KingMike's Translation (hopefully, only SPAMLESS e-mails will be sent. So, remove the SPAMLESS portions, and send me, well, spam-less e-mails.) Paaman 2 - Down with the Madou Society! Patch v1.0 Release date: 4/18/2003 ********************************************* Original Title: Paaman Part 2 - Himitsu Keesha Madoodan wo Taose! Original Language: Japanese ********************************************* This translation was produced by: KingMike - graphics, insertion, a couple minor ASM mods. Shih Tzu - translation of the text. Thanks to: Chris Covell - for his CHR optimizer program, CHARlie. The title screen was just barely insertable after use of his program. Without it, I'd probably have run out of tiles, and then I wouldn't have been able to insert it! ********************************************* Contents of package. Paa2ev10.ips : Japanese to English patch. Paaman2e.txt : This document. ********************************************* Emulation Status: Any emulator supporting Mapper 65 (one of the Irem mappers) should do it. Preffered: Unofficial Nester, FCE Ultra, Nesten (needs program v0.61 beta 2 and mapper pack v1.3). ********************************************* What's done: - A couple ASM touches. - Translations inserted. What's not so good: - Password screen has a display bug. I'm not sure what it is. I'll have to look. - Also, as for weapons, "Balloon" became "Ball", "Freeze" became "Cold", "Transform" became "Mystery", and finally "Myst", and "Powerball" became "Pow ball". This is because the game uses sprites for each text character (only Irem knows why), so I was very limited in how many letters I could use. Also, the available space for font characters was very marginal. ********************************************* How to patch (Windows, sorry non-Windows users. I succumbed.): - Download this zip file. - Download the game ROM. (I won't provide this. You find it.) - Download IPSWin 2.0 from somewhere ( might have it, but no guarantees. Look for "Utilities"). - Open IPSWin 2.0, click the little folder thing in the first box. Choose the original Japanese ROM. Choose the IPS patch in the lower text box in the same manner. Click Patch. Enjoy! ********************************************* Who is Paaman? Paaman is an anime superhero created by Fujiko Fujiro, who was also the creater of Doraemon, Obake no Q-Taro, and several others. It was a B&W anime from 1967 to 1968, and there was a color anime from 1983 to 1985. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to come up with much background on Paaman besides that. He looks like an interesting hero, though. How to play: This game has both side and overhead view areas. In either case: D-Pad: Move Select: Nothing. Start: Pause/Change weapons. B Button: Shoot A Button: Jump (side+top) / Fly (side only) Flying: In side view, Paaman and company can also fly. Press A once to jump, then press A again while in midair. You can now use the D-Pad to fly around. You can still use B to attack. If you press A again, you will stop in place. Press B to drop back to the ground. If you get hit by an enemy, you will also drop. You will also be able to enter doors (walk into them in top-view, press Up while in side-view). Doors with a P are bonus rooms, others let you continue with the stage. There are three types of bonus rooms. CRATES: Break the crates to find powerups... and enemies. TILES: Make a path around the room without retracing your steps. Use the arrow tiles to jump two tiles forward. Clear all the tiles to get a prize. I believe you can also get a password here, but I don't know how to use the passwords. HINT: In rooms with many arrows, notice the directions that they are going. Since you must remove all tiles to win, know that you'll have to cross every arrow. So, use the arrow tiles as a guide to plan a path around the room. CARDS: Match the cards. You get three chances. If you turn over an "X" card, you lose. Weapons: Punch: Level 1 - Just punch the enemy! Level 2 - You can shoot beams at the enemies. Ball: Level 1 - Shoot balloons at the enemies. Cold: Level 1 - Shoot ice crystals at the enemy. Level 2 - Shoot once to stop the enemy, twice to kill 'em. Myst: Level 1 - Shoots question-blocks at enemies (?) Pow ball: Transform Level 2 - Strongest weapon. Powerups (from completing mini-games): #L - Recovers # of units in life bar. #P - Increase lives. K - Effect unknown. ******************************************* Paaman Part 2 - Himitsu Keesha Madoodan wo Taose! (c) 1991 Irem Corp. (c) Fujiko, Shogakukan, TV-Asahi English Translation: (c) 2003 KingMike No distributing the patch with ROM, either pre-patched, or in one zip. That's wrong.