the SPOOKY KIDS hack posse presents: ------------------------------------ Musashi E. by twiggy, EvilAmoeba and MonsterTurtle      Musashi E is the SPOOKY KIDS' Musashi (a Japanese historical- fiction RPG) translation project.  twiggy started this game a few months ago, then stopped for a while due to fairly severe difficulties, but has recently started again after overcoming many of the several bugs (extending the English name from "Musa" to "Musashi" and cracking the weird programming of the menus).      For a while the translation was slowed by the lack of any real translator (i.e. EvilAmoeba, or twiggy with a dictionary), but with MonsterTurtle on board now, expect much faster progress. Feel free to distribute this ROM as along as you keep this .TXT file with it. _______________________________________________________________________ the SPOOKY KIDS hack posse - Musashi E. page - Send hate mail about Musashi E. to twiggy at Send hate mail to the posse at