Assisted with Spot Translation) TaraEmsley (Assisted with Spot Translation) LostTemplar (Assisted with Spot Translation) Toei Animation (They made the game in the first place!) FCE Ultra Team (Used their emulator's hex editor system to edit script) Mesen Team (Used their emulator's hex editor system to edit script) All credit to "Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go no Gyakushuu" belong to Toei Animation and their respective creators and programmers. This patch is mainly used for pure enjoyment for those who cannot enjoy this game. All rights reserved. (Please, don't come after me, Toei!)