DvD Translations AD&D DragonLance 2 - Dragons of Flame for the Nintendo Famicom/NES Patch Version: 1.03 Release Date: October 31st, 2003 Hello and welcome to the ReadMe file for "AD&D DragonLance 2 - Dragons of Flame" for the NES. In this file I've included info on how to use this patch, how play control differs in this game from that of "AD&D DragonLance 1 - Heroes of the Lance", and a rough walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: DvD Translations dvdtranslations.eludevisibility.org DvD - Programmer Original English translation of menus & items Translation of characters & places Editor Alpha Tester KlD - Beta Tester Shiroi Translations yatsu.deviantart.com Shiroi - English translation of the entire script ------------------------------------------------------------ How to Patch the ROM file: Original Game ROM Size: 1 megabit of program ROM & 1 megabit of character ROM = 2 megabit = 256 kBytes = 262144 Bytes You need: 1) A ROM file. The file must include the standard 16 byte iNES header followed by the program ROM followed by the character ROM. This makes the ROM file 262160 Bytes in size. I'm not telling you how to get the ROM file, but for this game, the format of the 16 byte iNES header should be: 4E 45 53 1A 08 10 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Note: The ROM file most commonly found on the internet AD&D Dragons of Flame.nes has a corrupt header file that doesn't allow the battery backup system to work! Instead of the 12 it has a 10. Starting with patch version 1.00, if your ROM file has a header with a 10, it will be changed to a 12 by the patch which will allow the battery backup to work. 2) Patch File: DoF-v1_03.IPS - Included with this file. 3) An IPS patching program Recommended patching program for IBM PC: Snes-Tool.exe by The M.C.A./Elite Using SNES Tool: 1) Make a copy of the un-patched ROM. You always want to keep the un-patched ROM around for later revisions of the patch. 2) Place an un-patched ROM file with header (I'll call it DoF.nes), DoF-v1_03.IPS, and Snes-Tool.exe in the same directory. 3) Run Snes-Tool.exe 4) Type 'U' for "Use IPS" 5) Press the down arrow key until DOF-V1_03.IPS is highlighted. 6) Hit Enter. 7) Press the down arrow key until DOF.NES is highlighted. 8) Hit Enter. 9) Hit 'Q' to quit. Note: If patching the file on a Mac, I recommend UIPS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Why I, DvD, chose to translate any game: I wanted to give back to the translation community after playing so many excellently translated games such as Tales of Phantasia for the SNES by DeJap, Final Fantasy II for the NES by NeoDemiforce, and Final Fantasy III for the NES by Alex W. Jackson, Neill Corlett, & SoM2Freak. I really appreciate all that have gone and translated before me. Why I chose to translate THIS game: 1) I wanted to translate an action/adventure or RPG that everyone knew something about. Yes, this game is the sequel to the infamous AD&D DragonLance - Heroes of the Lance, rightly voted one of the worst games ever released in the US for the NES. What is amazing about this game is that all the things that made the original game so bad (terrible player control, no ability to regain health except using magic which is almost impossible to replenish) have been fixed in this game. Try it out. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. 2) I've played and passed all the prequels to this game. It just has the one. I have this thing about playing games that are part of a series in the order in which they came out... 3) This game only uses Hiragana and Katakana, no kanji. Plus it has a nice Roman character font on the same character table. 4) I wanted to do an NES game. I have a lot of experience with machine language of the 6502 processor. 5) I liked the game and wished I could play it in English. 6) AD&D starts with A. It was one of the first that I considered... Why YOU should bother playing THIS game: 1) This is a COMPLETE translation. I worked my ass off to make sure that ALL of Shiroi's translation made it into the final patch. It was not easy. I had to get pretty creative moving code around and filling in tiny unused portions of code with strings. 2) This is an accurate translation. After Shiroi translated the script, I researched the correct spelling of all the character names and places in the HotL manual, the PC version of this game, and on DragonLance web sites. 3) See what a vast improvement this is over the prequel! 4) It's the only official D&D game, released on the Famicom, that wasn't released in the US; see what you're missing! 5) Its very different from the PC released version of this game. 6) It's quite short. 7) You won't get stuck or need a walkthrough... so why am I including one in the doc? 8) KlD says, "This game was enjoyable to play. I'm more of a turn-based RPG player, but the action wasn't difficult and was actually sort of fun." Why i, shiroi, chose to translate this game: i looked on the Whirlpool want ads and saw it. :o i chose this one specifically because it wasn't too big, and i'm something of a closet D&D fan. anyhow, then i got in touch with DvD and i was really struck by the amount of interest he showed in doing it right, as in adhering to the proper names and places. thus, i was motivated to whip through the script and do my best. please enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------ Game Controls & Tips: 1) If you haven't played Heroes of the Lance before, you should read it's manual. Actually, the manual is the best thing about the game! The story line and characters for this game are identical to the prequel. The controls, spells, and items are similar but are improved in this game. With a little research you should be able to find a text copy of the HotL manual on the internet. I own a copy of the HotL with manual, but before writing this I checked and I was able to find a text manual for the NES version of HotL on the net. 2) Controls * Start : Start the Game Display the Main Menu * B-button : Swing your Weapon Cancel menu command Back up one menu Advance Text Speed Up Text - When possible * A-button : Jump Select menu command Advance Text Speed Up Text - When possible * Directional Pad + Overworld: - U,D,L,&R : Move character N,S,E,&W + Underworld or Fighting: - L & R : Move character left or right - D : Duck Pick up item Aim weapon down when swinging it - U : Aim weapon up when swinging it 3) The Main Menu, Clerical Spells Menu, and Magic User Spells Menu scroll up and down. This is because they all have more items than can be shown on the screen at one time. 4) Use "Hero Select" to swap the position of 2 characters. 