Dragonball Z: Assault of the Saiyans English Patch Version 1.00 Current Release: Nov. 20, 2005 Intial Release: Feb. 1, 2003 by RedComet copyright 2005 -------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Patch History 3. Known Bugs 4. Acknowledgements -------------------------------------- 1. Introduction -------------------------------------- DBZ:AotS (as it will be referred to from now on. Was the first Dragonball Z game EVER, and was largely based on the Dragonball games that had come before it. They both use nearly the same battle system and movement systems. It was released in 1989 and marked the painful beginning of the DBZ saga on Famicom. There's 2 more after this one and then a sidestory. Go figure. Use your favorite IPS patching program and apply this to a CLEAN copy of the Japanese rom. -------------------------------------- 2. Patch History -Version 1.01 There were a few bugs in the Tournament mode that caused it to do a number of things that hindered one's ability to play it. All of these bugs are now fixed. Also, the translation credits have been added to final credits at the end of the game. I also fixed Bandai's crazy Engrish in the credits, too. This patch is the final version. -Version 1.00 Everything is in and working properly. The only thing that hasn't been tested is the Tournament mode (Tourney in the patch due to space and motivation issues). I don't really think anyone cares about the Tournament mode too much; so, unless someone playes it and finds some bug, this will probably be the final patch. -Version 0.99 Feb. 1, 2003 Initial release. 99% if not 100% of the text is translated. -------------------------------------- 3. Known Bugs -------------------------------------- There are no known bugs. -------------------------------------- 4. Acknowledgements -------------------------------------- This project would probably not have turned into what it has today had it not been for the help of the following, wonderful people (in no particular order): -Myself(RedComet): All of the programming, script editting, and insertion was done by me. -MukiMuki(Kamaitachii): The translator. -MO's Board: Saved my ass many a time. -Elf: He created that ass kickin' English subtitle for me. -Danke -DodgyAussie Version 0.99: -Myself: Hey, without me there would be no patch. :P -Kamaitachii: The translator who so graciously retranslated a script because I screwed it up to begin with. -RougePaladin Trian & Vorpy: They both did there far share of script editing to make the scripts fit in the limited space. -The guys at MO's board: Without these guys I probably wouldn't have been able to get some of this stuff translated as quickly. -MO: For make the Translation board. -Gil: For doing some ASM hacking (not present in this patch), and for being a really fucking cool guy in general. -The guys at #gametrans over on DALnet: Just some pretty cool fellows to sit and talk with when you're unwinding after a long day of work. And lastly, I'd like to thank anyone I might have forgotten to. Thanks you guys, without you, this patch wouldn't have been possible. Cheers!