------------------------------------------------- -BlackPaladin's Moeru1 Oniisan Translation Patch- ------------------------------------------------- ********************** *The Burning Wild Man* ********************** "Moeru! Oniisan" is a gag manga and anime, created by Kenji Terada. It's about a boy named Kenichi Kokujou who was lost in the wilderness as a toddler and rescued by an old man who taught him karate at a young age but clueless to modern life. He later returns to his family after being absent for 13 years, and hijinx ensues as a result. One of Kenji Terada's accomplishments include writing the scripts for the first three Final Fantasy games, among others. Patching Instructions: This translation patch comes in two flavors... The Burning Wild Man (English).ips --This patch is for the Japanese "Moeru! Oniisan" NES ROM (IPS format) The Burning Wild Man (English).bps --This patch is for the Japanese "Moeru! Oniisan" NES ROM (BPS format) For the patches... The Burning Wild Man (English).ips The Burning Wild Man (English).bps Use the ROM with the following hashes. (Don't use both.) File SHA-1: ECBBB6695ED883E4FB08A9942ED6E0129D6F9B0B File CRC32: 94DE26E6 ROM SHA-1: 85FC84B1E9031631A437A0BA47A0B1FA1256A808 ROM CRC32: F96D07C8 THe end results is a patched ROM with the following hashes... File SHA-1: 5DA32A090F278F6E01E72C5FBB6311B19D4A6F93 File CRC32: A2CE88C5 ROM SHA-1: 14CFDDC330AEC82DF75E43AD61877AAAC0316604 ROM CRC32: 38E66A36 What changes have been done: v1.0 Translated Title Screen The game's script has been translated to English Power-up icons that depicted Japanese text were changed to icons Word bubbles that appear briefly when a stage begins were translated to English Ending credits translated Special Thanks: Ratty (She translated the game's script files) cccmar (Beta Testing) Clover (Beta Testing) YY-CHAR team (Tool used for editing graphics) FCE Ultra Team (Emulator uses in testing the patch) All credit to "Moeru! Oniisan" belong to Toho, Kenji Terada, and their respective creators and programers. This patch is mainly used for pure enjoyment for those who cannot enjoy this game. All rights reserved. (Toho and Terada-san, please don't come after me!)