5) Rest often and swap first characters to keep your HP up. After resting once, you'll a have to wait a while before it will let you rest again. In the overworlds, you cannot rest if you are in a battle. In the underworlds, you cannot rest if there is one or more monsters in the hallway you currently occupy. The game lets you know if you successfully rested or not. 6) All characters start with 255 HP. Spell points are as follows: Raistlin starts with 255 MP. Spell MP Used ------------------- -------- Charm 16 See HotL manual Sleep 21 " Magic Missile 16 " Web 32 " Burning Hands 21 " Fire Ball 32 Attack with a ball of fire Goldmoon starts with 255 MP. Spell MP Used What It Does ------------------- -------- ------------ Cure Light Wounds 5 Raise 1 living character's HP by 51 points (20% of 255) Hold Person 16 See HotL manual Spiritual Hammer 6 " Bless 6 ? Dispel Magic 6 ? Heal 16 Raise 1 living character's HP by 127 points (50% of 255) Turn Undead 16 Attacks undead on the screen Cure Critical Wounds 21 Raise 1 living character's HP by 204 points (80% of 255) Raise Dead 48 Raise 1 dead character's HP to 51 points (20% of 255) 6) To equip a weapon or a piece of armor, GIVE it to the person who you want to equip it on and then USE it while it is in that persons inventory. If they can equip it, it will move from the items section to the equipment section. 7) To throw a projectile weapon, it must be in the items section of the character who wishes to use it. Also, that character must be the first in the party. Select the projectile (arrow, pouch of bullets, javelin, etc.) with the USE command. Only certain characters can use certain projectile weapons. If it doesn't work for one character try it with a different one. ------------------------------------------------------------ Quick Walkthrough - Contains "spoilers": The goal of the first overworld is to make it to the man just north of the Pax Tharkas fortress in the far south west corner, Gilthanas. Do this after meeting all the other men to follow the story, one of which gives you a Potion of Healing. The goal of the second overworld is to make it to the cave in the south west after visiting Theros in the cave in the north east. Both underworlds contain a number of useful items not listed here. The goal of the first underworld, Sla Mori, is to find the Wyrmslayer and then find the entrance to Pax Tharkas. The goal of the second underworld, Pax Tharkas, is fight the goblin, meet the first dragon, the Old Sage, defeat the second dragon, Ember, and then defeat Verminaard. ------------------------------------------------------------ Translation Progress History: Patch Version Release Date ------------- --------------- none December 21st, 2002 - Project Begins * Thingy character table first generated 0.40 June 18th, 2003 - Initial Public Release * Menu Screens - Complete except for the screen - Start, Save, Load, telling you to hold reset while & Main menus turning off the NES power - Magic User Spells - Clerical Spells * Command Screens - Complete - Hero Select - Use/Drop/Give * Items - Complete * Command Feedback - Complete * Title Screen Hack - Complete * * Event Text - Dumped * Original PC Text - Dumped * Intro/Ending Text - Ready for dumping * Ending Credits Hack - Untouched none August 21st, 2003 * DvD first contacted by Shiroi. none August 31st, 2003 * Event Text - Shiroi finished translating * Intro/Ending Text - Dumped - Shiroi finished translating 0.60 September 12th, 2003 - Shiroi Release * Title Screen Hack - Complete - Shiroi Added * Intro/Ending Text - Complete * Ending Credits Hack - Complete * 1.00 October 22nd, 2003 - Beta Testing Release * Menu Screens - Complete * Event Text - Complete * 1.02 October 28th, 2003 - Shiroi Release * Event Text - Tasslehoff "trap" event text finally executed in game and so it was fixed * Ending Credits Hack - Test Player changed to KlD 1.03 October 31st, 2003 - Complete Public Release * Event Text - Minor edits in Old Sage intro & Raistlin death * Intro/Ending Text - Minor edits of last screen of intro & last 5 speeches of ending ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank You: DvD wishes to thank Shiroi for her very quick and complete translation. Without her, who knows if the project would ever have been completed. ------------------------------------------------------------ Software used in this translation: Emulators * FCE Ultra 0.94 by Bero & xodnizel * Nesticle - Hide the background tests by Bloodlust Software * RockNES - Beta testing on the Mac by Fabiano Lopes & Richard Bannister Tile Editor * Tile Layer Pro 1.0 by Kent Hansen Disassembler * NES Disassembler v1.0 beta4 by Morgan Johansson Hex Editors * Thingy Version 0.98 by necrosaro * frhed 1.0.156 beta 1 by Raihan Kibria General Organization & Document Creation * Excel 97 by Microsoft * Notepad by Microsoft IPS Patch File Creator * Snes-Tool Version 1.2 by The M.C.A./Elite * UIPS 1.00 - Beta testing on the Mac by EmuScene Software Files & Web Pages used in this translation: NES * nesdev.parodius.com * Nintendo Entertainment System Documentation Version: 2.00 (NDox200.txt) by ??? * Nintendo MMC1 info for 8-bit NES carts by Matthew J. Richey * Programming that 8-bit beast of power, the NES by joker21@earthlink.net v.80.666 * Nintendo Entertainment System Architecture v2_4.htm by Marat Fayzullin DragonLance * www.dl3e.com - The DragonLance Nexus * AD&D DragonLance 1 - Heroes of the Lance - Manual ------------------------------------------------------------ Happy Adventuring! DvD