KingMike's Translation (hopefully, only SPAMLESS e-mails will be sent. So, remove the SPAMLESS portions, and send me, well, spam-less e-mails.) Banana Prince Patch v1.1 Release date: 6/22/2003 ********************************************* Original Title: Banana Prince Original Language: German ********************************************* This translation was produced by: KingMike - graphics, insertion Teary Eyes Anderson - Text translation ********************************************* What's new: 1.1a: And the good ending will not spew garbage before printing the credits. This was brought on by patch 1.1. 1.1: Ooops! I forgot a couple lines, namely the GAME OVER screen. And a slight change in the intro. 1.0: Initial release ********************************************* Introduction: The Tropical Banana Island sits in the Banana Kingdom. It was all fine until one day when the Pepper Dragon came and took the Banana Symbols from the Banana Prince. Being symbols of the Banana Empire, the Banana Prince decided to get them back, and his subject, the Dragon Master, decided to come with to help him. Now, the Banana Prince must travel the islands to get back the treasures and defeat the Pepper Dragon. One day last April, Teary Eyes sent me an email saying he had completely finished translating the German edition of Banana Prince, and he was looking for somebody to put the text back into the ROM for him. It was a pretty fun game that I had been hoping would be translated, so I said sure, I'll do it. It was a bit challenging, due to the substring compression and string countdown method of reading text (a plus, since there's alot fewer pointers to worry about. A minus because one missed end-of-string character can screw up a good deal of text). But, I got a program done to omptimally compress the text, and insert it. I got that done around mid-May (5/16). Then I had to find the few mistakes in my script that were causing big mistakes in the text. That took awhile, and didn't get it solved until mid-June (6/18). Then I had to find the small graphics that needed translation, and get those tested and inserted. ********************************************* Contents of package. bprin11.ips : German to English patch. NOTE: Do not use on the Japanese ROM. bprin11.txt : This document. ********************************************* Emulation Status: Well, if NESTICLE will run it, I think almost anything will. :) ********************************************* What's done: - Everything. What's not so good: - A couple of questions displayed incorrect answers, so I hacked it to display the correct answers. This shouldn't affect anything else, but let me know if it does. ********************************************* How to patch (Windows, sorry non-Windows users. I succumbed.): - Download this zip file. - Download the game ROM. (I won't provide this. You find it.) - Download IPSWin 2.0 from somewhere ( might have it, but no guarantees. Look for "Utilities"). - Open IPSWin 2.0, click the little folder thing in the first box. Choose the original GERMAN ROM (do not try the Japanese ROM, I'm sure it'll corrupt something). Choose the IPS patch in the lower text box in the same manner. Click Patch. Enjoy! ********************************************* How to play: D-Pad: Move Up: Enter doors Down + B: Grow a vine (on any surface that the Prince has both feet planted on). Down + A: Slide, drop through small floors (in Stage 3, anywhere else?) Select: Nothing. Start: Pause, and see current Score and High Score. B Button: Attack A Button: Jump I've seen what looks like an upside-down Shoryuken (Hurricane Kick, or spinning flying kicking move thing for those who've had the misfortune to never play Street Fighter II), but I'm not sure how I made the Prince do it. The goal of this game is to get to the end of each stage. Defeat the enemies to earn powerups, and collect Rings to buy items and visit the Bonus Stages. When you reach the end of the stage, you'll have an option to go to the Bonus Round, buy a different weapon, or go to the casino to gamble for more Rings. At the end of every third level, you will have to fight a boss. Update: The Dragon Master will attack enemies and pick up items that he touches. To make him circle the Prince, hold Up and jump. While in the air and holding Up, press Down. The Dragon Master will continue to spin until he tires. Power-Ups: Banana - Refill 1/2 banana Banana Bunch - Refill banana meter to full. Flower - Increase vine length. Bird - ??? Mini-Dragon - Invulnerability (the Prince's cloth will flash). Prince - Extra life. Dragon Master - summon Dragon Master for assistance. Vines: The Prince can also grow vines if you hold Down and press B. He can then climb the vine, and if you jump off the top of the vine, the Prince can jump to distance places, both high in the air, and across large chasms. Bonus Game: It costs 30 Rings to take a cannon ride to the Bonus Island. Start - Starting location. HINT: If you get a bad roll, you can land on the Start space to roll again. You can also move back and forth between two spaces, if you're trying to land on a particular spot. Apple Core - Lose the bonus game. Banana, Prince, Clock, Fist - Scratch game. Try and scratch the three spaces with the prize. If you get it, you win an item. If you get even one eggplant, you lose. Boss - Take a quiz to win the Bonus Game, and receive one of the lost Treasures. Numbers 1 to 5 - Take a quiz with that many questions. Each of the first three treasures will also increase the maximum length of your life meter by one banana. Collect the last treasure to get the good ending to the game. Casino: It costs 20 Rings to start. You must guess if the roll of a die will be higher or lower than 5. If you're right, you gain 20 Rings. If you're wrong, you lose 20 Rings. If the die is a 5, you lose 20 Rings either way. Vending Machine: One banana costs 15 Rings. A banana bunch costs 30 Rings. A random powerup/weapon costs 50 Rings. Weapons: No projectile. Stone Axe Small Stars have very short range. King Axe - One small star. Magic - Two small stars. Grand Axe - Three small stars. Star Axe - Two stars in a wave motion. Spheres have better range. Capsule - One orb. Meteor - Two orbs. Small angle Crusher - Three orbs. Wide vertical range. Crescent waves have the best range. Cursed Axe - One wave. Flash - Two waves. Out and a little up. Mercury - Two waves, in a Y-shaped motion. King Ship - Three waves, in a Y-shaped motion. Fold - Two waves make a circular motion, then straight. ********************************************* Banana Prince (c) 1991 Soldout (c) 1991, 1992 Takara English Translation: (c) 2003 KingMike and Teary Eyes Anderson NO DISTRIBUTING THE PATCH WITH THE ROM. NO DISTRUBUTING THE PATCHED ROM!!