"Magic Madness" (or Magician) is a 2000 NES adaptation of a Commodore 64 video game, credited to Colosoftwares, 1985. Jean-François de Wergifosse is probably the developer for both the C64 and NES versions. The NES version was released as a 5-in-1 multicart with very similar C64 ports of Ice Hunter (Hunter On Ice) and Tropical Fever, plus Race 'N Burn and Shoot the Goof, a light-gun game from Oniros. These are probably from the same developers. This hack restores a screen of explanatory text at the beginning of the game, as well as the copyright credit to Colosoftwares. This text appeared in the game originally, but was removed from later bootleg releases. The original text was in French. A version translated into English is also provided. ______________ Magic Madness. Little Merlin, the magic land needs you to fight the evil Kholoo. To achieve this you will need to have the 4 magic books that are at the end of the 4 levels of the magic land. Use your magic powers to fight the evil creatures that will stand in your way. The 'B' button lets you change spells and the 'A' button lets you use the selected spell. Press 'Start' to begin and let yourself be carried away by the magic madness. ______________ These games were featured on the bootleg console: GameStar AL-27605M Taiwan 2000 / Game Star 5 in 1 "Hunter, Magic, Race, Tropical, Shoot" with a menu screen using graphics from "Hokuto No Ken 2." (A recreation of this is included as data.) The first screen of the game was originally explanatory text in French. In later bootlegs this was replaced with "Press Start to play" and the copyright removed. If a graphic numbered 60 or above (in hex) is used on this screen, 60 is subtracted from its number, apart from 61 which is hardcoded as X. Essentially this code forces only text to to be used on this screen. You can change these 60s and 61s to 00s around 6CF5 in the ROM to fix this, as this hack does. ______________ Magic Madness. Petit Merlin, le pays magique a besoin de toi pour combattre le mechant Kholoo. Pour y parvenir il te faudra avoir les 4 livres magiques qui se trouvent au bout des 4 niveaux du pays magique. Utilise tes pouvoirs magiques pour combattre les creatures malefiques qui te barreront la route. Le bouton 'B' te permet de changer de sort et le bouton 'A' d'utiliser le sort selectionne. Appuie sur 'Start' pour commender et laisse toi emporter par la folie magique. ______________ Magic Madness (Magician) (Unl) Database match: not found Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042) File SHA-1: 26BDE8F0B68A5D65B26C37930539AA619775E907 File CRC32: B10A7C91 ROM SHA-1: 3043E3B43FC5C25888D161E9E47374A6BF9BB875 ROM CRC32: 5678664F