~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yume Penguin Monogatari Dream Penguin Adventure English Translation Patch Version 1.02 Created by Vice Translations part of Kitsune's Den http://vice.parodius.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREDITS ----------------- Kitsune Sniper Game hacking, font insertion, preliminary translation and graphic insertion. Email: kitsune [at] parodius [dot] com Vorname Nachname Protection workaround Tetsuo, Shih Tzu, and everyone at MO's board Main translation support sl1me Main graphic artist ORIGINAL EFFORTS BY: ----------------- kalevan Project History: ----------------- December 25, 2006 Gah, this patch didn't include some other fixes, so you were getting a very hard game due to protection. It's fixed now. December 24, 2006 Didn't think I'd be updating THIS again, did ya? Okay, so there was this really freakin' obscure bug that TheFreak found. Basically one of the pointers was wrong. If time ran out when you fought a certain boss... well, Penko would go on about a Pig Battleship before dumping your sorry butt. This has been fixed. Two bytes, woohoo. June 5, 2003 Konamicrack strikes again. The game had protection that made the game much harder if anyone modified the game in any way. This protection wasn't in the original bad dump that kalevan used for his translation... Vorname Nachname, a German person [... who happens to know more 6502 ASM than me] emailed me telling me about that thing; and he later sent a fix for the protection, which is now in the patch. However... well, there are two patches in this archive. One [yume100.IPS] is the fixed version of the patch; it has no protection whatsoever. The other patch [yume100a.IPS] is MUCH harder, since it has protection [this is the older patch]. So if you want a challenge, use that patch. May 30, 2003 Well, I'll be damned. I'm done. [And this is the second time I've said that!] My original intention was to release this patch on June 28, 2003... which is my birthday. But, since I was nervous and couldn't really do anything school-related, I set upon finishing up the translation today. Why? I dunno. I just felt like it. Many thanks go to sl1me, who provided me with almost all of the graphics that were changed for this translation. I had to adapt a few, thanks to the weed that Konami's programmers smoked here. AGAIN. Goddamn their "03" hex opcode... damn it to hell... *shakes paw* This release is dedicated to FEFEA's own video game destroyer, adaml. It's his birthday! A rare coincidence. Everyone say happy berfday when you see him. K? K. Version History: ----------------- Version 1.021, December 25, 2006 [9,796 bytes] Version 1.02, December 24, 2006 [9,787 bytes] Version 1.01, June 5, 2003 [10,485 bytes] Version 1.00a, June 5, 2003 [10,476 bytes] Version 1.00, May 30, 2003 [10,476 bytes] What's left: ----------------- There -MAY- be some messages that may show up and not be translated. The reason is that there was a lot of the script that didn't get used. I did get it translated, but I didn't insert it. I don't think it was used, it makes reference to some sort of race that isn't in the game... Game Notes: ----------------- The pad moves Penta, A makes him jump, B makes him attack. In the plane stages, both buttons make his plane shoot. You have two ways of losing the game: Being too fat or running out of time. When you play, grab the Fat-B-Gone bottles to lose weight. Once your weight is low enough so that the heart in the status bar gets unbroken, you're in the clear. But falling into the water or even eating ONE food item will send it all to hell. Also, if you run out of time, Penko will complain and make you play the stage again. So be sure to grab ALL THE CLOCKS you can! I am aware that the game tells you that you have a lot of time, but doesn't really give you that much. This is a game bug, the script was like that in the Japanese release. And stay away from the food. I can't stress this enough. The game doesn't seem too difficult, but it IS. It's almost impossible to beat the game without using savestates or cheats. So good luck. Also, patch the rom that Goodnes 1.01 and higher recognizes as the GOOD rom! I haven't tested it with ANY OTHER variants, be them [p], [h], [b], or whatever. And most importantly, you CAN NOT upload a pre-patched rom to your website. Copyrights ----------------- Yume Penguin Monogatari, Penta, Penko, Ginji and all related names and characters are trademarks of Konami. Nintendo Entertainment System, Famicom, and all other related names and indicia are Copyrighted to Nintendo. Disclaimer ----------------- There is no videogame company or any other company associated with Kitsune Sniper. In no event shall Kitsune be liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides. In other words, you'd better own the cart for the rom that you're patching, and if something goes wrong, don't blame me!