RECCA - RAGING FIREENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.00Copyright 2002 by Aeon Genesishttp://agtp.romhack.netToC1. About Recca2. Patch History3. Patch Credits and Contributors4. Application Instructions-------------1.About Recca-------------Recca is the most insane shooter I've ever played forthe NES. This is QUALITY, people. It's fast, it's furious,it's bloody difficult, because by the time you see somethingand move to react to it, it's already killed you :D This gameis GREAT! It also looks as if it was originally based on theDezaemon FC engine; it perhaps originated as a contest entryof some sort. A few of the enemy graphics are similar, powerupprogression behaves the same way, it starts out with thatlaunch-off-the-platform thing that Dezaemon has.Oh well, whatever.---------------2.Patch History---------------The project started and ended on December 2, 2002.It originated out of a need to release something onthe following Wednesday, and out of a need for thisawesome game to get -some- recognition. It's a quickand dirty title hack, nothing more.December 4, 2002 - Initial version 1.00 Release---------------4.Patch Credits---------------THE RECCA TEAMMain Team:Gideon Zhi - Everything.Special Thanks to the #fefea boys for alerting me tothe game's existance.-----------------------------4.Known Issues with the Patch-----------------------------There no issues, period.It's a title hack. Whaddaya want?--------------------------5.Application Instructions--------------------------Grab SNESTool from...http://rpgd.emulationworld.comIn the utilities section, click on the IPS Tools link.Drop it into the same folder as the rom and patch, launchit, tell it to "USE IPS", pick the patch, pick the rom.Bing!