Ys 2 Translation for the Famicom/NES 1997, 1998 - Ys Project http://members.xoom.com/ys_project/ Translation by Adol adol@arcademaster.com -=-=In this Archive=-=- Files in this archive: ys2e.txt ys2e.ips This archive may be redistributed provided that: 1) All files originally contained in this archive are present 2) No money is to be charged for it This archive may not be distributed on any shareware/compilation CDs without my prior written consent. -=-=Overview=-=- You may be asking yourself, "Why a translation of Ys 2?" The answer is complex, but easy to understand. The Ys series is one of the best Action/RPG series ever to appear on a gaming platform (and its appeared on many). Unfortunatly, the series was seldom seen in the United States. The only chapter to ever make it to a "mainstream" system was Ys 3, (appearing on the SNES and Genesis) which is arguably also the worst game of the series. Others were available but recieved little recoginition compared to their Japanese counterparts. So once again, "Why Ys 2?" Two Ys 2 translations already exists, however, there are some serious flaws in each (IMO, of course). The first translation appeared on the Turbo Grafx-16. It was incredible and many refer to it as the most offical version. Turbo Grafx-16 version ---------------------- Pros: -Incredible graphics (best of any platform) -CD Audio (for the best musical score as well) -Animated cut scenes with character speech Cons: -Not many people have a TG -Because of its CD format, it is not easily distributed like roms -Translation tends to be somewhat lame (constantly refering to monsters as "goons", etc.) and could be more accurate in a number of places. Several years later, a group called Oasis (the first game hacking/translating group to my knowledge) made a translation for Ys 2 for the MSX. Someone owning the Japanese version of the game could purchase a patch from them to convert the text to English. MSX version ----------- Pros: -Great graphics (almost on part with the TG version) -Accurate translation (much closer to the original than the TG version) Cons: -Not many people have an MSX -Large amount of spelling/grammar errors -Strange translation of many of the names -Charged money for the translation (not sure how much it cost, but I heard it wasn't cheap. Anyone know?) -MSX is a strange system, and many people have no interest in it because of its complexity. -=-=Goals=-=- -To produce a translation on a common, well-known system (Famicom/NES) -Remaining as faithful to the original version as possible while allowing English speakers to understand and enjoy it -Making the English translation look as professional as possible DISCLAMIER: The accuracy of this translation is not 100%, so do not expect it to be. Space for text is limited and adjustments are mandatory to fit everything in. I have no experience with ASM debugging/hacking/etc. to expand the space of the rom (anyone with experience who wants to has my consent to do so). My translation is based off both the TG and MSX version with numerous counter-references to the actual Japanese text. I do not know enough Japanese to do a literal translation of every sentance, but I am constantly checking to see that my text is as accurate as possible. Anyone who feels a passage is incorrect, feel free to e-mail ONLY if he/she can give me a more accurate translation that USES THE SAME AMOUNT OF SPACE. -=-=What's New=-=- Version .40 9-7-98 -Numerous cosmetic changes -100 of Ice Park translated -100% of Caves translated -100 of Divine Area translated -100% of Ruins translated (Note: This does not include the monsters' text when using the transform rod!) -99% of Rance Village translated -60% of Items translated Version .36 8-31-98 (Private beta) -95% of Rance Village translated -100%(?) of Ruins translated -30% of Items translated -30% of Divine Area translated Version .30 8-21-98 (Private beta) -AmonRa has left -Tuxedo Kamen/Adol resumes project by himself -90% of Rance Village translated -Item font finally added -20% of Items translated -Lots more story text translated -Various cosmetic changes Version .21 -Few cosmetic changes -Changed main font (much better) Version .2 -65% of Rance Village translated Version .1 -Initial Release -Patched main game font, shops font -Game menus translated -60% of Rance Village translated -1st half of intro translated -=-=Instructions=-=- Download both the Ys 2 Japanese rom and the Ys 2 IPS patch. Get yourself a program such as uCON or IPS (available on the Ys Project web site). Unzip everything into the same directory. Using uCON type: "ucon i ys2j.nes ys2e.ips" using IPS type: "ips ys2j.nes ys2e.ips" Now just run your newly translated rom in your favorite emulator. -=-=How You can Help=-=- I'm looking for the following things. If you can help, it will be greatly appreciated and you will recieve recoginition. -Translator: To translate occasional screens of text (not much). -Saved States: I could use some Nesticle save states for various points in the game. It saves me the trouble of replaying the entire game (I've ALREADY beaten it) and allows me more time for actual hacking. -Rom: I'm looking for a working rom of Ys 3 Japanese for the NES/Famicom ONLY. Mine has great graphical glitches. iNES format only PLEASE! -Pointers: I'm having some difficulty with the pointers in the rom. While not necessary, I'd like to be able to list the full item names. I've read several docs on pointers, but haven't exactly had the time to do all the necessary experimentation. -=-=Special Thanks=-=- AmonRa - For starting this project with me. Even though you left it, without you, I probably never would've started this SnowBro - For writing Hexpose and Tile Layer, two great NES utils necrosaro - For writing Thingy - the BEST translating util I've seen Zantagor - For encouragement and support. Without your nagging, I might have TOTALLY forgotten about it